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Vol 2 Chapter 1716: I, Ada, ground trainer

Scorpio, like a bat and a scorpion, was lazily lying in a crack in the stone. Even if Ida praised it for being "cute", she just glanced at her with a wink.

"If you want to subdue Pokémon, it's best to have a one-on-one matchup and let the little cutes try it?" Guan Liyuan proposed to the side.

The big pig's hoof has just passed through the growth period. Should it be around 5? In short, it is definitely not Scorpio's opponent.

Although the little cute was not trained in the first house in the world, and the level was not high, there were only more than 20 levels, but her qualifications were placed outside the first house in the world, which is definitely a rare wizard, electric flying squirrel. White Rich Rat.

This wild Scorpio has a level similar to that of the little cute. The scorpion ’s race value is not much different from that of the electric flying squirrel. The fighting ability should be the little cute, but the Scorpio is a "ground + flying" dual system. The ground is immune to the electric system and flying Immune to the ground system-attributes completely restrain the electric flying squirrel!

However, if Ada wants to conquer Scorpio, he can also try it, but he cannot use his own skills to attack ...

"No, I'll try it myself!" Aida said.

"Ha?" Guan Liyuan suspected he had heard wrong.

I saw Ida approached Scorpio a little bit like this ...

"Although Scorpio is not a genus of poisonous department, it will also be a lot of poisonous moves and be careful." Guan Liyuan reminded.

Although Pokemon's toxins rarely cause human death, they are really contaminated, and it is very possible to faint and swell for a few days.

Ida carefully reached out her finger to Scorpio, but before touching it, Scorpio waved the pliers impatiently, and Ida quickly retracted her hand.

However, she still did not give up, and took out a few Pokémon snacks made by her, which are ground-based, and began to seduce Scorpio ...

In the beginning, Scorpio ate the snack directly, but when Ida wanted to touch it, she was still impatient and even attacked.

After that, Ada continued to take out snacks ...

After a few back-and-forth saws, Ada has been able to touch the back of the other side while Scorpio is eating. Although Scorpio will still impatiently use pliers to stop it, there is no additional toxic force, and some are "half-push half" a feeling of.

Of course, this is not possible with snacks alone, mainly because Ida's "Heart of the Earth" has an extraordinary appeal to the Pokémon on the ground.

Guan Liyuan was also very puzzled about Ada's "Heart of the Earth ..."

Because of professional integration, Guan Liyuan can also use white eyes in the Pokémon world at this time-but the perception is far less than the stronger Pokémon, but he has a stronger observation ability.

At this time behind Aida, Guan Liyuan's pupils gradually faded, and at the same time ... in Guan Liyuan's perspective, he can already see the special gas field transpired by Ada's "Heart of the Earth".

It's true that the heart of the earth is right, but ... why, besides Scorpio, even the little cute and big pig's hoof seem to be attracted by this kind of aura?

On the contrary, Guan Liyuan's little black eyes are completely unaffected?

Looking at the properties of this invisible gas field, it is indeed the "heart of the earth" ...

After a long while, Ida was able to touch the tail from the top of Scorpio's head, following the hard shell on his back.

After touching the tail a few times, I would still hesitate, this time directly touching the tip of Scorpio's tail-that is, the stinger!

Although Scorpio would also shake its tail when it first encountered the stinger, it did not really go to sting.

After a while, Guan Liyuan discovered that the Scorpio had been rolling and let Ada touch it ...

In the end, Ada successfully defeated this Scorpio in a non-head-to-head style!

"Success!" Ida took the Elf Ball who conquered Scorpio, and hurriedly gestured a victory gesture to Guan Liyuan.

"Amazing, Scorpio is not a docile Pokémon, and was actually successfully conquered in this way." Guan Liyuan praised.

Scorpio is also known as a "face-embracing scorpion", which is not large in size. When fighting large Pokémon, the most common method is to open the pair of pliers, use the sliding wings to pounce on the face, and then hug the opponent's face Sting with a stinger ...

"Of course! The earth and Pokémon are interlinked!" Ada swelled a little.

Actually ... if it is so easy, when Guan Liyuan first met her, he would not be chased by a buffalo!

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but add: "Scorpio ... also has flying attributes."

"What do you mean?" Ada couldn't deceive himself anymore, and the aggrieved cry.

"Ahem ... just to remind you of the main points of training in the future, nothing else!" Guan Liyuan said quickly.

That's right, Ida's heart of the earth, I don't know why ... Always get a special relationship with Pokémon of the "Flight Department"!

Guan Liyuan would like to advise her, otherwise she would go to “hook up” the flight department Pokémon in the future-but just think about it, really say it, I ’m afraid it will be scratched ... This is Aida, the ground department Trainer, the last stubborn!

It may be that Guan Liyuan's relentless debunking made Aida depressed, or it may be that after conquering Scorpio, Ada was satisfied and did not subdue other Pokémon, but the eyes of occasional resentment made Guan Liyuan extremely unbearable.

More than two hours later, something that finally caught Ada's attention appeared ...

"Well? There's a big stone ball here!" Ada walked around and found that the wall of the cave had a range of almost two meters in diameter, as if covered with barnacles.

Each of the navy blue prototype particles has a pale yellow hexagonal opening in the middle, which is dense and can stimulate people with dense phobia.

Of course, the nature growing in the cave is not barnacles, but a dense stone ball, which is adhering to the mineral power inside it.

The single stone ball looks like an approximately spherical navy blue stone, with two gray stones below as feet, and a strip of gray stone on the head standing upright, with a hexagonal, light yellow edge hole in the middle of the body ——This is Shi Wanzi's ear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and its only sensory organ.

Although not as sensitive as Ocesis, Ishimaru can also hear various signals, not only sound waves ...

"It's still new-born stone balls, there may be precious ore behind it." Guan Liyuan said.

This body is made of inorganic metal and rock Pokémon. Many of them are "edible" minerals, and they are similar to the breeding method of small magnets. They are assimilated minerals for future generations ...

"Don't get too close. These stone **** should have just been born in the past two days. Wild Pokémon doesn't like humans to be close to newborns," Guan Liyuan reminded.

But it was still one step late, just listening to the sound of a rock collision coming from the side road ... ()

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