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Vol 2 Chapter 1752: I nurtured

The sharp teeth of the Scorpio from the "Flying + Ground" dual system, plus a research report, was put on the stage of the Dragon Series reference ...

For most trainers who haven't heard much about the transformation of energy properties, Ada's approach is clueless.

Therefore, the expectations of the next two "travelers" have also decreased.

At this time everyone's expectations have been focused on the last reference person-"Dragon Xiaolong"!

It is said that not long ago, Long Xiaolong's fierce bite of the land shark changed its wings, and the blade-like "dragon wings" fell off and replaced with new ones. This time, the dragon dragon's prepared gift should be the pair of dragon wings, right?

Not only is the biting land shark itself a quasi-god beast, but the old little dragon's biting land shark is also integrated with the fiercely seated dragon wing. At this time, the dragon's wing that bites the land shark and sheds out is likely to have part of the fierce seated air. Dragon wings in nature!

However, even if everyone's thoughts have drifted to Long Xiaolong, it can't change the fact that there are two people in front.

"Please come up on No. 119," Elder Oga said.

Guan Liyuan also looked at Na Senran curiously, not knowing what he would do without training any Pokémon.

"Well?" Many people, including Guan Liyuan, wondered.

I saw ... Nathan came on stage with a small parcel!

After opening in front of the judges, you can see that there is a word composed of various dragon scales and dragon teeth-Dragon God Offering.

But the judges' faces are not good ...

"It's ridiculous! It doesn't have your breath at all!"

"What do you think of Dragon God's gift? Let you go to the wild to collect wild Pokémon Dragonscale dragon teeth?"

"Use the collected words to form a word, will Dragon God be happy?"

"Are these ... deceived by sound imitation?"

Several elders had already screamed in anger, and the surrounding trainers and the villagers of Longzhi Township had figured out the situation at this time, and they all stared at Na Senran.

Tam also looked at him puzzled at this moment ...

To Nathan Ran, Tam still had a little more contact. He felt that he was not such a nonsense young man, so he opened his mouth and said, "Nana, do you have any explanation?"

Nathan Ran: ...

Thanks to Guan Liyuan and Aida, he consistently called him "Nana", and Tam also thought that this was his exclusive nickname.

"I think they can explain it for me," Nathan said.

I saw Na Senran talking, putting his finger in his mouth and blowing a whistle, and then accompanied by a thin squeak, many wild Pokémon appeared in the surrounding forest, mostly dragons.

"This, this is ..."

"It's part of the Pokémon that I helped and checked in the Longzhi Township Reserve in recent days ..." Na Senran said.

The survival environment of Pokémon in the wild has not been so bad. It is not that these Pokémon were all injured and treated in the past few days. Most of them are just undergoing medical examinations and physical investigations. This is also special care work. The subject.

However, I have to say that it is rare to have an efficient special guard like Nathan Ran!

"In the past few days, I have completed the special protection work of thirty-seven communities, and collected the dragon scale dragon teeth that have fallen off, and let the dragon gods look at these dragon Pokémon. Now they are all in good health and ethnic condition. Dragon God will be very happy, too, "Nasenran said.

The surrounding Pokémon, yelling, seem to agree with Nasenran's statement ...

"Your character will surely make Dragon God care."

After figuring out what happened, both the elders on the stage and the younger scholars, at this time changed their previous attitudes and stood up to thank Nathan.

Even in the Pokémon World, there are very few volunteers who are willing to drill deep into the old forest in the mountains and do special care for wild Pokémon, and naturally they are respectable.

"Put this" good news "on the consecration table," said Elder Oga, headed by him.

This is also the second consecrated gift after the "corpse bone", which was placed on the consecration table in the center.

There are more than a dozen other candidates, but only these two have been selected!

Although Na Senran's gift did not fully comply with the rules of reference, but ... in line with the spirit of the Dragon Sacrifice, as a "celebration", the rules of the article were not insurmountable.

Neither the outsiders nor the villagers who were onlookers had any opinions, but they also expressed aspirations for Nathan.

"Special care volunteers are amazing in themselves, and ... thanks to so many wild Pokémon, he must have the same pure heart as the housekeeper."

Guan Liyuan heard that some people praised Na Senran so much, even many people use this metaphor!

In the direction of Nasenran, he gave a dismissive glance. Sure enough, Nana heard similar words, and then looked at him with the same disgust.

[This "cunning underworld leader" / "utilitarian underworld houseowner" is actually compared with me? Does he deserve the word "pure"? 】

"Next, there is No. 120," Elder Oga continued, looking very excited.

But obviously not expecting the unknown "A Yuan", but because the dragon Xiaolong who is close to "121", these elders obsessed with the strength of the dragon system, for the "dragon wings" related to the dragon god, I also look forward to it.

Sit in the air ...

Powerful as the ancestor Dragon God of the Three Dragon Gods of the Union-This is still the elders of the Dragon Village and have a respectful knowledge of the Three Dragon Gods. Otherwise, in the eyes of most Tianwang-level trainers, the empty seat should be slightly A beast that is higher than the three dragon gods, close to or equal to Kegeld.

As for the trainers below the Uranus level? For most trainers, all "beasts" are legendary existence, so-called first-class, second-class ... probably only about the guy who lacks awe of the beast ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The next level of the beast is defined.

Long Xiaolong's winged winged wing, after finishing his studies in Longzhi Township, entered the "Meteor's Land" in Fengyuan area, and communicated with the meteor people who regarded it as a totem. Sitting idle, and then get.

Even the elders of the Dragon Village have never seen a fierce empty seat, and the ancestor Dragon God rarely came to the will on the Dragon Sacrifice ...

However, at this time, Long Xiaolong, who was expected by everyone, was paying attention to Guan Liyuan instead!

He always felt ... the back was somewhat familiar.

It ’s just that Guan Liyuan now wears a sun hat, light blue colored lenses, and even applied some powder with the help of the Rockets duo to make himself look whiter, plus some light makeup with fictional light and shadow effects, so Not directly recognized.

"Dragon! What is this?" Oga exclaimed suddenly.

The original thought had already flown to Long Xiaolong, but just when Guan Liyuan took out the basin-sized dragon scale from the mountaineering bag, it was strong ... No, it should be said that the breath of the dragon system has been sacred, but Oga doubted it, It was Dragon Xiaolong who took out the wing of the fierce seat!

But as soon as everyone knows, that's impossible ...

The fierce winged wing has been fused by the fiercely bitten land shark, and now the 120th is definitely not a "dragon-related item related to the beast". This should be directly from the beast!

Xia Ka stared suddenly at the mammoth "A Yuan"-before he thought that the "pure Nana" was pretended by Guan Liyuan, but he was too uncertain to be sure, but now ... he is nine points sure, This is the owner of the house.

"This is what I cultivated ... well, a special dragon scale Pokémon."

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