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Vol 2 Chapter 1746: Rare Dragon Scale and Dragon Ritual (2 in 1)

"What? Dive from here? Do you live in an underground tomb?" Guan Liyuan looked at the puddle in front of him and wondered.

"Well! What ancient tomb! The scenery of Dragon's Land is good ... This water pond is connected to a water pond of Dragon's Land." Lululu said.

"Then why don't we go directly?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"There are cliffs and cliffs all around Dragon's Land, the only way ... unless you can defeat the Pokémon Dragon King, it won't let outsiders pass."

"What about flying?"

"You can try, eh ... have you seen the mountain over there? Dragon's Land is inside the mountain wall, and theoretically you can fall in from above." Liu Lulu blinked and looked at Guan Liyuan and said.

Hearing Lululu said this, although he knew there must be a problem in the "Empty Road", Guan Liyuan was curious and asked Ada to call the Gao pheasant. After that, he gave him a lot of conditions and asked him to take it to fly to try.

The mountain does not look short, and starting from the middle of the mountain, there is a white mist covering the top of the mountain, but Guan Liyuan does not think that the proud **** can't fly.

After Gao Ao's Pheasant flew up with Guan Liyuan, Lulu Lu smiled proudly, and seemed to have decided that Guan Liyuan was going to eat ...

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Guan Liyuan and Gao Ao to flock to fly back into the range of White Mist.

After coming down, Guan Liyuan complained, "What kind of fog is it? It actually refracts the light like this ... Is this light pollution? Isn't Gao Ao's pheasant clear of the road in it?"

"Hey, this fog is a companion of the Dragon Stone. It looks normal outside, and is very dazzling after entering." Lululu said.

What she didn't know was that, in fact, only the proud Gao chicken had been blinded and couldn't see the road. Guan Liyuan's titanium eyes (fog) were not affected.

However, within the range of white fog, Guan Liyuan seemed to have heard some roars from the dragon department Baoke ... for safety reasons, he still fell down.

So Guan Liyuan and others finally took the "waterway"

I saw Lulu Lu pinching her nose and jumping directly into the water pond, Guan Liyuan and Na Senran quickly followed ...

"Hey! You ..." Ada stomped, and couldn't care less if she hadn't changed her swimsuit, so she jumped.

Although Liu Lulu did not subdue Pokémon, when he fell into the water pond and swam to the bottom, a sea thorn dragon took the initiative to help. Liu Lulu hugged the sea horse dragon like a hippocampus and let it take himself. Swimming all the way to the dark waters.

This is probably the part where the two pools are connected underground ...

When Ida didn't know what to do, when I saw Guan Liyuan and Na Senran's gestures, there were three sea spinosaurus approaching, and one of them also arched beside Ada.

Aida would immediately understand, and also hug the Spike Dragon ...

The sea thorn dragon has no dragon attributes, but is simply a "water system", but after evolved into the thorn dragon king, it will become a "water + dragon" dual system.

The sea spinosaurus wants to evolve into the spinosaurus king, which can not be achieved by its own efforts to upgrade. It must be assisted by items such as dragon scale claws. The stronger the item assistance, the better.

This is also the reason why there are many sea spike dragons around the dragon town ...

Without Pokémon's assistance, even the humans in Pokémon's world have amazing lung capacity, and ordinary people can take three or five minutes, but I am afraid that it is too late to go to the water pond in the hometown of Dragon.

However, with the help of the sea spinosaurus, he was swimming fast in the water, but some of the water could not be opened. Before Ada was about to breathe out, he swam back to the bright waters. After floating up, I saw the surrounding melancholy Qingqing, as if a paradise ...

Looking up again at the sky, the sky is faintly covered by a layer of white clouds, but there is no gloom at all, and the shadow of the sun can still be seen.

Actually ... the time is now in the evening. With the geographical position of Longzhi Town, the sun should be blocked by the mountain wall, and it should be dark in advance, let alone the sun.

Even in a place like a wellhead, the sunshine time is up to three hours a day, but now ... the sun is out of place?

"Is that the white mist?" Guan Liyuan's eyes brightened.

Suddenly I realized that the intense light pollution not only felt dazzling when flying in, but also reflected the sunlight.

So the sunshine time in the valley is not much different from the outside.

"Longzhi Township is actually in such a place ... no wonder other than the invited trainer, few people find it." Aida sighed.

"Go! Take you to my house, my dad will recognize your dragon scale!" Lululu said, leading the way.

