Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 1815: Many doubts and forum mechanisms (2 in 1)

Thanks to the special formation environment of the new world and the special rules of the Pokémon world, Guan Liyuan experienced a "super mini-pseudo-open-world" ...

The "plane" of the Pokémon world is different from the large number of parallel planes of the main world, that is, the world of Qiankun. It is also different from the "digital plane" and the "physical plane" that appear in pairs in the digital world. The trinity plane structure of the present world, the dead world, and the virtual world is different.

The "old world" and "new world" of the Pokémon world do not normally exist side by side, and even the "temporary" cannot find a third equivalent plane ...

If the development of the Pokémon world is in accordance with normal development, it should be the end of a plane, and then a new plane will be opened-only the Pokémon and humans in the old world discovered the new world in advance and escaped the silence. Off.

The two environmental "startups" of the new world also happened during the two world wars of the old world. It can be said that only when the vitality of the old world became extinct, the new world opened as promised.

In other words, the new world itself can be regarded as a "world era", not just a plane.

Therefore, although Guan Liyuan ’s “opening up the world” is mini, it still has a certain amount of gold, not just the extent of expanding the plane ...

In the "mini-open world", Guan Liyuan's understanding of energy and matter has reached a new height, but at the same time he has not been able to escape the law of "the more I know, the more I don't understand".

When Guan Liyuan opened up the world, the material, energy, and space of the Pokémon world, a series of rules, from the simple to the complicated evolutionary process, were completely present in Guan Liyuan's "heart".

Such an intuitive experience, but also penguin records all data, so that Guan Liyuan can repeatedly observe "chewing", the state of nature soared ...

However, precisely because of this, Guan Liyuan found that there was a lot of "positions" missing from it!

For example, cause and effect, such as vows, such as time, and even ego ... These rules, which should also be presented at the time of opening the sky, have no place for them, or they have been evolved long ago!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan judged that the development process of the Pokémon world should have two parts, one is the rules including causality and so on. They have been "innate", and they have appeared in the "world" before the material and energy are evolved. In the original energy, only the rules of derivation and matter, energy, space, etc., cause and effect, time already existed before this.

The "sky and earth" opened by Guan Liyuan had this part of time and part of the cause and effect before, but now it has only just been filled with matter, energy and space.

Therefore, Guan Liyuan's "opening up the world" should not only be "mini", but also a "pseudo".

This is different from the Pangu-type universe and the BOOM-type universe ...

When the "Pangu-type universe" did not open, time and causality did not exist. In the "BOOM-type universe", everything except BOOM also existed after the occurrence of BOOM.

Guan Liyuan does not know how this phenomenon should be described-even if it is posted to the forum's Raiders area, this is also a "most cutting-edge" post.

So Guan Liyuan referred to his own strength system, and named the rules that appeared after "material energy space", that is, "pseudo-opening up the world," as "acquired rules", and "cause and effect" as "congenital rules", and "I" ... still unsure.

To give a simple example-"gravity", "oxidation reaction", etc. are considered "acquired rules", "good people and good news" are considered "innate rules"; there are some vague concepts, such as "plant cell mitosis" Can be regarded as the "acquired rule", "Grow melon to melon" is regarded as an innate rule.

"Congenital" and "nurtured" are only "before heaven and earth" and "later than heaven and earth" in the Pokémon world, but in another part of the universe, congenital and acquired are not so divided, or even appear at the same time, but Guan Liyuan derives from it A lot of inspiration.

Realized the fundamental difference between the two types of rules-even in other universes where causality was born with matter and energy, this difference should exist.

To this end, Guan Liyuan also specially consulted BOOM Brother, and thoroughly mastered the blue dye of Ben Yu as evidence of his own judgment.

Even ... Guan Liyuan also had some new speculations about the slight difference between the use of "bright stone" and "dark stone" and the use of "sacred plan".

As Guan Liyuan deepened his understanding of matter and energy, and even indirectly understood the cause and effect of the derivation of the rules of reality and reality, he became more confused.

Moreover, many mysteries made Guan Liyuan think of the digital world involuntarily, the digital plane, the material plane, and the mysterious sea of ​​darkness. At this time, Guan Liyuan had some faint guesses, but more needs to be verified. Doubts.

Another thing that puzzled Guan Liyuan was Alzeus' reaction ...

