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Vol 2 Chapter 1751: Attribute conversion

"Nice dragon tooth, is it the deciduous tooth of the round land shark?"

"It looks like a round land shark with a good appetite and a good mood."

"Yes, this is not something that can be achieved simply by relying on the innate 'Dragon Heart', but by using your own heart."

"Xiao Jica, I hope you will take every Pokémon of your dragon seriously as you have done in the past."

The elders and scholars on the jury stage, as well as some other invited dragon masters, praised "No. 1" and encouraged them ...

But that's all.

No. 1 is the child Guan Liyuan paid attention to before. The gift he provided was the tooth dropped by the round land shark.

Although a "dragon tooth" containing the power of the dragon has also formed, it can only show that he took good care of the round land shark, after all, it is only the Pokémon in the initial evolutionary form, which is not good in terms of appearance.

The evaluation is not a standardized scoring system. Generally, everyone takes their own dragon items and submits them to the judges one by one.

According to the experience of previous years, the jury informed the selection of some of the best quality. In the end, more than ten items were generally selected, and then a few were eliminated from it.

Seemingly random rules, but with the elders, scholars of the Dragon Village, and the guests of the Dragon King, the authority is still guaranteed ...

Of the more than one hundred players, there are not many enthusiastic applicants such as Aida and Nasenran. After all, if it is just a "gift", you can put it on the surrounding platform yourself, no registration is required.

On average, for every seven or eight candidates, there is a dragon-like item that can brighten Guan Liyuan's eyes.

Most people take out dragon scales, dragon teeth, and some are more rare. For example, some horned dragon Pokémon can generate dragon horns, and winged dragon Pokémon can generate dragon wings.

There are even keel, dragon skin, longan ...

Naturally, it is not directly peeled and taken out of bones. Otherwise, the elders of Longzhi Township have already started to use it. Generally, items such as keel and dragon skin are dragon items that have a small probability of remaining in the evolution of great changes in posture, such as The evolution of the crustacean into a tyrannosaurus has a certain chance of leaving the keel—the egg-like exoskeleton.

However, there are exceptions. Guan Liyuan also saw a young man in the hometown of Dragons, who presented the whole keel ...

This is indeed the dragon Pokémon after the death, left over.

The reason for giving a gift at this time was not to give back to the dragon god, but because the people in the hometown of the dragon believed that by taking away the bones of the dragon god, they could get sleep.

Looking at the age of the young man, Guan Liyuan estimated that the life of the dragon-based Pokémon ... maybe his father, or even the grandparents' Pokémon, passed to him when he died.

After all, for ordinary Pokémon, do not break through as a beast, complete the transition of life forms, nor break through the limit to become a beast ... Life span is limited after all, only the length is different.

However, this situation is not common at present. Generally, the life of the dragon is Pokémon, only they send away the trainer's share.

After the trainer's death, most of Pokémon will also leave.

When they saw the real bones, the elders of the Dragon Village also stood up for a moment of silence, and then directly asked the young people to place the bones on the middle of the altar.

At the same time, there are also some people who can't afford to give gifts, mostly from guys who did not receive an invitation, happened to come to Dragon Village, and have signed up confidently.

such as……

"Ahem, No. 118 ..." An elder of Longzhi Township was looking at a fang between his fingers strangely.

"My name is Ada, from the mother village of the earth." Ada said on his own initiative.

"If I'm not mistaken, isn't this Dragon Dragon at all?" Elder Oga asked.

"You are amazing, just like ... Mother Earth," Aida said.

Elders: ...

"The mother-in-law of the earth really has deep attainments in the land of Pokemon, and we also admire ... but now the reference is dragon-type items!" Oga frowned.

"This is Scorpio's tooth, commonly known as the 'sharp tooth', but in some cases it can be used as a dragon's tooth ... for ten years, there is a complete record that the sea spike dragon has evolved using the 'sharp tooth' There are four cases for the King of Assassins, and there are more than seventy cases with insufficient evidence ... "Aida spoke eloquently.

Yes, although Guan Liyuan does not remember the approximate data, he also knows a similar thing-Pokémon has evolved with "abnormal" props as evolutionary materials.

Just like "cock lays eggs" ...

In most cases, it is only a rumor in the country. It can not be confirmed that the eggs are really laid by cocks, and not by hens who have not passed by in the **** nests. , Or in a monitored breeding room, research room, so it was confirmed!

It's just that there is a scientific explanation for "cocks lay eggs", but the evolution of Pokemon's anomalous material is diverse.

Guan Liyuan pays attention to this because he has been studying the problem of energy transformation-the evolution of abnormal materials, which is precisely a matter of attributes.

Why is the sharp tooth ... or part of the "sharp tooth" able to play a role instead of the dragon attribute?

Ada also has some research on this. In addition to a sharp tooth, she also elaborated some of her research points.

Suddenly, Guan Liyuan found that, in fact, Ada was not only "solid" in the theory of the terrestrial system, but even ... it could already be said to be "high house built"!

Some views even coincide with the research direction of Guan Liyuan.

According to Guan Liyuan's idea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the Pokémon world, seventeen different attributes also have internal connections ...

It is as if in the fairy sword world, Guan Liyuan has touched the edge of energy transformation and proved the inner unity of different auras.

It ’s like the dragon system ... In Guan Liyuan's conjecture, there are deep internal connections with the four attributes of water, fire, grass, and electricity, and the electricity system also has some kind of connection with water, fire, and grass-in some In extreme cases, the energy of the electric system can cause the power of water, fire, and grass to change and merge, and the dragon system can transform and stimulate these four forces ...

The best evidence is that when Alzeus used five slabs to synthesize "the orb of life", to save the Shen'ao ecosystem, he used "electricity" to fuse "water fire grass" and "dragon" to increase it.

Alzeus, who has a creation slate, should be the most thorough understanding of "attributes" in the Pokémon world, but unfortunately ... people are not willing to talk and sit down with Guan Liyuan in a candlelight night.

And now ... Ada's so-called research viewpoint is also a pity!

Because it is based on the subjective perspective of the terrestrial system, the summary of the attribute conversion rules is too simple, and Ada has no "creation slate", no "white eyes", no "contracts", no "penguins" ... cannot be truly intuitive Feeling this, the so-called conclusion is too subjective, but the general direction is similar to Guan Liyuan.

The elders who were present in a few words were dumbly asked, unable to justify ...

"It can be seen that ... Ada is still attentive, and the world also needs Ada, a pioneer of research that is not bound by existing theories, but it is better to be more down-to-earth, and now ... still using dragon items to participate Let ’s compare this sharp tooth as a gift. ”

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