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Vol 2 Chapter 1747: Dragon Festival

"The Dragon Festival is the largest festival in Dragon Township. It is held once a year, but in addition to the residents of Dragon Town, there are only some Dragon Masters who are invited, and ... travelers who have had great luck to catch up can participate. "Tam said.

"Dragon Festival ... Will there be a Pokémon duel?" Guan Liyuan asked.

If a dragon-based Pokémon showdown is needed, Guan Liyuan doesn't really want to participate. After all, with the Pokémon that Guan Liyuan is now carrying, he certainly won't achieve much.

"There is this item, but it is just an entertainment show after the celebration. Generally, people and Pokémon who participate in it will not be too serious, it is not a formal project, there is no reward ..." Tam said.

Under Guan Liyuan's inquiry, Tam also introduced the main items of dragon rituals-Dragon God Offerings, Dragon God Offerings, and Dragon Landing Ceremonies.

Sure enough, it is the Pokémon world. The dragon festival is a "celebration", not a sect or something like that. There are not so many violent projects ...

"Dragon God's Gift" means that everyone takes out one or several dragon scale items, such as dragon scales and dragon teeth, and selects the ten best ones as gifts for the dragon god.

Trainers or educators who are able to give gifts will also receive rebates from the Dragon God, and Dragon Township will also reward them-and based on the experience of each year, no matter what kind of gift, "rebate" is definitely a great deal, There is no loss in blood, and there is also a reward for Dragon's Hometown.

"What? The dragon **** will come to get the gift? Is it ... the real three dragon gods?" Guan Liyuan was surprised.

The so-called "real" three dragon gods, that is, the three dragon gods of the Yuanzu ancestors, are absolutely first-level gods.

"No, just facing the statue, but the dragon **** will definitely pay attention, and at least one dragon **** will come to the statue every time ...

Not only the three dragon gods in the union, but in fact all dragon gods, we have prepared statues, and there are often precedents for the advent of dragon gods in other regions ... at least His Excellency Reichlam and His Excellency Czech Roma often appear. "Tam said.

In other words ... Of the three dragon gods, only Raimu rarely appears?

When you think about the origin of Chief Rem, Guan Liyuan is relieved-the dragon gods in the union only had Yin Yang Shuanglong, and later joined Chief Rem, and ... Regarding Chief Rem, there is no such thing as a salvation legend. Some vicious rumors seem to have become one of the three dragon gods only with the support of Ssangyong.

Becoming a dragon **** was originally a symbol of reconciliation with Pokémon and humanity, but it was definitely not interested in such activities.

Regarding the operation of the so-called statue of will, Guan Liyuan is not clear, but some of the savage operations are also normal when it comes to those gods and beasts that really fit the rules.

Tam looked at Guan Liyuan bizarrely, and it seemed from his Yironghou expression that he was voicing the dragon **** in secret ...

However, without giving Tam a chance to ask questions, Guan Liyuan immediately asked, "What about the" Dragon God Offerings "after that?"

"After enjoying the gift and returning the gift, the dragon will stay for a while. At this time, the young man can show his dragon Pokémon ... The best part of it will be blessed by the dragon god." Tam Said.

"Young man? How young?"

"There are no rules that are too deadly, just about young ... It's the same when Pokémon is duel. Everyone gives young people some opportunities. The really strong and veteran trainers will not show off at the dragon festival." Tower Mu said.

Although there is competition, the "Dragon Festival" is still a "celebration" in general, and the showdown is an opportunity for young trainers of similar strength to "show off".

Without Guan Liyuan's questioning, Tam also continued: "As for the final 'Dragon Descending Ceremony', the elders of the Dragon Village will take everyone to call the Dragon Pokémon to respond ... Mother Earth Village, there should be A similar method? Have you seen it for your friends? "

"This ... haha, I've seen it ..." Aida said awkwardly.

Almost like Ida? Then you should be able to call out the Pokémon of the ice system ... Guan Liyuan secretly vomited.

However, people who want to come to the Dragon Village should be more reliable than Aida, and the elders collectively call under the testimony of the Dragon God, and the dragon Pokémon responding to it is either very powerful or of excellent qualifications.

"Well? That ends with the elders conquering the dragon Pokémon?" Guan Liyuan almost thought about it darkly, did the elders hold a celebration just for this.

"Of course not. The call of the dragon in peace is different. The Pokémon called by the elders at the celebration will choose their own trainers among the young people!" Tam saw Guan Liyuan's thoughts, and he was not correct. His uncle thought.

"Oh, I guess so ..." Guan Liyuan chuckled.

Tam did not care much about Guan Li, but remembered something added: "In fact, it is not necessarily a young man. A few years ago ... Master Dragon Xiaolong also obtained a Tyrannosaurus during the dragon landing ceremony. Favor. "

Long Xiaolong, once used to be the King of the Ice System, used a series of six Dragons of the King of the Marriage to emerge from the mountain after years of polishing, and shined at the Carlos contest ... but was still defeated by Guan Liyuan. It is said that he is now in the United I don't know if I will participate in the dragon festival.

What Pokémon and how many will come during the "Dragon Landing Ceremony" are random. When the Pokémon of the Dragon Department come, when they choose a trainer, they will naturally have more talents such as "Dragon Heart", the better the chance. The bigger.

In addition, it was observed that during the previous gift giving session ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the trainer who was selected for the gift seemed to ... at this time, the probability of being selected by Pokémon is even greater!

Probably because when calling, the dragon **** also contributed some power from it ...

"Dad! This year I will make a dragon cake with my mother and give it to the dragon god! The dragon **** ate my cake, will he give me a mini dragon?" Lulu Lu asked excitedly.

The mini-dragon is the original form of the fast dragon. It is said that there are no wild mini-dragons in the United Region. However, when calling the dragon Pokémon at the dragon festival, it will directly transfer to the dragon-type Pokémon across the space, so any one in the world The wild dragon Pokémon in the corner may be called as long as he is willing to travel with the trainer.

But Tam rubbed his temples helplessly, and then said to Lululu, "Lulu, the gift to the dragon **** is a good wish for everyone, don't think so utilitarian ... and ... forget it."

"Well? You can still send cakes?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Yes, except for the top ten dragon items, everyone can freely give their own wishes to the dragon god. Naturally, there are no restrictions on this kind of mind. Occasionally, there will be selected ones, and they will also get the dragon god. Rebate ... but the chance is not great. "The voice behind Tam said very quietly, apparently could not bear to destroy his daughter's wishes.

"Will the top ten things not be chosen by Dragon God?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Of course not, the elders are selected, and they are the most notarized selections ..."

If you present a dragon-type item, is there any way to be selected? The more excellent the item, the greater the chance of being selected. As for the "gift gift", it is a big luck.

Usually the most likely situation every year is: Lord Dragon God is not interested in your gifts of spare tires ...

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