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Chapter 263: Who dares to say that I have no big tricks

"Don't talk too much ... Gossip array! Combination of soft boxing and gossip two hundred and fifty-six palms!"

"Be careful when approaching his bones!"

Now that you know the identity of Guan Liyuan, the remaining four people of the Hyuga family have also made up for how the previous few were killed by Guan Liyuan ...

From the perspective of white eyes, while Guan Liyuan was locked in the middle of the gossip array, he was always careful about the bones that might have been pierced from various angles.

When the four rushed to the center, Guan Liyuan didn't mean to avoid it at all!

Therefore, the four members of the Nixiang family need not consider how to resolve Guan Liyuan's breakout, and how to correct the hexagram position in real time when Guan Liyuan moves ...

It only needs to be like a puppet that won't move during basic practice ...

At this moment, although the four did not forget "be careful of the bones that will be stabbed at any time", the confidence has become higher ... I feel that I have reached the limit in this cooperation!

[Actually ... it's easy to deal with! 】

When the four seemed to have felt that the meridians of Guan Liyuan's entire body had been cut off under their soft fist, they suddenly felt that their vision was a bit fuzzy ...

【what? How does the effect of white eye disappear? 】

Just in their hearts, when this thought had just flashed, everyone showed their palms, chests, joints ... pierced by no less than five bone blades!

"How, how is it possible ..." Dejian uttered incredulously.

In his impression, his soft fist had cut off the main meridian of Guan Liyuan's Chakra center, but the effect of the white eye suddenly disappeared. After the perspective changed, he patted himself to the right of Guan Liyuan's chest and abdomen. The palm has been punctured by a bone spur punctured by Guan Liyuan's left rib, and a chill came from the bone spur, which almost paralyzed the palm!

Moreover, his left chest had been punctured by a bone spur punctured by Guan Liyuan's right rib, his cheekbone was cut off by a barb stabbed by Guan Liyuan's knee, and his left arm was elbow cut by Guan Liyuan's bone blade in his hand. ...

The other three were also in a similar situation to Dejian. Guan Liyuan's bones held in his hands at this time were lying horizontally in front of him. His elbows, knees, back, ribs ... numerous parts pierced like hedgehogs. Either sharp or sharp blades or spurs.

And every bone blade and bone spur has cold, corrosive, hallucinogenic power!

"So fast……"

A Ninja tribe's forbearance only had time to leave the last sentence of his life, which was a bit too brief as a last word.

After Guan Liyuan slammed back all the bone spurs and bone blades, and returned to the upright state, the four ninjas of the tribe around him fell to the ground ...

So fast? It is indeed very fast. Guan Liyuan has now completed it. Among the Huiye clan, they are only "theoretical existence" celestial body suits. With the use of the incarnation of the Naruto world, the degree of defense and counterattack is enough to make the ninjas close to despair.

But with the degree alone, I'm afraid it won't make the eyes undetectable!

However, this time Guan Liyuan injected Chakra in the tail ...

Chaotic Phosphorus Chakra, which confuses the mind and deflects light, prevents white eyes from piercing the bones at the first time; Moraine Chakra, which paralyzes the wound with low temperature, makes the other party not even hurt themselves; it can dissolve the Chakra defense The dissolution guarantees that all attacks in an instant will work.

In Yunyin Village, six people and two elites have tolerated, and after seeing this situation for a short time, they are more alert ...

In a moment when there was no time to react, the four members of the Hyuga tribe were able to die in the close combat they were best at!

Yuki sighed, knowing that the mission had failed, and she did not know the specific strength of Guan Liyuan, but with the strength that Guan Liyuan now showed, as long as Chongwu and Bamboo took the air to kill them, it was no problem to leave. of.

Since this attack in Yunyin Village will be exposed, the mission has failed ...

"Consultant Guan ..."

Yumu didn't want to fight anymore, but she just spoke, but Guan Liyuan didn't listen to her!