Penguin has also judged whether Guan Liyuan can “attract” Al Zeus at this time. After Guan Liyuan's groundbreaking, the cosmic will in the Pokémon world is favored enough to make the first-class **** beast have an initial favor with him, but whether he can win follow It is also necessary for Guan Liyuan to communicate on his own, but at least he will not be "sufficed" because of insufficient favor of the universe.

And Arthur Zeus is not comparable to ordinary first-class gods and beasts ...

The so-called first-class **** beast Guan Liyuan refers to is a **** beast with a combat strength of more than 750,000, such as Kegelde ’s complete body and returning to the original fierce empty seat. The combat power should be close to one million, and the original beast card is more than one million. , Alzeus ... probably more than 1.5 million!

The most important thing is that Alzeus controls the new world ... or the eighteen genesis slate of the new era, which is most closely related to the will of the universe.

Therefore, Alzeus should not suddenly want to follow Guan Liyuan, which is also consistent with Alzeus's reaction at the time-proving that she was not pure pride.

Only in this way, Guan Liyuan was even more confused ... Then why did Alzeus suddenly mention the "other world" thing?

If you do not rely on your own strength, Arceus will not be able to enter other worlds. After all, the "new world" of the Pokémon world is now thriving, and no new era will occur in the world.

And to cross the universe ... At present, Guan Liyuan knows that only "forums" have this ability!

"What are you thinking?" Xiao Ai interrupted Guan Liyuan's thinking.

"A mess is something that no one can understand for thousands of words." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

Little Love:……

"So you have to leave for a while?" Xiaoai said suddenly.

"How do you know?" Guan Liyuan was surprised. What he just said didn't disclose this, did he?

Indeed, Guan Liyuan was eager to confirm a speculation and wanted to go to the digital world first ...

Xiaoai didn't answer. Guan Liyuan can only attribute this to her understanding of herself. Maybe ... every time she wants to "leave", this is the performance?

However, for Xiaoai, it is difficult to raise feelings of miss and reluctance-because for Pokémon World, Guan Liyuan's departure is too short!

"Oh." Xiao Ai just nodded indifferently, signaled to know.

When Guan Liyuan entered other worlds, the time limit was "one week", "January", "one season", and "one year".

Except for some special worlds, after each stay, the time lapse of the main world is three hours. When entering the world again, the time interval is also three hours.

As the number of entries and exits has increased, many world timelines have been completely adjusted.

Now Guan Liyuan is in the world of Naruto, the world of Pokémon, the world of pirates, and the world of hunters, and can go in and out at any time.

Access to the Dragon Ball World, Fairy Sword World, and Grim Reaper World is still restricted.

In the digital world, this time normally stays for one year, but because of the disordered timeline last time, the forum has been repaired, so you can go out at any time, but you cannot enter at any time, but now it is time to enter.

The most difficult thing is the fairy sword world, which can neither enter nor exit at will, and because the time in the human world is disordered, the time interval between entering and exiting is relatively large. Not only does each time you enter or exit, the sword world time will pass seven years, and the timeline Not adjusted yet ...

That is to say, the next time you enter, you must stay in the realm for a month, that is, the human world for 30 years, and next time you need to be in the realm for a quarter. Only one continuous stay in the world of God for more than 300 years can finally be adjusted!

Even if it is thirty years, it is also a "challenging" for Guan Liyuan, especially after a few days after Guan Liyuan dragged the main world, the difference between the two timeline ratios of the fairy sword world has accumulated, and it is necessary to stay "one month and one quarter "That is, the human world for 120 years ...

Although I have a lot of time to experience the realm, but ... Guan Liyuan has never lived so long!

"Go on like this, maybe I'm going to become a fairy sword man ..." Guan Liyuan muttered quietly.

Xiaoai glanced at him, and couldn't help but ask: "'first' bitch, and now you ... hh, what's the difference from bitch?"

Guan Liyuan: ...

"You didn't say it to me! But I will leave after three hours. In case someone happens to find me in these three hours, you can help me round it." Guan Liyuan said.

In the digital world, there is no concern in the fairy world.

When Guan Liyuan stayed for three months last time and entered the human plane or material plane, because there was too much time difference with the previous digital plane, Guan Liyuan was pulled back to the main world after a while, and the forum has since Time axis adjustments have been made, for which the digital world has not been in a long time.

After the adjustment is completed, although this time stays up to the "one year" of the human plane time, it can come out at any time.

Only after accumulating "one year", the timeline of the digital plane will enter the adjustment period. When the adjustment is completed again, the digital world will also enter the ranks of "in and out at any time ..."

