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Vol 2 Chapter 1342: Victory is here?

The period between the end of 1520 and the beginning of 1521 was doomed to insecurity.

Because Guan Liyuan was "forgotten", many news did not reach him.

Not long ago, when the world government was weak, the navy was defeated, and the enemy was defeated, the five old stars were forced to "enable" the army's general marshal steel skeleton.

Although Air has always occupied the throne of the General Marshal of the army, ranking second only to the five old stars in the world government, but after Roger's arrest, the world government has been limiting the power of Air, especially in terms of military power, which can make it related to If the navy is isolated, it will not expose it to the navy.

It is as if in the original work, as the General Marshal of the entire army, Kong Qing recommended Qing Jun to be the Marshal of the Navy, but was dismissed by the faceless rebuttal ...

However, this time I saw that the situation could not be cleaned up, especially the appearance of the "true navy", which made the legitimacy of the world government's exercise of power on the sea greatly provoked.

And the performance of the Warring States Period is really unsatisfactory. Although there are local red dogs loyal to the world government, it is difficult to stir up anyway.

At this time, the inside of the eighteen nations of the mainland was not completely attentive, and even the "insurgency" that led the new army to peace was born, and the shadow of the agents of the eighteen nations was behind it ...

In addition, the army of the world government was not good at naval warfare, so in the end the Five Stars decided to reuse steel skeleton space.

After some interest exchanges, Kongcai finally released his mouth, saying that there was peace and chaos, and the new army was brought back to the holy place of Mary Joa-that is, the center of the world government's control of the sea!

And the navy also returned to the marshals to directly control ...

Immediately after the new army did not go to sea, the Warring States Period had already made an effort to regain the advance city and the judicial island, and Capu could only cling to the headquarters of Marin Fudo.

It wasn't that Governor Marin Fodor, Karp, was weak, but there was a hard gap between the strengths of the two sides.

In terms of quantity and quality, the manpower of the "true navy" is far inferior to that of the Warring States Period. Before that, it was only a wave of suffocation and morale was completely offline. A large number of Governors were registered by the world government. On the surface, the situation stabilized again. The Warring States Period After the leading navy was also repaired, this gap emerged.

After all, the manpower of the real navy is only left over when the Warring States conquers the Road Maintenance Alliance!

Moreover, in the top masters, it is also the naval headquarters of the Warring States Period. Karp and the Warring States Period are five to five. In the back of the Warring States period, there are major greens, alternates, and a series of lieutenant generals. There are only a few of them here. Lieutenant General ...

To say that it is to regain the advancement city and the judicial island, in fact, it is also because Cap knows the power gap, and did not dare to fight on the third line, but only intended to stick to Marin Fudo.

At the same time, they also called for help from the "true navy" in various places, and some navies who changed the flag of the real navy, gathered together constantly ...

However, the navies in these places not only have a cavity of blood, and their combat power is incomparable with that of the headquarters, but they are also difficult to rescue near fire.

There are also local navies that still support the original navy. For example, Smog, who is entrenched in the Kingdom of Carrez. Although there is suspicion of separatism, he wrote to the Warring States to express their support and blocked a lot of the lively new navy.

However, when Marin Fodor was teetering, the matter of Dresrosa broke out. The maritime situation was on the big side and gradually turned to the side of the revolutionary army. The offensive of the Warring States Period stopped!

In this regard, Guan Liyuan has a secret report ...

The cessation of the Warring States is not as simple as it seems. In fact, the Marshal of the Air ordered the Warring States to suspend the offensive. The Warring States was skeptical of the order of the air. They also sent a lieutenant general to Mary Joa, hoping that the Five Stars would give them independence and recover Marinford More power, even the Lieutenant General was detained!

If it was changed one year ago, the Warring States Period could completely ignore the weird orders of the old boss, and then cut it first and then lay down Marin Fodor.

However, now in the naval headquarters, there have been gradually dissatisfaction with the world government. After the Dresrosa incident, under the leadership of a certain young man, the lieutenant generals began to fail to work, but the Warring States can still be overwhelmed. Just live.

At this time, even the air marshal who represented the world government to control the navy said that he would stop. The warring states also wanted to bypass the air, for fear that some of them would not agree.

You need to know that the empty order is not just a phone call, but Zefa himself!

Regarding the prestige in the navy, Zefa was slightly lower than the Warring States, and it was also limited. The Warring States had no chance to continue to attack if they wanted to play silly.

The five old stars are a big mistake this time. If they believe in the Warring States, Marin Fudo may have been recaptured, but it will be difficult to recapture the power after leaving the air ...

At the urging of the five old stars, the new empty army not only did not intend to go to sea, but secretly ordered the Warring States to temporarily return to Dongcang Island!

At this point, even in the Shampiti Islands, near Maria Joaia, revolutionary forces have begun to appear ...

The nations of the sea that originally hated but dreaded the dragons, from nobles to civilians, after the world government fell into the downwind, the fire of resistance suddenly burned!

Although the Warring States suspected that Kong and Karp had a private connection, otherwise the real navy would start to sway around the city of advancement and the judicial island after receiving the withdrawal order by itself, but it did not take the initiative to attack-I will wait for you It looks like they are stationed again.

But the Warring States also had no power to return to the sky at this time, and more and more "Navies" became "True Navy", and the official order was to let him retreat. !!

One week after the Dresrosa incident, Guan Liyuan knew about the embarrassment of Marin Fodor, and one week after the Revolutionary Army's assistance, the Marin Fodor crisis has been lifted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Capu won again Judicial Island and Push City.

A week ago, after learning about the secrets of the Dragons at Guan Liyuan in Dresrosa, he also informed Dorag-because Guan Liyuan felt that this "secret" would greatly affect the revolutionary army's next decision!

On January 19, 1521, ten core cadres of the Revolutionary Army, including Guan Liyuan and Dorag, discussed how the Marin Fodor incident and the secrets of the Tianlong people would affect the future actions of the Revolutionary Army. How to drive the world government out of the sea as soon as possible, a person Guan Guanyuan did not expect, appeared in Dresrosa, and offered to meet Dorag ...

"Rob Lurch? Isn't that the commander of cp9? The Dragon Dragon's dog leg, what did you come to see Mr. Dorag?"

Kerla heard the news, and in the former Dresrosa Palace, saw that Saab was taking Lu Qi and passed in the direction of the council, muttered in confusion-unfortunately she was not a core cadre, Did not attend the meeting at all.

Not to mention Kerla, Guan Liyuan didn't know why Lu Qi came here at this time, but only knew that he certainly did not represent the world government!

Otherwise, with the well-informed members of the hidden members in Mary Joa, it is impossible for Lu Qi to come to Dresrosa without getting the news in advance.

It can be seen that Lu Qi came here in a very secretive way. On behalf of the world government, he should not hide so deeply.

Facts have proven that Guan Liyuan's speculation was correct. Lu Qi was visiting the revolutionary army on behalf of Steel Skeleton at this time, and the purpose was unexpected for Guan Liyuan. As the steel marshal of the General Marshal of the World Government, he proposed that he could interact with the Revolutionary Army Together, they "persuaded" the Five Stars and Tianlong people to give up their authority over the sea and Maria Joa and make a peaceful transition ...

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