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Vol 2 Chapter 1750: Celebration starts

Tam is not without reason, but ... Guan Liyuan still feels that he is not happy because he is so kind.

Therefore, in front of the ten dragon statues during the dragon sacrifice, each had a large or small gift box that said "A Yuan".

At the dragon festival, Guan Liyuan also saw some "acquaintances". Some of them had only seen Alice a few times, and some dragon dragons had been beaten by Guan Liyuan.

The difference is that, as the league ’s champion, Alice ’s “back to her maid ’s home” was just a rally, and she was sitting on the judges seat like the elders, while Long Xiaolong was very hard-working and also took part in the election. Number only.

Obviously it was a retired game. After being smashed by Guan Liyuan, the old gentleman named Xiaolong, who is actually an old dragon, has not given up on traveling-otherwise he will not appear here, and he will also participate in gift giving competitions with young people.

In addition, Guan Liyuan also saw "du", the champion of the city, even took the time to come, the dragon festival of the dragon town really became famous!

What Guan Liyuan didn't know was that the reason why Du Du was here was not only because of the Dragon Festival. After becoming the champion, Du was also busy. Last year, he was unable to participate in the Dragon Festival. This time ... precisely because he knew Guan Liyuan was in the crowd. Area, and most likely in Longzhi Township, so I came here.

Guan Liyuan recalled that he didn't have much contact with Alice and Du. He could only be seen as a meeting, but it was Long Xiaolong ... I don't know if I would recognize myself!

In fact, the elders of Longzhi Township also listened to the owner of Xia Card Museum, and said that it was certain that Guan Liyuan had entered the Longzhi Township.

However, the elders of Dragon Village didn't care much about it ...

In their opinion, whoever comes to the festival is a guest, it is not important whether it is a tourist who happens to come in, or a reputable cultivator. At most, there is some expectation. You can communicate with Guan Liyuan. Dragon training and training skills ... Need a little fuss?

This aspect is the reason for the elders of Longzhixiang. As a holy place of the dragon system, no trainer or breeder has been regarded as an opponent. This is both a self-confidence and an inclusive mentality.

On the other hand, it is also due to the occlusion of Longzhi Township-although it is not isolated from the world, the elders also know the names of Guan Liyuan and the world ’s first house, but ... the sensitivity to Guan Liyuan is not enough, and the impression is probably only "a very strong breeder "And the ability to" cultivate dragon Pokémon. "

However, Xia Ka had a hunch that if these elders were not prepared, they might be surprised by Guan Liyuan ...

At this time, Guan Liyuan was more observing his "opponents", that is, dragon trainers who also took numbers and signed up for gift competitions!

It ’s more than Guan Liyuan imagined. The number came to 121 in total. Guan Liyuan came to No. 120 because he arrived late. 119 is Na Senran, 118 is Aida, and it is later than Guan Liyuan ... only Long Xiaolong.

Long Xiaolong should be because he has the confidence, other people do not wait until the last few days, and Guan Liyuan was very late when he learned about this.

The youngest person Guan Liyuan saw with the number was only twelve or three years old. He should not be a trainer, but he also took care of a round land shark at ordinary times-he was with him at this time.

It is indeed the hometown of dragons!

It seems that the child wearing it should be the native of Dragon's Hometown. The clothes are very retro and the hand traces are heavy. It doesn't look like a wealthy person, but ... They have n’t become a trainer, so they live with the round shark every day In the future, it will be logical to use this round land shark as the initial Pokémon, right?

The quasi-beast makes the initial Pokemon, which is the lowest-key "show off rich"!

Although he did not subdue it, if he keeps looking at this round land shark, it will be normal for him to have his breath on the dragon scale dragon teeth.

The oldest ... is naturally Long Xiaolong, this guy should appear on the judges' table in any way!

In addition, Guan Liyuan was somewhat surprised that Tam was actually not an ordinary person. At this time, because he was a ritual, he was wearing a formal academic robe and seemed to be a dragon scholar in Longzhi Township.

In addition to Long Xiaolong, the oldest are only in their thirties, and it seems that many are foreign dragon trainers.

The dragon festival started early in the morning, but there was a process such as prayer. When the celebration started, in order to activate the atmosphere, there was an entertaining competition first-everyone learned the dragon barking together.

You can learn any kind of dragon Pokémon call, and there is no great reward for winning, but the dragon hometown uses the medals of dragon scale to commemorate it.

However, it is very entertaining and does not require registration. Anyone who wants to come on stage can ...

For example, Guan Liyuan saw that Musang, dressed in Yi Rong, sneaked into the protected area regardless of himself, and actually took the stage to perform an opera call.

The voice and melody were surprisingly good. Although not good from the perspective of imitating calls, they also received a lot of applause.

Guan Liyuan was curious for a while, and went up to his throat.

"Well? Is this the sound of Kuai Long? It is said that Kuai Long's voice looking for a companion on the sea can spread hundreds of nautical miles ..."

"Yes, it sounds distant. It must be a trainer who is familiar with Kuai Long!"

"It is said that the fast dragon will rescue people who have encountered shipwrecks. For those in distress at sea, this is also the voice of life."

"Let us thank Kuilong together! Applause for the trainer who imitated Kuailong on the stage!"

The judges on the jury stage said.

This session is pure entertainment, in fact, there is no need for judges, whoever applauds, wins.

Guan Liyuan felt ... his applause should be one of the biggest.

I don't know if he can't get used to Guan Liyuan's pride, or he happened to be interested too, but after Guan Liyuan, Nathan came to the stage.

"Nana, Nana!" Ida waved to him below, letting everyone know that the young man was called Nana.

Nathan Ran: ...

"Tooth, tooth--"

I saw Na Senran screamed milky two times ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the "tooth" call, as the first evolutionary form, the voice of the tooth is also very tender.

Some onlookers who were not familiar with Yaya's voice suddenly looked strange.

He looks so handsome and is called "Nana". Now ... why is the atmosphere more gay?

But the elders on the jury seat, as well as other experienced dragon masters, couldn't help but look at Na Senran curiously, and seemed to be wondering what it was--the sound was too much!

If you close your eyes, it's like calling again with a tooth, the more familiar people have this feeling.


"Tooth, Tooth--"

I heard the continuous yelling, but this time it wasn't Nathan who was calling, but the surrounding fangs were responding!

Before it ends, Nathan continues to speak ...

"Bao, baby ~ Yuanyuanyuan ~ Coooo ~ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh at the moment, Nathan seems to be performing" Bbox ", but he is not imitating various percussion instruments, but various dragons, Or it might evolve into the cry of a dragon Pokémon!

These Pokémon are exactly the Pokémon around the scene.

Many wild dragon Pokémon will come here today for fun, especially some "kids".

And in accordance with the provisions of the dragon sacrifice, on the day of the dragon sacrifice, except for the gift of the dragon god, otherwise no Pokémon can be conquered!

The surrounding Pokémon also responded to Nasenran one after another, as if he was driven to chorus ...

After being stunned, Nathan received the hottest applause in the audience and won the medal of honour without any dispute.

After the full heat field, No. 1 began to give gifts ...

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