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Vol 2 Chapter 1717: Simple way

"Mantle! Mantle!"


I saw seven or eight mantle rocks. At this time, they appeared in the side road. They were angry and surrounded Guan Liyuan and Aida, and made a sound of alert.

The body of the mantle rock is also navy, but it is not like Shi Wanzi, but only a few more gray rocks, but from the entire body, three sections of the same navy blue rocks are extended to make limbs ... Abu It is three limbs, and there are orange rocks at the end. The body is also inlaid with this orange rock. The number of "ears" has also changed from one to two.

Mantle rock is the evolutionary form of Ishimaru, and if mantle rock evolves again, it will become a pangyan monster. At that time, the structure of pupils will be formed in its "ears", and it will become an organ mainly receiving light waves for storage The orange crystals of energy will also be more and redder-Deleta has a Pangyan monster.

"Calm, we are not trying to be detrimental to your children." Guan Liyuan appeased.

"They still seem angry ..." Ada said worriedly.

Guan Liyuan at this time slowly breathed a sigh of relief, then closed his eyes.

"Well? Are you giving up? Is it too early?" Ida was surprised.

Guan Liyuan's spiritual communication has three ways of connection in the Pokémon world-one is through the rune of the contract, the other is physical contact, and the third is that Guan Liyuan himself enters a meditation state and diffuses his spirit.

The first needless to say, it is only effective for Pokémon who has signed a contract, and between two and three ... Now the mantle rocks are emotional, and it is not a good idea to rush into contact.

Now that Guan Liyuan just wants to radiate his spirit, he no longer needs to sit cross-legged and can enter the state even when standing ...

After a wave of mental fluctuations erupted, Guan Liyuan's voice sounded directly in their hearts in a form that mantle rock could understand.

At the same time, the idea of ​​mantle rocks was directly received by Guan Liyuan ...

The words of the mantle rock, although they did not master the language, are different from the original generation of Ocesis, and they are logically communicable, and do not need to "become docile again".

In Ada's view, the mantle rocks suddenly calmed down a lot and surrounded Guan Liyuan as if communicating with him.

After half a while, when Guan Liyuan opened his eyes, although the mantle rocks were still in front of the stone balls, and Guan Liyuan and Ada were not allowed to approach, there was no other hostile action.

"The misunderstanding was finally explained clearly ..." Guan Liyuan was also relieved.

"Eh? You ... Do you have the legendary" Flying Power "?" Aida was surprised.

"You can also say that." Guan Li's vision was not strange, not the first time, and was mistaken for "the power of Bird".

To some extent, the power of spiritual communication is similar to that of waveguide.

"Flying Power" is considered to be a very rare, overriding attribute affinity ability such as the heart of the earth, the heart of the water, the heart of the dragon, etc., the special ability of the trainer!

Trainers with special abilities often have unique abilities in training and conquering Pokémon, such as "superior abilities" and "hearts" of common attributes. Compared with them, of course, there are also strong, weak, and weak. Super power can only bend the spoon, strong ... Nazi can compete with super Pokémon below the level of mental strength!

Capabilities such as Dragon Heart and Evil Heart are even more rare, but when it comes to top-level capabilities above them, you must mention "the power of the waveguide."

Discussing a certain attribute may not be as good as the heart of the attribute, but it can communicate with Pokémon, and it is easier to trigger the tenacity. Therefore, everyone seems to believe that Guan Liyuan has the power of a waveguide, or some more advanced ability ... ...

"Well? What else are you going to do? Let's leave ... they obviously don't want to travel!" Aida looked at Guan Liyuan in surprise, and took the initiative to walk towards the mantle rocks.

"No, it's not over yet ... you're not surprised, why wasn't the mantle rock here before?" Guan Liyuan asked.

But here is a group of small stone **** that have just been born and have not yet passed through the growth period. In this case, the mantle rocks will not all leave.

"Why?" Ada wondered.

"Underground here, there was anomalous activity of the mantle layer not long ago, and special mantle energy was transmitted to the rocks of the caves, so that during this time, their reproduction efficiency has improved greatly ... However, this power has recently declined, not only The reproduction speed has dropped, and there are still Ishimaru who have not survived the growth period, so they are in danger! "Guan Liyuan said.

Without passing through the growing period of stone balls, it is impossible to feed on ore, and it can only absorb the mantle strength in the rock formation ...

But now ... weaned!

"So they are gathered here because ..."

"Yes, this is the center of the rising tide of the mantle power, and it is the place where the last decline. If this also declines, these small stone **** are dangerous. Before the mantle rocks, they were looking for other places with strong mantle strength." Guan Liyuan said.

Although Pokémon's growth period is very short, the density of the small stone **** here may cause it to die because of insufficient nutrition!

Normally, in the natural environment, this phenomenon does not occur, and the amount that the environment cannot breed can not be bred. However, the mantle rocks are now "dove" by the previous mantle energy tide.

"So, what then?" Ada asked anxiously.

Ida obviously didn't have much common sense about the Pokémon of the rock system.

"There are two simple ways, one is to take them to the Pokémon Center, where there are equipment that powers specially-built growth Pokémon ..."

"Where's that simple? These mantle rocks obviously won't let people take Shi Wanzi away! What's the other way?" Aida said.

"Moving the Pokémon Center's energy supply equipment ..."

Ada: ...

Ada also didn't understand, which of these two approaches ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is considered "easy"!

"Another extremely difficult method is to find an energy source that can replace the energy of the mantle, such as ... this." Guan Liyuan said, taking out a shiny, fist-sized stone from his backpack.

Seeing this stone, the mantle rocks that had been nervous and alert all surrounded them all around Guan Liyuan as if begging him!

Ada :? ? ?

"Why is this in your backpack? What is this?" Ada wondered, and couldn't help but whisper: "Obviously this is easier!"

"No, but even Alzeus was wounded ..."

Guan Liyuan did not lie. On the "Eternal Flower", Guan Liyuan also took a few "flower seeds". After all, the things that are placed in the place are everyone's, and there are no shortage of these two.

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