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Vol 2 Chapter 1343: Cooperation

"Can Kong directly persuade the world government to make a peaceful transition? Wouldn't it be to shake us?"

"Not necessarily. The new empty army is now in Mary Joa. The contradictions in the countries of the Red Continent are too busy to take care of it. The world government has the possibility of concession!"

"But ... really want to let those Dragons out? Then how can we give an explanation to those victims?"

"The future is always more important than the past. The living talent is the future ..."

"If you can really make a peaceful transition, I think ... you can try it! After all, the world government is not completely incapable of counterattack. If we really want to die, there will be no small casualties, whether we or ordinary people."

"But do you really trust that emptiness? The condition is that after the formation of the new League of Nations, he will be the first speaker ..."

After Lu Qi left, the revolutionary army cadres in the council discussed enthusiastically.

In general, although there are still some doubts about the steel skeleton, this temptation of "victory is right in front of the eyes" does make everyone's brain congested!

After all, more than two years ago, after the Mary Joa incident, the revolutionary army was seriously injured. Even before more than half a year ago, there was a desperate gap between the revolutionary army and the world government ...

Suddenly the opportunity for the success of the revolution is in sight. How could the revolutionary army cadres not be excited?

It is unreliable to be able to continue sitting here and discuss the empty person. It is already the result of everyone's calmness!

After mentioning the position of the Speaker of the League of Nations, everyone looked at Dorag a bit awkwardly ...

This international alliance is something recently launched by the revolutionary army. The prototype is an alliance organization with several surrounding countries after controlling Dresrosa.

Nominally, any country or region in the sea is allowed to join, aiming to compete with the "world government" in name.

The "world government" in Pirate World is not a country, but it is similar to the existence of the alliance, but the control is much stronger than the alliance!

The League of Nations is also of the same nature. At present, in addition to Dresrosa and several surrounding countries, there are also many local forces that have originally displayed the Revolutionary Army signboard. After receiving the news, they have announced their joining.

Because of adopting the parliamentary system, naturally, the first Speaker of the Assembly is also Dorag. It is only because the first parliamentary meeting has not been held, and representatives of other countries cannot be gathered in a short time. Acting Speaker ".

Of course, all the cadres of the Revolutionary Army absolutely believe that Dorrag will not be greedy for power, but it is still a bit awkward to directly say that he supports short talks.

"If the world can be made better with less losses, I would like to be the first to support the Marshal Air as the first speaker of the first session!" Dorag said at this time.

Saab frowned, although he was the youngest core cadre of the Revolutionary Army present, but Saab was also the most sober at this time. The temptation of "early victory" did not make him lose judgment.

"Teacher, what do you think?" Saab asked Guan Liyuan, who had remained silent.

At this time, everyone was very excited. He was not good at pouring cold water, but if Guan Liyuan also felt that there was a problem, Saab would definitely support his teacher. If Guan Liyuan also felt that he could ... Then Saab could only convince himself that he was I think too much.

At this time, everyone else also looked at Guan Liyuan's revolutionary army to this day. The role played by Guan Liyuan is obvious to everyone. Even if Guan Liyuan is to be a large speaker, the support rate may not be lower than Dorag.

"I don't think ... can't try, but after all, Marshal Kong is a member of the world government. Even if he really wants to overthrow the world government, it may not turn the League of Nations into a second world government, so I can't believe it. I suggest using ' "Dresrosa is the new sacred place of the League of Nations," so that after taking office as the speaker, Kong moved its headquarters to Dresrosa. "Guan Liyuan said.

When the cadres of the Revolutionary Army heard the news, Saab thought about it, and then breathed a little sigh of relief ...

Although Guan Liyuan agreed to join forces with Steel Bone, he also retained countermeasures!

Dresrosa is undoubtedly a country close to the Revolutionary Army and resentful of world governments. With this place as the core of the new alliance, the Revolutionary Army can effectively monitor the steel skeleton.

In this way, the revolutionary army's No. 1 and No. 2 have accepted the empty proposal, and then only the details of the cooperation have been agreed ...

However, after a brief adjournment, Guan Liyuan stayed, and Dolag knew that he must have something to say.

"Do you think Field Marshal is reliable?" Dorag asked.

"I'm not familiar with him ... but your father seems to think he is reliable." Guan Liyuan said.

Yes, it can be seen from Karp ’s dynamics that the Governor Marin Fodor has reached a certain consensus with Steel Skeleton. After all, it is not surprising that the other party is Karp ’s old boss.

"After all ... the navy is still close to the world government, they just want a better world government." Dorrag said with some sigh.

"I've known for a long time that they are not the same with them, are they? They can 'help' us to make the current situation, it's pretty good." Guan Liyuan can see it openly.

Guan Liyuan and Dorrag have always been sober!

It seems that on the sea today, the revolutionary army is powerful, but ... the forces that really belong to the revolutionary army do not have even one tenth! Most of them are just pushing at the same time.

"So you don't believe in steel skeletons? If you are worried about the internal pressure of the Revolutionary Army, I can ..."

When Dorag was talking about half, Guan Liyuan shook his head. Obviously, Guan Liyuan understood that Dorag meant that if Guan Liyuan really opposed to joining with Steel Bone Air, Dolag could convince him with his opponents!

"No, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not .... what is the Speaker of the League of Nations? Can you really order this sea for you or for him? Don't give this position to the steel skeleton. Will his new army and navy explode in place?

This muddy water has been stirred up, and it is not so easy to regain peace. Even if it is announced that it is now joining the League of Nations, it will not really look at the parliament ’s leader. What we have to do now is to continue to build up strength. What will we do in the future? We are all more than retreat. Guan Liyuan said.

"Continue to accumulate strength? Then you also proposed that he come to Dresrosa?" Dorager wondered.

According to previous plans, the foundation of the revolutionary army is to solidify in the new world.

"Of course we have to propose, and only if he doesn't come after the proposal, can we have a reason to show our strength in the New World ... otherwise we can't always take the lead in opposing the League of Nations ourselves," Guan Liyuan said.

That's right, Guan Liyuan didn't even believe that the Steel Skeleton would come to the Revolutionary Army's site ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At that time, the Revolutionary Army also had reasons to question Steel Skeleton, and it also had a reputation to represent the "international alliance" in the New World.

Dorag then understood the meaning of Guan Liyuan. After a long time, Guan Liyuan didn't think that everything would be a success after he turned over the world government. Even if the world government was out early, he continued to train his muscles and fists. Important!

"But ... Im's story must be made clear, or he wants to force Tianlong to abdicate, I'm afraid it's still difficult." Dorrag said.

In terms of the situation, the world ’s government is basically cold at this time, and the Celestials of Maria Joia have been shut down by the new army.

However, if the Dragon Card's "card" is not noticed, there is a chance that the boat can be flipped ...

"After that, we split up in three ways ... you go to Mary Joa and participate in the negotiations that forced the five-star and Tianlong people to abdicate, so that Saab took Ace and went to find a white beard. … Go to Cake Island and talk to BigM. "Guan Liyuan thought of Tianlong's card, and he had some toothache.

Of course, even more toothaches are still behind ... such as Baby-5 is now blocked at the gate of the palace.

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