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Vol 2 Chapter 1735: Zhongya Crow (Fog)

"Little Maruko ... Stand up! Don't you still have life!" Guan Liyuan shouted to the little Maruko who had fallen to the ground outside the duel.

Nathan Ran, Ada: ...

Although Guan Liyuan shouted vigorously and seemed very bloody, but ... why does it sound strange?

"This, this must be an incentive! It is not a squeeze of small balls!" Ai Date justified Guan Liyuan.

According to her understanding of Nasenran, at this moment "Nana" must be scolding him ...

At this time, Xiao Wanzi really "revived in place" and restarted fighting with his opponent "Crustacean"!

That's right, this time Guan Liyuan's game "kicked to the iron plate", he encountered the un-evolved form of the crustacean dragon, quasi-god beast dragon, at level 32!

And unlike the single-headed dragon, the crustacean has evolved once, with a race value of 420. Although it is incomparable to the final evolution of the Tyrannosaurus, it is at least a lot higher than Guan Liyuan's initial evolution of Pokémon. , And there are level advantages.

The trainer who can conquer the quasi-beast ... Although it has not yet grown up, it can also be regarded as the elite among the beginners, even the "genius".

The reason why the opponent is still Lv.2 is because the opponent has just applied to become a rival division. Before Lv.6, because there is no winning streak, it is relatively difficult. If you are lucky ... whether it is Guan Liyuan or iron Brother, as long as you conquer six Pokémon, you can reach Lv.5 through continuous battles. There is no penalty for losing anyway!

This is also the disadvantage of not being in a "ghost suit"-the opposite are "real people", otherwise if the club sends an internal trainer, it will not appear that the strength exceeds the level of the duel ...

At this time, Guan Liyuan's single-headed dragon and little black-eye have been defeated one after another, but they also defeated the other two Pokémon-in terms of combat effectiveness, they are both weak and strong.

But now I have encountered the biggest trouble. The gap between Crustacean and Xiao Wanzi is a bit big ... but even so, Guan Liyuan didn't mean to give up!

"Did 'toughness' trigger? But ... what's the use of that? The crustacean is almost unharmed and has no physical exertion! It just struggles again." Kicked the iron plate and said.

That's right, Guan Liyuan doesn't know why he is so skinny. The other party's registered name in the club is "kick to the iron plate".

"That's not necessarily true! Go, little balls!" Guan Liyuan looked very blooded.

It ’s not that Guan Liyuan is really "up on the head", but ... I just shouted the line, "Are you still alive?"

Little Maruko also began to use various fancy skills again-rock seal, rock critical strike, sharp stone attack ...

"Huh? Haven't you fallen down yet?" "Kicked to the iron plate", who asked not to be named, looked surprised.

Generally speaking, through the bond with Pokémon, triggering the "Toughness" effect, it can only forcibly recover Pokémon from the state of "out of battle" and make it "return to light" for a period of time.

So before he said, "Mao Dao Tian is extraordinary" now triggers tenacity, and he can only struggle a bit more-"toughness" can reverse the situation only when the strength of both sides is close and both sides are close to the war.

Otherwise, even if they are forced to fight again, they will still not be opponents of each other.

However ... This stone ball in front of me does not look like "back to light". After standing up again, it looks like "revived with blood" and is full of vitality again?

Guan Liyuan did not explain to him-this is the ace of Xiao Wanzi!

Because of the core of the super energy, the recovery power of the small ball is "∞", so it can be defeated only if the combat power is crushed and it is attacked once to lose its combat power. In the case of a small gap, it is almost invincible and it will compete with Carlos. At the same time, it was the same as supporting other Pokémon buckets with Biktini.

It is for this reason that Xiao Wanzi is a perfect match for "you do not have life"!

If triggering tenacity is equivalent to "Zhongya hourglass", then the small ball is a crow standing in the small group of soldiers. Each time the tough time is triggered, it is enough for the small ball to "resurrect with blood" ...

Other trainers, even if the bond with Pokémon is deep, triggering tenacity depends on luck and timing, and Guan Liyuan ... no need!

After seeing Brother Tieban finally knock down Xiao Wanzi again, Guan Liyuan immediately shouted bloodily: "Stand up! Don't you have life?"

Nathan Ran, Ada: ...

Watching Xiao Wanzi standing up again and again, Nathan was already glaring at Guan Liyuan, as if he was asking: "Are you still human?"

At the same time, Nathan's most depressing is the way Guan Liyuan "squeezes" Pokémon-tough? Isn't this only possible because the bond between the trainer and Pokémon is extremely deep, and the fighting is so hot that the resonance of the two will not be defeated, can it be triggered?

Why does this cut skin trigger toughness? Pokémon defected every minute, right?

"Don't give up! Don't you have life?" Guan Liyuan forcibly triggered tenacity for the third time.

Nathan frowned--it was a personal word, so he should give up! Asshole!

Many people know that this "line" Guan Liyuan also called out at the Carlos contest, but ... Now there are many people who imitate Guan Liyuan, and they don't doubt the identity of "Mo Dao Tian extraordinary" when they hit the iron plate.

But ... I'm a little bit puzzled ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Is this how to shout, really increase the chance of triggering "toughness"?

Triggering tenacity success three times in a row is also a rare event in the Pokémon contest. It is said that Xiao Wanzi should already be physically weak ...

However, Xiao Wanzi was still full of vitality at this time, but it caused some headaches for the iron plate brother, and at this moment, the war turned into a critical turn!

I saw Xiao Wanzi wrapped in a white light, and then ... the shape gradually changed.

"Is this ... evolution?" Said kicking to Teppan surprised.

That ’s right, Xiaomaru was already at level 24. At the edge of evolution, at this time, after fighting, he finally reached level 25. Pokémon World. It ’s not an experience upgrade after victory, but a constant improvement in battle. Yourself.

"Oops ..." He kicked at the iron plate and looked at his crustacean, now he was a little tired.

After the evolution of the small ball, the difference between the racial values ​​of the two sides has narrowed significantly. In addition, the small ball's racial value is higher than the general level, and there is the advantage of the individual correction rate. At this time, the theoretical combat power gap between the two sides is about to be closed!

I saw that after the light of evolution had dissipated, the small ball had evolved into a "mantle rock" and was still an indigo purple body. At the same time, it was supposed to be an orange energy crystal, which had already appeared pale gold on the small ball.

The role of the super energy core is further revealed ...

At the same time of evolution, Xiao Wanzi also awakened her inheritance skills, and quickly realized the "power gem". I saw the energy crystals of Xiao Wanzi's whole body flashed, and then continuously shot at the crustacean!

Eventually, the crustaceans became unconscious under continuous attack ...

"Crustaceosaurus loses its combat power,‘ kick to the iron plate ’, three Pokémon are eliminated, and‘ Mo Dao Tian extraordinary ’wins!”

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