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Vol 2 Chapter 1703: Conquer Pokémon for the first time in the United District



"Just a little ..."

In the sound of regret, Necrozma escaped!

Sure enough, after the interference of space weakened, Liberation Hupa was able to lock Nekrozma's position.

After Liberation Hupa was sealed by Alzeus in the sealed space, it was impossible to open the wormhole to the outside world. However, Nekrozma did not know what hands and feet were moved, so that Liberation Hupa could open the wormhole around it and respond to his return. Seal the space.

The original small flashes, crickets, Laplace, and fire-breathing dragons have been transferred, and the old card also stretched out a hand, ready to use the "Five Spirit Seal Town" and seal the Necrozma ...

It did indeed succeed at the beginning. Underneath the seal, Necrozma was already having a hard time moving around. Alzeus could destroy the wormhole that liberated Hupa.

However, at this moment, the "Five Spirits Sealed Town" suddenly appeared erroneous, and Nekrozma "sucked" and returned to the wormhole!

However, Nekrozma did not take anything away, and the previously parasitic Sidorane was forced to remain in the seal.

Guan Liyuan also saw in the previous scene that the "Five Spirits Sealed Town" was not completely collapsed, but that the five spirits were not in harmony, which led to the discovery of loopholes in Necrozma ...

[Sure enough ... without my Fa phase as a unified force, just by flashing them, the five spirits cannot be balanced ... The old card's power is too strong, and the fire-breathing dragon's power is weaker ...] Guan Liyuan muttered.

At this time, Deletta did not care about the outside, but rode a symbolic bird to the core of the "Eternal Flower" and took off a "super energy".

If viewed from top to bottom, there are dense, crystal-like crystals at the core of the eternal flower. These are the super-energy of the "eternal flower". As for the "flower" itself, it is the control organ that is created.

Taking just one piece will not have much impact on the "Eternal Flower".

Alzeus was also very melancholic at this time, and finally managed to squat to Nekrozma again, but he still escaped!

And now it is certain that Nekrozma has reached an alliance with Liberation Hupa, and has the ability to attract himself with wormholes, that is to say ... his escape ability has been greatly improved!

The only good news is that this time it forced it to give up the host again, and it would take a long time if it wanted to recover ... unless it had a similar arrangement like Sidolan, which can help it recover quickly.

After referring to the opinions of Alzeus, Deleta opened the "Eternal Flower" again.

Without the end of the "Eternal Flower", allowing such a large amount of super energy to return to ordinary space, Al Zeus could not handle it ...

If the old world is still barren now, it can be thrown there first, but ... Now the old card is being planted with interest, although it is still a barren in general, but there is some green expansion in the old card, but absolutely No one will be allowed to bring such dangerous things over.

However, all the Sidolens were forcibly taken away by Alzeus, and Kegelde also left a few cores here. When Kegelde tried, ten cores formed the serpentine Kegelde. You can use "Gas Field Destruction" to temporarily open a three-meter-square radiation-free area here, and then Xiao Hupa can quickly open the wormhole within this range!

Deocisis was probably the only one present who wished-Nekrozma or something. It had nothing to do with him, he just wanted to get super energy and help his companion recover.

The core of the other generation of Ochsis, after the integration of super energy, immediately regenerate the body part. The two generations of Ochsis, when they sighed and sighed, shone while holding hands in the air. In circles ...

"Are they the Sky Invaders as they are called?" Alzeus looked up silently.

Although I saw these two guys, they were not intruders, but ... Alzeus basically understood why the split-seat attacked them-not only did they not look like good people, but they were indeed embarrassing!

"Ahem, they just ... don't know much about the atmosphere," Guan Liyuan explained embarrassingly.

Not to mention such difficult things as "looking at the atmosphere". The current generation of Ochsis communicates with people, at most they only understand each other five or six minutes, and it is a little more complicated.

Although he quickly mastered human language, the logic is still not the same as other creatures!

"The cracked seat seems to have some misunderstandings with them ..." Guan Liyuan said to Arceus.

"Well," Alzeus nodded, a look he didn't understand.

"Some misunderstanding ..."

"Well, yes."

"I mean ... can you help me mediate?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

"Reconciliation? This requires them to go by themselves ... I will also speak to the Fissure Seat," said Alzeus.

In fact, Guan Liyuan misunderstood ... Alzeus had no affiliation with divine beasts, especially first-class divine beasts. Most of them just bought her face.

I really want to obey her arrangements, one is the four patron saints of Alora, borrowed the pokemon that broke through the slate, and the old world, under her guidance, evolved into the Pokémon of the beast.

For example, Kegelde is the first dragon-type beast guided by Alzeus to evolve. As a "traitor" of the dragon race, although Kegelde is now in the beast, second only to Alzeus, he is still very convinced of Alzeus. ...

The Phoenix King, as the big-mouthed bird that guided the evolution of Alzeus, will execute as long as it is not too much a request. Now the King of the Phoenix is ​​on the side of the mountain and marsh area. Before that, he squatted with Alzeus and Necrozma, and the three holy beasts. It was Pokémon led by the Phoenix King, and naturally came along.

In contrast, the three great ancestors only admire Alzeus. They evolved into the beasts themselves, and are the first beasts to enter the new world and conform to the rules. The strength of the split-seat seat is similar to that of Kegelde. Oka and Gurato are also stronger than the average first-class gods ...

On the contrary, Ochsis, in the first-class **** beast, should also be regarded as the weakest one, because they are not the **** beasts that open up a new world, without any rules.

Most of the first-class divine beasts are divine beasts with fusion rules. Among the second-class divine beasts, there are also some fusion rules, but most of them are not exclusive rules.

But after all, Alzeus had already recognized the identity of the **** beast of Ochsis.

Deocisis is also very grateful to Guan Liyuan and Deleta, but ... still did not agree to sign a contract with Guan Liyuan, but agreed to travel with Guan Liyuan first.

Just then ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ From the first house in the world, Xiao Hupa sent a special elven ball prepared by the United League for him ...

After that, Guan Liyuan will also participate in the United League game. These elves can prove that he only uses Pokémon in the United Region!

The United League is also unaware that Guan Liyuan is already in United and has also been sent to the first house in the world.

After Guan Liyuan took a look, he took two elven **** from the inside and "conquered" the two generations of Ochsis ...

Location "Desert in the North of the United District", Deocesis ... getdaze!

"Conquer Pokémon for the first time in the United District!" Guan Liyuan said with a spirit and raised the elf ball.

Alzeus could not help but see his eyes trembling ...

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