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Vol 2 Chapter 1702: Into the eternal flower

"Mingming, Thunder, you help Yipertal! You must not let it approach Nekrozma!"

Arceus asked the four patron saints and the three sacred beasts to subdue the subject of Sidolan, together to fight Nekrozma alone.

As for Kegelde, at this time, it still needs to slowly merge. I saw that it is an independent core first, and gradually combines the cells to form a dog-shaped Pokémon. Then, many dog-shaped Kegelde are fused and combined More Kegelde cells began to form serpentine Kegelde ...

Xiao Ai was already lurking into the "Eternal Flower" with Guan Liyuan's voice.

Previously, Deletta also took Ge Jihua and hid in the "Eternal Flower". There was a way to temporarily stop powering Sidorane.

Alzeus alone in the battle against Necrozma is also completely suppressed, even if its energy is almost unlimited, and there is almost invincible defense, under the iron hoof of Alzeus (Alzeus: ????) still only trembling ... ...

Thousands of years ago during that war, it was Alzeus who prevailed, but because its defense was too strong and it almost ignored the attack damage, it needed the cooperation of other gods and beasts to push it to the limit.

In the recent encounter, Nekrozma did not recover a few points. If it was not for liberating Hupa, he shot it away and saved it, I am afraid that he will kneel again ...

At this time, Nekrozma parasitized all the sons of Sidorane in order from weak to strong, and quickly recovered 70% to 80% in strength. Although Alzeus did not win it for a while, he was never an opponent.

Once Kidder has gathered enough to form a "complete body" of cores and cells, he can join Alzeus to take it down!

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Ai also rushed into the "Eternal Flower" at this time. This "tower" was the strongest weapon of the giants. Naturally, there was an entrance, but it was usually hidden. Now only Deleta knew to open it. Approach.

Before Deleta wanted Guan Liyuan to come in with him, so he did not close the entrance ...

The "first floor" of the eternal flower has nothing. Only the stairs to the second floor can be seen, and beside the staircase entrance, a Sidolan that is pressed by the "rock seal" ...

"Well? There are schisms inside?" Guan Liyuan muttered.

"But the strength is not strong, just similar to the outermost." Xiaoai said.

Deletta's super-energy Pokémon, in this area of ​​distortion of strength, can play a stronger strength than the third-rate beast.

Although this strength is not enough in the presence of Nekrozma, there is nothing wrong with dealing with these "weaker" Sidroyan children.

Guan Liyuan and Xiaoai chased after each other, and Xi Duo Lan En found along the road also became stronger and stronger ...

Until the eighth floor, I saw several super-energy Pokémon of Deleta, plus he himself has already picked up the Shield Sword Monster as a weapon, and is fighting against eight Sidorans-two of them are Second-rate beasts, six are just third-rate beasts.

Ge Jihua also released her six Pokémon to help at this time, but she only fought and interfered one or two.

After little love came up, this solved the problem of one of the second-rate **** beast Xiduolan En ...

The other lone tree was difficult to support, but it was also poked by the distortion symbol bird with a stick above his head, and eventually was frozen.

Deleta gradually returned to his usual height, and said to Guan Liyuan, "The upper floor is the control room. If it works, you can pause the equipment and remove the super energy."

Deletta's previous plan was to take advantage of Ipertal and Deocisian to entangle Sidorane, and then take in the super energy directly. Later, Sidorane is no longer infinite energy. Naturally, it is not the opponent of Ipeltal and Deocisis!

A group of people came to the ninth floor. There is no Xiduolan here, only the various control devices that are dark in technology when they look around ...

And Deleta then ripped off his clothes, revealing the iron-core energy core on his chest-this should be the super energy transplanted by Deleta, and also the highest key to control these devices!

At the same time, when Alzeus chased all the way outside, when Necrozma could only rely on absolute defense to support it, Kilgold also had enough cores and cells, incarnation like the Emperor Dragon Armor Warrior. "Complete body" looks!

Kiegeld scattered the two major areas of Carlos and Arora, originally to monitor the strange beasts, and now the black hands behind the disaster of the strange beasts are here, and other powerful beasts are also in the Carlos mountain moorland. Surrounded by a lot of Beasts, Kegelde has no worries about focusing on most of the core.

"Abominable ..." Nacrozma wanted to escape when he saw this, but at this time, the space of the loop had not been rotated to the "exit" cycle, and he couldn't get out at this time!

The house leak happened to be the night rain ... At this moment, the eternal flower extinguished, and I saw that whether it was the main body of Sidoran or the strongest child that was parasitized, all of a sudden felt "empty."

"Abominable, abominable!" Nekrozma felt unlucky.

If there were no giants "troubled", the super-energy that constitutes the eternal flower at this time should have been integrated with Sidoran, instead of being interrupted as it is now.

Of course, the "interruption" is only temporary, and Deletta has also informed Guan Liyuan at this time that such forced "interruption" cannot last for too long.

The "Eternal Flower" effect is not to turn on the radiation of super energy, but to bundle it up-the radiation that once enveloped the entire Carlos and Alora was collected in such a small range, so it performed extremely Strong.

Once closed for a long time, although Sidorane cannot draw strength from it for the time being, at the same time, because the radiation weakens, the space here will gradually be restored-the tragedy of the end of the giant civilization will be repeated, and the huge radiation will cover Piece continent!

Although the radiation here is not as strong as this, or even less than the distortion field formed by the small meteorite's self-explosion, it will actually reduce the evolution rate of Pokémon.

The reason why the "Eternal Flower" will be exiled here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also the emergency procedure that Deleta started that year ...

At this time, the weakening of the radiation also made the space here gradually return to normal. It is estimated that it will return to the original space in a few days. The opening speed of Little Hupa's wormhole is getting faster.

Nekrozma is under the weakening of Sidolan, and is no longer an opponent of Alzeus and Kiegelde, but it also makes Nekrozma see the hope of escape-continue to weaken, liberate Hu Pa's space capabilities can play a role here directly.

Although liberating Hupa has not been out of trouble, it is still possible to help Necrozma open a wormhole!

But just before another wormhole opened, Lauras and Fire-breathing Dragon had already rushed through the wormhole of Little Hupa.

At the same time, a huge dragon claw stretched out of Little Hupa's wormhole ...

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