Along the way, Guan Liyuan also found that the residents of Longzhi Township did not live together like small villages, and the distance between each family was very large-just think about it and understand that it is probably for the convenience of domesticating the Dragon Pokémon!

People in the hometown of dragons do not hang the elven ball book elsewhere, and Pokémon also keeps it at home ...

The area here is large enough that people who want to come to Longzhi Town are not busy.

On the road there was Lulu Lu leading the way, and also met some other people in Dragon Village. Some people asked curiously who Guan Liyuan invited them to.

When Lulu Lu was guilty, she also directly lied that they had accidentally hit them by mistake, and she was about to lead them.


Considering that Guan Liyuan and others are still wet now, obviously no one believes this statement, one by one looked at Lu Lulu with a deep meaning, an expression of "this child has been skinned since childhood".

Don't forget to remind the three of Guan Liyuan not to take Pokémon in Dragon Village, and there are other rules ...

Obviously they all guessed that Guan Liyuan and they followed Liu Lulu!

A little boy, of course, normally does not have the right to invite outsiders ...

However, the hometown of Dragon is not a terrible place. Even if they knew that Guan Liyuan had brought in Lululu, there would not have been any radical behavior, but they told them "obviously".

Liu Lulu was “frightened”, taking Guan Liyuan all the way home, and hiding in the second half after almost seeing people ...

Fortunately, because everyone lives close, I haven't met a few people in total.

It was only after arriving at home that I still had to be found. I saw a woman with an apron and a feather duster. Although she was pure and innocent, she was waiting for the door.

"Lulu! You went out for another day of fun! Today's homework ... Um? You ... Lulu, you brought your friends back?" Seeing an outsider, the woman pretended to use a few feather dusters, and then closed it. stand up.

Liu Lulusong secretly vomited her tongue in congratulations.

"Well? Lulu, wouldn't you bring someone back without permission?" Liu Lulu was nervous again.

"Mom, mom ... this ..."

"Cough, ma'am, sorry, because I really long for the prestige of the Dragon Land, so I asked Xiao Lulu to bring us here." Guan Liyuan interjected.

"Wait! You said that your dragon scale is better than the hometown of dragon ... Ah! I was fooled ..." Lululu suddenly responded.

Afterwards, Li Guanyuan angrily spit out his tongue and "sucked" into the room, leaving only one sentence: "I'll ask Dad first, what dragon scale is this!"

"This kid ... makes you laugh. I have traveled in the United District before. You can call me 'Sister Belin'," said Belin.

Guan Liyuan was also embarrassed and polite ...

Longzhi Township is usually reluctant to come in. It is worried that too many people will come in, and then it will be suffocating, but it is still very hospitable to those who have already come in.

After that, Belin invited everyone to enter the house. In the hall, he saw a well-dressed middle-aged man with eyes and a book on his face. He was holding a pink scale and was looking at it. .

It seems that this is Lululu's father, and it is estimated that he was reading a book before ...

The scales are slender olive-shaped, with sharp edges at both ends, but because of the softness and elasticity of the whole, they are not thorny ... The middle-aged man saw Guan Liyuan coming in and asked curiously: "This is the sticking dragon Dragon scales? I have only seen them in books. "

"My dear! Don't say this as soon as you meet the guests!" Bellin reminded.

"Sorry, I ca n’t help seeing this ... I am Lululu's father, you can call me Tam." The master scratched his head.

Belin rolled his eyes to him at the sight.

"Yes, Mr. Tam has good eyesight! This is the dragon scale that sticks to the beautiful dragon." Guan Liyuan thought about it or called "teacher". After all, "brother" could not be called, "uncle" ... and he was also tenderly dressed. I'm a junior.

"Oh? What about the sticky dragon? Can I see it?" Tam glared.

"This ... If Mr. Tam is really curious, I can borrow the Pokémon teleporter from Longzhi Township tomorrow, because I am here to travel to Hezhong, and I have not taken Pokémon from other regions before. Around. "Guan Liyuan nodded.

In fact, the sticking beauty dragon was not conquered by Guan Liyuan, but the island was cultivated ... all the way to pure evolution!

Of course, Pokémon cultivated on the island, Guan Liyuan will not accept all of them, but just signed a contract.

There is no special training, but in cultivating the island, Pokémon also have the opportunity to confront each other. Guan Liyuan also concentrated on some Pokémon to accelerate the upgrade of BUFF, so there are some wild Pokémon on the island.

In theory, it is a wild Pokémon, but the quasi-god beast that has been formed is afraid that no one can conquer it.