Of course, there is also a way to enter and exit at will, that is, you can naturally enter and exit without adjusting the time axis-purely, the function of avatar in different worlds does not require time intervals.

As Guan Liyuan became more familiar with the forum and the concept of "different world", he became more and more aware of the mysteries ...

In fact, the proportion of time in each universe is different or incomparable. For example, the "day" of various worlds is not so coincident. Everyone's sun comes out in a circle in 24 hours.

It is only because individuals in different worlds have different perceptions of the passage of time. Guan Liyuan entered as an "avatar" that matches the rules of the world. The perception of nature and the indigenous people in the universe are the same. The concepts of one day, one month, and one year are almost the same.

Within a world, the time of different planes is mostly the same or proportional, and the time in different worlds does not use the "proportion" to measure the difference. It can not even be faster or slower. The reason why everyone can communicate together ... It is the power of the Forum.

To a certain extent, Guan Liyuan has fully accepted the setting of "noble administrator".

By extension, the speed of light and sound of each universe are also different. For example, the speed of light in the world of Saint Seiya is relatively easy to reach, the frequency of natural light waves is also different, and the frequency of light waves is the color seen by the eyes ...

In other words, the "red" of each world is not necessarily a color, but because the eyes and thinking of creatures in each world are also different, after Guan Liyuan's transformation of the incarnation, he sees "red" in his own cognition. ".

The same principle applies to length and weight. It is like people on two different planets. One average is one meter seven and one average height is ten times its height. However, the latter's length unit is also reasonable based on its height. The unit is almost ten times the "one meter" of the former. When converted, I also think that it is "average one meter seven."

The world difference is far greater than that of the planets in the universe, and it is impossible to compare.

No one can answer, is there a difference in height between Pokémon humans and humans in the main world, because no ruler can exist in two worlds at the same time-just which world Guan Liyuan is in is "one person tall", both worlds The unit of length is also compatible with itself, so it is not difficult to substitute it.

Especially with the translation plugin, the units of length are translated into "meters", and the time is "hour", "day", "month" ...

Even when Guan Liyuan was in different worlds, when he was transferring items, he had passed the "distortion" of the world rules, but the degree of distortion was different, so it was difficult to measure whether the size had changed.

As if Penguin had said at the beginning, adjusting the time axis proportions of each world by himself did not really slow down the time flow of the entire world, but was another kind of "adjustment" (if Ben Dong remembered correctly, at the time It should be written like this) ...

At that time Guan Liyuan didn't understand it, but now he can understand some-time in different worlds could not be compared together, and naturally there is no proportion.

Penguin only adjusts the time for the forum to receive signals. If there is no forum, these worlds have no relationship and there will be no connection in time. It is only after being searched by the forum that there is a time relationship, so adjustment is needed. If there is no forum, Guan Liyuan traverses the big world by himself ...

"Return" after crossing ten years and "return" after crossing two decades, the result is the same-it is possible to enter any time point, it may be two hours after the crossing, or it may be A hundred years later ... maybe even a hundred years ago.

And if it is before the time of crossing, it will naturally be affected by the "dual ego paradox", that is, there are two different "Is". What will happen at this time depends on the surprise of the rules of the universe itself.

In some universes, nothing will happen. Two "I" s may exist at the same time, and may even communicate with each other. Instead, the "big-tempered" universe will appear. This bug will self-destruct and restart directly in minutes. Not to ...

The reason why the forum is now able to collect the various worlds of the signal ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The time has been proportional. It is precisely because of the existence of the forum signal that the worlds are invisible in connection, and when there is a connection, there is also After a little "causal entanglement", they began to be affected by the same concept of time ...

The adjustment of the forum's timeline is actually just a matter of doing something about this "causal entanglement", rather than really changing the time flow rate in the entire world category-it's so awkward, and you don't need to Guan Liyuan every time Only "fairy jump" can use the forum to seal opponents.

This kind of "causal entanglement" is exactly the important reason that Guan Liyuan is very convinced that "cause and effect" can be independent of "material" and "energy". At least in this regard, the worlds that the forum can search for have commonalities ...

[Egg, wait for me! Let's save you! ] Guan Liyuan encouraged a few words.

Before he was moved, Guan Liyuan added: "You first ... explore the sea of ​​darkness! 】

Eggs: ...

[Actually you have an idea about the sea of ​​darkness, right? 】

【……hold onto! I'll save you right away! 】

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