Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1705: New companion

? Hezhong area, the northern desert, the frontiers of heaven and earth, hordes of exploding buffaloes, ran out of the sky ...

Behind them, on the sand below a huge rock, there is a small hole dug down along the edge of the rock. If you look closely ... there are still two people hidden inside!

"I'm ... the exploding buffalo awakened by you, has it passed?" Said the girl with a whip, shaking the pan.

"Ha? You obviously don't even know the habit of exploding buffalo, so you travel to the desert ..." Guan Liyuan said silently.

"Who said, I don't know? I'm here to test it! Practice is the only criterion for testing truth!" The braid girl forced a test and turned to a gray crocodile with dark circles, "Black-eyed crocodile, thank you Now! "He touched his head.

Obviously, unlike ordinary female Pokémon trainers, Pokémon of reptiles and insects will have some mustards for reasons of preference.

As for the black-eyed crocodile in front of him, it was exactly Pokémon that Guan Liyuan encountered along the way.

Instead of "adopting" but "adopting", black-eyed crocodile can evolve into a crocodile and a rogue crocodile in turn, all of which are "evil + ground" dual lines, smarter and more overbearing in character ...

The black eyed crocodile adopted by Guan Liyuan belongs to the low individual value, and even after the accurate calculation of the race value calculator on the forum, even the race value is 2 points lower than the ordinary black eyed crocodile-only 290 points!

Generally, the weaker Pokémon is that the individual correction rate is less than 90%. If the race value is lower than the overall level, it means that its offspring will also be affected.

However, regardless of the individual correction rate or racial value, Guan Liyuan does not seem to be anything. When encountering this little crocodile bullied by other black-eyed crocodile and crocodile crocodile, Guan Liyuan felt that it was thick and honest, just like himself. So he saved it and decided to "adopt" it as his initial Pokémon in the United District!

Although the black-eyed crocodile needs to be level 31 to learn to dig, while Guan Liyuan's black-eyed crocodile is only 10, but ... the black-eyed crocodile's special ability is to lurk in the sand.

So although it can't be as deep as a "burrow", there is no problem in forming a sheltered space on the sand below the rocks.

These explosive buffaloes are similar to iron-armored rhinos. When they run, they easily forget their targets. They just run away in shock, and jump directly when they encounter this rock, as long as they don't pay attention to hide ...

"Do you only have this black-eyed crocodile? Are there any other Pokémon? Are you also a ground trainer?" After the braid girl climbed out of the pit, Lian Zhu asked Guan Liyuan like a cannon.

"No, this is my initial Pokémon ... Say you don't know me?" Guan Liyuan was still very confident about his popularity.

"Are you famous? Is it a great trainer?" The braid girl said, looking at the black-eyed crocodile, and felt wrong-how could a great trainer, initially Pokemon, have not evolved yet?

"It's ... a great breeder, this time coming to Hezhong area, ready to use only Pokémon in the Hezhong area to conquer." Guan Liyuan said.

"Breeder? I seem to have heard from my brother and sister ... Outsiders, as well as those who ask others to take care of themselves, are your breeder's way of making money?" The braid girl said with a frown.

"Do you mean trust training? This is also one of the main projects of ordinary breeding houses, but my breeding house has no time to engage in any kind of trust business. It is all about nurturing and breeding Pokémon by myself, and then ..."

"Sell it later?" The braid girl said more unhappyly.

"No, help them find the right trainer later." Guan Liyuan said not the official tone.

If the first house in the world wants to "sell" Pokémon, I am afraid that the trainer of the Heavenly King class will be impressed, but in fact, it is not a matter of money to want the Pokémon in the first house in the world. hope!

The girl with braids heard this, and then she stunned slightly, "That's almost ..."

Seeing this, Guan Liyuan couldn't help asking queerly: "Are you ... the trainer of the evasion tribe?"

As mentioned earlier, there are a lot of tribes in the United District who are unwilling to integrate too much into the outside world-although their trainers will also travel, they are still living in ways of getting along with Pokemon. They are all "quaint".

The most famous of these is the "Land of the Dragon", known as the Holy Land of the Dragon System.

"Yes! I'm from the Mother Earth Village. My name is Ada. How about you?" Ada asked.

"My name is Guan Liyuan." Guan Liyuan also understood at this time, why the other party did not know himself.

Probably only the girls who came out of this place would easily believe what Guan Liyuan said.

"Guan Liyuan ... aren't you a trainer in the United District?" Ida asked.

Guan Liyuan didn't know. She heard it from her name or she could see it from the outside, but she still answered, "Well, I'm ... a Kanto. I've traveled to Carlos before."

There are many people in the United District, such as Aida in front of her, dark wheat-colored skin, and long legs.

"Carlos? Have you ever seen Kegelde? I heard that Kegelde of Carlos can be transformed into countless cores and cells, distributed all over the place ... The murals in the village and the appearance of Kegelde. , Like a giant in myth. "Ida asked curiously.

"Well, I ... have seen some Kegelde cores." Guan Liyuan said very modestly that he had not subdued one.

Aida heard it, and was more interested in talking about Guan Liyuan's affairs about Kegeld.

Mother Earth Village ... sounds like a village advocating "ground system" Pokémon. No wonder the black eyed crocodile who is not pleasing in appearance is so interested, and when I heard that Guan Liyuan had been to Carlos, he asked about the ground system Divine beast things.

Talking about it, Ada's topic returned to the black-eyed crocodile, and some uneasy said to Guan Liyuan: "Your black-eyed crocodile ... may not be well developed, but you have to know that for Pokemon Qualification is not everything, there is no indisputable Pokémon, there is only an irresponsible trainer! As long as you train and cultivate afterwards ... "

Ida obviously feels that she has been chatting with Guan Liyuan for so long ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not easy to hide, but also worried that after she said, the "bredger" in front of her might give up the black-eyed crocodile.

"I know that when I adopted Little Black Eyes, I knew that its individual correction rate was low and its racial value was also defective ... But I am a breeder, of course, I know how to make up for its shortcomings. Guan Liyuan said, looking up. The little black eyes rising up scratched his neck.

Ida was relieved—she heard her brothers and sisters say that there were some trainers outside, good or bad, and she would use Pokémon because of her qualifications ...

Originally, Ada had already done it. After Guan Liyuan savagely abandoned the black-eyed crocodile, she temporarily took the order and prepared to send the black-eyed crocodile back to the village.

"Although you don't think you look ... keke, you are pretty good! That girl made an exception and pointed to your ground training Pokémon!" Aida said with relief.

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