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Vol 2 Chapter 1704: Set off! United Travel!

"House Owner, have you arrived in the United District?"

"Yes, yes, because of some urgent matters, came directly, did not go to the airport, port ..."

"It doesn't matter, when the house owner goes to the city of entry, it is enough to make up an entry and exit record ... The house owner has already deserted the northern part of the country and conquered two United Pokémon?"

"Yes, you don't need to record the kind, right?"

"No need ..."

Guan Liyuan said a few more words before turning off the dialogue machine.

Sure enough, Guan Liyuan has just conquered Pokémon with the United's Elf Ball, and the people in the United League will know immediately!

They didn't know before, Guan Liyuan came to the United District ...

In the Pokémon World, although various regions are affiliated with different "alliance" organizations, visas and the like are not required to communicate with each other, but as Pokémon trainers, immigration will have records on their trainer's book.

Guan Liyuan is strictly speaking "illegal entry" this time, but originally there were no too deadly rules in this regard, so the United Alliance only came to contact while Guan Liyuan was resting in the town's Pokémon center. Asking—Guan Liyuan naturally showed his trainer's book at the Pokemon Center.

Although the communication signals of the Pokémon World are harder to spread to the world than other technologies, and it is almost impossible to communicate wirelessly in the wild, cities, towns, and towns can still communicate without hindrance.

In addition, when Guan Liyuan used the United's Elf Ball to conquer Pokémon, it already recorded the location, time and ... whether the Pokémon has been conquered before, at the Pokémon Center. When doing elf care, this information is passed to the Pokemon Center's equipment.

As a key concern, Guan Liyuan suddenly came to Hezhong, and also subscribed to the news of two Pokémon at one time. Naturally, it attracted the attention of Hezhong Alliance ...

At this point, two of the four kings of the United Alliance, as well as some members of the parliament, were discussing what Pokémon Guan Liyuan had conquered.

"It's a desert in the north ... and it's far into the desert? How could you go there ..."

"Can it be found?"

"You can look it up ... but in a desert cave in the north, is it a rogue crocodile?"

"It could also be a dragon gopher or a rock monster."

"In fact, it may not be inside the cave, if you are outside ... the ancestor bird has been found in the northern desert, although ... it is rare."

At this time, sitting in one of the main positions, the man who looked a little sullen, envious, and pale, said, "Before he did not use these two Pokémon battles, it is best not to guess easily, don't forget After the idiots of Carlos ... also Boscodora? Hehe ... "

That's right, "Not long ago" in the Pokémon World. At the Carlos contest, everyone believed that Pokémon Guan Liyuan had not used was Boscodora ... As a result, Guan Liyuan pulled out the core of Kegeld!

Thinking of this, everyone smiled, and no longer curious to guess what Pokemon Guan Liyuan conquered-guessing is useless, this kind of thing can only be determined by seeing it with your own eyes!

At the same time, Guan Liyuan, who had been resting for one night at the Pokémon Center, set off for the return to Ssangyong ...

The northern desert, whether it is a human-populated town or a Pokémon density, is lower than the core area in the southeast. Guan Liyuan's trip will also start from Ssangyong City in the north of the core area ...

However, Guan Liyuan did not let Xiao Hupa send him back directly.

Training trips are also part of Pokémon training. Be ceremonial!

Now that there are no more important issues at this time, Guan Liyuan is not ready to pass through the wormhole ...

I am Guan Liyuan. As the owner of the first house in the world, the champion of the two regions, the master of Pokémon training, known as Bingqingyujie ... Even if I am lost for a month, die in a cave, starve to death in the forest, I will Take this shortcut!

It is said that Guan Liyuan, who has been "trained" in the main world for a long time, does not differ from "travel" in the main world. In the main world, he had to open his eyes when he wanted to sleep.

However, Guan Liyuan was still a little accustomed to this time, because ... he was alone this time.

After the "Eternal Flower" incident, Deleta seemed to be looking for something, and continued her journey, saying that she was going to Fengyuan area. After being rejected by Ge Jihua, she returned to Carlos in anger. ...

But ... Guan Liyuan saw the two of them leave, it seemed, seemed, probably ... saw that Ge Jihua was transferred to Fanba City before the Pokémon train was about to leave!

Fanba City is a united western port city. If you return to Carlos, you should go to the east port. The west ... Go to Fengyuan and go to the west port, right?

Xiaoxia said that she wanted to travel to Hezhong for a long time, but she only expected to meet in Ssangyong.

"Well? This exploding buffalo seems to be suffering from heatstroke ... I'll take it!"

Guan Liyuan was walking, and suddenly heard the voice of a long-lost human being, and ... a deep snoring.

At this point Guan Liyuan was successful, and came to some green places, not exactly deserts, but there were no tall trees, at least some bushes suitable for Gobi growth.

This sound should sound like a young girl, in the direction of a pile of chaotic forest.

Followed by the voice, I saw a little girl with her hair tied into dozens of small braids, wearing ... a very ethnic girl, crumbling and tempting on the brink of death—in front of her was a It only looks like a Pokémon of a cow, but the double horns are extraordinarily huge, and in addition ... there is an explosive mane!

The little girl was trying to use an elf ball to conquer this "sleeping buffalo" ...

"Wait! The exploding buffalo is very dead, but when she falls asleep, the success rate is very low, and she has a bad temper and is still social ..."

"Ah? Who are you?" The little girl realized that Guan Liyuan turned her arm muscles while turning her head, and she had already pressed the button of the elf ball.

Guan Liyuan hadn't finished speaking yet, and saw that the beam of rays had been shot from her poke ball, but the exploding buffalo as the target, instead of being unconquered, opened his eyes violently after being photographed ...

Pokémon's "sleeping dead ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~" like a buffalo and a circle bear are different from a sleepy beast. Instead, they can be replaced by a sleepy beast. Because it didn't respond!

And for an explosive buffalo, such a move would only irritate it!

"Boom! Blast!" The head of the buffalo has stood up, his forefoot ground on the ground.

This is not important. What is important is that the sounds of "burst, blast, blast" and hoof honing came from one after another, and one buffalo exploded from behind the surrounding gravel ...

"Ah! You awakened the exploding buffalo of heatstroke!" The braid girl said in a sue.

Guan Liyuan: ...

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