The reason why such a high-level Pokémon is cultivated is also because Guan Liyuan cultivates one or more "parents" in each Pokémon, such as the sticky dragon, and can usually take care of other sticky treasures , Sticky beauty.

Tam really wants to see that Guan Liyuan only needs to go through the process of receiving the service-after all, he has signed a contract and raised for so long. "Receiving" is just a formality.

"That's really troublesome," Tam said with interest.

Guan Liyuan really has some admiration for Tam's knowledge, and he can recognize the dragon scale of the sticky dragon!

The sticky dragon is considered to be one of the most difficult Pokémon in the dragon series ...

In appearance, the sticky dragon has no scales, and the whole body is smooth, and the "scales" are not touched.

In fact, most of the Pokémon dragons do not seem to have scales. This does not affect their formation of "dragon scales". As mentioned before, after all, this is not a scale that has fallen off, but a crystal of dragon power.

However, whether or not it can generate dragon scales is also related to the appearance and skin properties of Pokémon. Generally, the "skin thickness" is more likely to naturally generate "dragon scales"-it seems that there are scales in the form of scale-tailed dragon Definitely the king of dragon scales, with quality and quantity.

Long teeth can easily generate "dragon teeth"-the double axe battle dragon is the "dragon teeth" big family.

It looks like an ordinary fast dragon, and can't see the scales, but the excellent fast dragons, such as Guan Liyuan's Daha and Erha, can see a layer of scales under the skin!

And the sticky dragon ...

The slime treasure before evolution looks like slime, and the slime is like a snot.

After evolved into a sticky dragon, it looks like some dragons, but it does not touch the scales, and the sticky dragons rarely produce dragon scales. Only the sticky dragons with excellent qualifications and excellent cultivation can generate "dragon scales". .

That is to say, this pink toot is very similar to the color of the sticky dragon, and even a translucent dragon scale with a somewhat elastic texture!

"Dad! A Yuan said proudly before that there is no better dragon scale in Dragon Land!" Liu Lulu complained.

"Ao Jiao?" Tam looked at Guan Liyuan in surprise.

The guy looks thick and eyebrows, but he is actually "treasure"?

Guan Liyuan retorted the black line above his head: "It's pride, pride! Keke ... I used to talk to Xiao Lulu before, and it was rude."

"Ha ha ha, nothing, if you don't come in, I can't see such a rare dragon scale ..."

"Dad, take out your fast dragon scales and compare it with this." Liu Lulu pursed her lips and said a little bit unconvincingly.

"Lulu, come, Dad will give you another lesson ... The value of Dragon Scale must be considered from four aspects ..."

Tam's "teacher" is not wrong. Tam is really a teacher. He can use the example of sticking dragon scales to preach his daughter immediately.

The sticky dragon scale is not only a collection value of "things are rare but precious," but also practically more precious than dragon scales of the same strength-because this is the most gentle dragon scale!

It is even easier to absorb than the dragon scale of the old dragon ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~. If it is used to help the corresponding Pokémon evolution, there is almost no need to worry about unbearable problems.

Although Tam has a Uranus-level fast dragon, its dragon scale is value-based, and it is difficult to say that it is higher than Guan Liyuan, a sticky dragon who just barely evolved at level 50 ...

"Well? So powerful? After that," Dragon Festival ", can I use this scale to participate?" Lululu curiously said.

"Of course not! It's not yours," Tam said sternly.

"Ahem, Teacher Tam, I promised to give it to Lulu," Guan Liyuan said.

When Lulu Lu guiltyly responded to the inquiries of passers-by before, Guan Liyuan was a little embarrassed, so she promised to give her the dragon scale as a memorial.

"How does this work? It's so precious ..." Tam repeatedly rejected his daughter.

However, like the New Year's money, you can still send it, but Tam still tells her daughter: "That can't be used to participate in the dragon festival! The dragons that you must train yourself to participate in the festival can only make sense."

As for whether it was cultivated by its own training, the people in the Dragon Village can naturally see ... For example, Tam was on the dragon scales before and felt Guan Liyuan's breath, so he was sure that he had a sticky dragon from the beginning.

"Then ... I will definitely cultivate a better sticky dragon to participate in the festival!" Lululu said.

Tam encourages this.

"Is the dragon sacrifice you said is an activity in the hometown of the dragon?" Guan Liyuan asked curiously.

"By the way, how many days can you stay? There are three more days for the Dragon Festival in Dragon's Land. If you have enough time, you can also participate, maybe you can get a good ranking ..."

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