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Vol 2 Chapter 1814: Kaitian follow-up

The homeowner made another big news!

In the west of the United League, near the dead place of Aindook City, not only was the vitality restored overnight, but ... the area was expanded several times!

The people in the small town of Ain Dook just spent a peaceful night and felt nothing.

It can be seen from the satellite that the purple light bloomed from purple to green before. It can be said that the shape of the entire planet has changed slightly because of this, but there is no vibration!

Of course, according to Guan Liyuan, the planet hasn't changed, it's just a change in space, similar to the one that existed here before, but just invisible-because "light" depends on space, so when space didn't exist before, here Does not exist.

The specific principle has exceeded the limit of the Pokémon World's technology tree, but it does not prevent everyone from knowing that this is done by the house owner and Dr. Guan, at least ... it is related to the house owner!

Because the day before, the first house in the world rented it here for a hundred years ...

It's not that the United Alliance sees the money open, but that Guan Liyuan's rent has indeed reached the standard.

Generally, in each alliance, it is necessary to rent a large area of ​​the wild environment as a breeding area, as long as it meets the criteria, it is "easy" to apply.

It ’s just that “conforming to standards” is difficult in itself-first of all, it is necessary to properly place all wild Pokemon in the local area, and secondly, it must not cause damage to the local environment. Quantity and quality.

And here ... it was a dead land before!

There are very few wild Pokemon and the environment is extremely harsh. In theory, there are very few Pokemon that can be cultivated here ...

At least before "today", the theoretical rent here was extremely low, so it was easily taken down by "the first house in the world"-with the "first house in the world" qualification, naturally meeting the rental standards, and no one questioned "the first in the world" "House" has the ability to make good use of the environment.

Although the United League felt that it was cheaper to rent, no one ... or rather, few people wanted to take it back silly.

After all, the change of the dead place, everyone knows it must be related to Guan Liyuan!

There are many speculations. Among them, there are two kinds of statements that are more reliable. One is that Guan Liyuan was blessed by Reichlam and Czech Roma, which inspired the dragon veins that originally existed here, so the spectacle of environmental expansion appeared here ... This is also the statement of the first house in the world.

The other ... is "folk rumor", but many people believe it!

That is, Alzeus opened up a new world for Guan Liyuan ...

Guan Liyuan felt that this speculation was totally unreasonable-he hadn't seen Al Zeus for a long time before he "opened up the world", okay?

And even though Alzeus appeared afterwards, no one should have seen it, these guys are all rumors!

However, in the background, the major league officials believe in this statement more. After all, Alzeus's credibility in developing the environment is much higher than that of Guan Liyuan himself.

However, for whatever reason, it proves that this cannot be "taken" by others-even if someone can't figure it out, the United Four Heavenly Kings and champion Alice also directly go back. "If you want to come back, go to Al Zeus and say it yourself ".

Arceus did appear on the ground.

After Guan Liyuan broke ground last night, he immediately discovered Alzeus and Reichlam, Czech Roma ...

It seems that the three of them should have been nearby before, but they didn't step forward to disturb Guan Liyuan's "opening up the world."

Reichlam and Czech Roma, when they found that their avatars were motivated again, and this time directly mobilized the yin and yang rules that the two merged with, they raised their senses.

Arceus was feeling as the world gradually expanded ...

In this way, Reichlam and Czech Roma could no longer convince themselves that "the problem was not big", and hurried over, and encountered Artius, who arrived one step ahead.

At the beginning, Reichlam and Czech Roma were worried that Guan Liyuan would use his avatar to "make trouble" and wanted to stop Guan Liyuan, but they were stopped by Alzeus. Since Alzeus stopped, Ram and Roma knew that they didn't need to do anything. Also looked alive at the side.

"Well? When did you come?" Guan Liyuan first put away the dark and light stones, and then asked.

Ram and Roma could see their eyes leaping-just afraid we would come back, right?

However, because Guan Liyuan has stretched the new world, although it is far less than the real "opening up the world", but it has also won the favor of the cosmic will, so now Alzeus and the two dragon gods suddenly found Guan Liyuan's eyebrows clear ...

"The avatar ... It seems that the research of the Dragon Devourer was more valuable than imagined." Alzeus sighed thoughtfully.

Guan Liyuan heard the words for a moment, and it seemed that he did not expect that Al Zeus was more concerned about "avatars" than "opening up the world"? Really?

"Ahem, yes, I also used the yin and yang rules in my avatar to successfully stimulate the original energy and achieved a little bit of success in the world. This is not my credit, but ..." Guan Liyuan decided to take the topic Pull it back.

"You said before, there are still many different worlds, right?" Alzeus interrupted by himself.

Although Guan Liyuan was interrupted by the "speech", he heard the words of Al Zeus, but his blood was flushed and his face was flushed with red ...

"You want to ..." Guan Liyuan was ready to issue a contract to Al Zeus.

Alzeus was not interested in any other world before, and some auxiliary skills could not seduce her ...

Guan Liyuan was also very curious-could this time have favored my cosmic will so much that even Artes, known as the "God of Creation," couldn't resist the pure charm?

"Oh, you have time for dreaming, you might as well think about how to seal Necrozma next time," said Alzeus disdainfully.

Guan Liyuan automatically made up his eyes from her tone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

But after that, Alzeus also added: "If it succeeds ... I owe you a favor."

After Arthurus spoke, the colorful glow flashed and disappeared from its place.

Guan Liyuan also felt that Alzeus was a bit strange. First, he was emotional about the "separation", and then jumped to the seal of Necrozma ... The method of the engraving of the dragon, instead of borrowing eighteen genesis tablets Did it evolve?

Obviously using the creation slate to get a higher end?

Couldn't Alzeus ... just bring up the topic, waiting for me to boast of her avatar, to a wave of commercial blows? She was embarrassed when no one made it?

Guan Liyuan faintly felt that Al Zeus should not have such low-level taste, but was thinking about other things ...

Ram and Roma emphasized the canned people's twists and turns. Their light and dark stones were left to Xiao Saner. In addition, if in the future they would cause any trouble with their avatars, they would never memorize them. pot……

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