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Vol 2 Chapter 1736: Dragon set treatment

"Nana, you can just send it here. The protected area is in front of you. You need permissions, right!" Chao Feng said to Na Senran.

At this point it was the second day after Guan Liyuan's three "Don't you still have life", one victory in Lv.2?

Guan Liyuan and Aida are going to the Dragon Township Reserve, not far from Ssangyong City, and Nasen followed.

But now that he had reached the checkpoint, poor Nathan was going to be blocked ...

Nasen heard the words, but only glanced at Guan Liyuan, and he was too lazy to refute the title.

At the same time ... apparently Nathan did not give up the intention of "observing" Guan Liyuan!

Last night, Nathan urged Guan Liyuan to let him communicate with Xiao Wanzi alone and liberate the oppressed poor Pokémon-but it goes without saying that even if Nasenran has a high initial favorability for all Pokémon Addition, and have been with Xiao Wanzi for a while, but ... Xiao Wanzi is still the best in the world with Guan Liyuan.

Not only was Nathan depressed, he even began to doubt life ... After that, he became more interested in "observing" Guan Liyuan.

"Sneaking into the reserve, but it's illegal!" Guan Liyuan emphasized.

However, Nathan pretended not to hear, and meanwhile did not mean to sneak in, followed Guan Liyuan and Aida directly into the checkpoint together.

Longzhi Township was originally very geographically isolated. It was in the valley and was connected to the "three-headed valley" reserve. The United Alliance established a checkpoint at the entrance of the valley near the side of Longzhi Township to register Enter the personnel.

The checkpoint is not alone. There is also a simple branch of the Pokémon Center, which only provides Pokémon ambulance, does not provide trainer accommodation, and also has a rest station for inspectors in the reserve ...

During the registration, the staff discovered that Guan Liyuan and Aida were both concessions and specifically reminded: "There is a clear boundary between the" Long Zhixiang "and the" Three Heads Valley "protection area. You currently do not have the authority of the Santou Valley Reserve. Be careful not to cross the border. You must stay here for up to seven days and register here or another entrance or exit, otherwise there will be penalties. "

Guan Liyuan didn't listen to the reminder, but kept staring at Na Senran's illustrated book—how did he pass the illustrated book? Don't you want to get confused?

"Oh, Mr. Nathan Ran, a special guard at the Pokémon Center? It is possible to enter the" Three-Headed Valley "Reserve, and there is no time limit." When the staff checked Nasen Ran's book, he corrected it. .

Guan Liyuan looked at him, and as a matter of fact Nathan looked at himself proudly (dense fog), as if he had completed the protagonist with a beep.

Guan Liyuan: ...

Is this too much? Why, as a "real protagonist," do I have to endure this kind of pain?

"Nana, are you really here to do 'special care'?" Guan Liyuan asked Na Senran questioningly after leaving the checkpoint and officially entering the Longzhixiang Nature Reserve.

"Of course it is true. I usually give special protection to wild Pokémon, which is also a part of understanding and maintaining the Pokémon ecology." Nathan said sincerely.

"Special care" refers to special care, which basically is to check the ecology and health status of wild Pokémon ...

Because there are too many wild Pokémon, even the Joey family, it is good to take care of the Pokémon Center. Although there are some wild Pokémon rescue stations, compared to the huge base of wild Pokémon, it is a lot of money. .

Therefore, Pokémon Special Care has always required volunteers the most, but this task is not easy, the knowledge required is wide, and few people do it ...

And Nathan is one of those who are willing to do it!

Although Guan Liyuan did not know the specific situation, he can also guess now that Nathan is afraid that he is not an ordinary volunteer. It is estimated that the internal system of the Pokémon Center is of the highest authority. Apply through the Pokémon Center. Access to a protected area is not a problem at all.

A conscientious Ada, at this time, still looked at Guan Liyuan and Nasenran with a sloppy smile.

Not for Guan Liyuan, usually Na Senran failed to communicate with Xiaodan, including when Xiao Wanzi ignored Na Senran's concern last night, and when she was the best in the world, she also laughed so much.

"Hey, don't forget who taught you how to train Pokémon in the flight department. Without me, would you be such an excellent flight trainer?" Guan Liyuan said to Aida deliberately ... then hurt each other. !!

Ada: ...

Ada suddenly felt that his heart had been pierced with a double needle by the big needle bee, and began to face Guan Liyuan's teeth.

The three men were arguing all the way into the reserve ... To be precise, it was Guan Liyuan and Aida arguing all the way. Nathan was only occasionally making up the knife. Most of the time he played a quiet beautiful man.

At the same time, Shaka of Ssangyong Road Museum has just returned from Feiyun City today ...

Xia Ka is not only the owner of the Daoist Pavilion, but also a pivotal figure in the United Alliance. At the Alliance meeting, he had also learned that Guan Liyuan had entered the United Alliance.

According to Guan Liyuan's current route, it should be ... approaching Ssangyong City?

Although Guan Liyuan's Illustrated Book is anonymous, he can see his record in the official system of United League ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but the information of the battle club will not be synchronized!

After Xia Ka returned to the gym, she also called the gym trainers and asked if there were any abnormal conditions in the past few days.

From the current point of view, Guan Liyuan seems to have been hiding his identity. He has not yet challenged the Dao Pavilion directly ... Maybe it is necessary to train for several months before Pokémon, and continue to challenge before the competition?

However, Xia Ka still had to be careful, Guan Liyuan suddenly challenged Shuanglong Road Museum unexpectedly—after all, Shuanglong Road Museum had a good reputation, and it was difficult to guarantee that Guan Liyuan would not temporarily notice.

After learning that no one had heard of Guan Liyuan, Xia Ka didn't say much, and "there is no disclosure of Guan Liyuan's whereabouts" was also agreed at the meeting.

However, when looking at the match record, Shaka saw a familiar name-Ada.

This ... has "opened the house" several times with Guan Liyuan, probably a companion, right?

"Only this Ada challenged the second badge. Didn't the competitor challenge?" Xia Ka asked looking at the record.

Pixar thought it was Shaka who recognized Ada, so he said, "Only she challenged. She was a flight trainer from Mother Earth Village ... Her companions seemed to have some kind of dragon talent. I introduced him specifically. I went to the Longzhixiang Nature Reserve, but I do n’t know if he has any fate to find the Longzhixiang. "

Shaka: ...

What the **** is a flight trainer in Mother Earth Village?

And ... who do you introduce?

"What's her companion's name?" Shaka asked.

"It seems to be called ... A Yuan! What's wrong? Does the owner of Xiakka know him?" Pixar thought after thinking about it.

"Nothing, you are really a little clever!"

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