"Bingyu · Ice Wheel Cut!" Guan Liyuan waved the bone blade in his hand.

I saw where Jianfeng passed, and formed a solid ice wall that was one person tall and sharp like an ice blade, and swept towards a Yunyin village!

"Be careful!" As Troy warned, he threw out two huge, square-shaped shurikens in his hand and waved off the ice blade to Guan Liyuan.

Eventually in the trajectory of the ice blade rising from the ground, seeing that it was about to attack the Yun Ren, a huge shuriken smashed the front of the blade-shaped ice wall ...

However, before Troy let out a sigh of relief, I saw the broken ice blade's trajectory section as if it were a polygon mirror ... suddenly there was a shadow of Guan Liyuan's rushing out with his knife!

The broken surface of the ice cube is as irregular as broken glass. You can see six or seven mirrors. At the same time, six or seven Guan Liyuan rushed out and continued to attack Yun Yun.

"Abominable ..." Troy hurriedly lifted his hands toward the void, and saw two huge shurikens, as if held by invisible hands. The original road turned back to attack Liulidao Guanliyuan again. Figure ...

Several Guan Liyuan shattered, and later turned into ice sculptures.

"Ice avatar? Actually, there is Bingyu's blood succession limit ..." As Troy watched carefully, only listening to Yun Ren in the other direction suddenly screamed.

"help me……"

I saw it was covered with acid all over the body, and without saying a word of help, it turned into a half-pus corpse.

"Stop! We Yunyun Village has decided to withdraw from the north!" Yumu shouted quickly.

"Withdraw? Want to be beautiful! Want to come and kill a few people in my Northern Alliance, just walk around and want to leave safely?" Guan Liyuan's voice came from all directions.

At the same time, the wooden man noticed that some phosphorus powder was floating in the air!

"Be careful, hold your breath!" Yuki said, wrapping his tail beast.

"Are you an adviser to the Northern Alliance? Are you going to fight Yunyin Village?" Troy angered.

Not that he is too naive. Of course, as a ninja, they understand that a ninja without any force will not be killed!

However, they did not expect that Guan Liyuan dared to openly fight in the case of the Northern Alliance and Yunyin Village being so disparate in strength ...

Don't look at the population and area of ​​the northern country after the unification of the northern region, but in terms of ninjas, it is not comparable to any of the five hidden villages!

And the strength of the five big hidden villages is also strong or weak ... The ninjas of the five big hidden villages are about 100,000 in total, of which the strongest wood leaves, or bright or dark, have about 35,000 ninjas, about 2,000. Zhongni, especially Shangni and Shangni totaled three or four hundred; it was followed by Yunyin Village, which had about 25,000 ninjas, and the number of Shangni was not much different from Muye ...

The other 17 thousand ninjas in Yanyin Village, Wuyin Village and Shayin Village are in their early tenths.

This is why Muye changed his strategy now and suddenly became so enthusiastic about Sandy Village!

The death of the previous three generations has made the whole Ninja Mountains rain, but Muye basically keeps himself safe as long as he binds the sandy village to a chariot ...

And what about the Northern League? Even if there is true unification of the north, there are only four or five thousand ninjas at most, and the ratio of middle and upper ninjas is still lower than that of the five hidden villages. Although it is conceivable that there will be a rapid extension after reunification ... This year, it is impossible to compare with Yunyin Village!

This is what almost all Yunyin Ninjas think of the Northern Alliance now, and also why they have not made up their minds and must destroy the Northern Alliance ...

Yumu naturally did not expect that Guan Liyuan was so fierce. Even when they had publicly disclosed their identities and said they would retreat, they still had to do something?

"No! We already have illusions ... solution!" A watermelon head Yun Yun suddenly responded.

"How come?" Yu Muren's first reaction was unbelief.

Because her relationship with Erwei Youlu is not completely reconciled, but under the guidance of Kiraby, the relationship has gradually improved and she also knows the name of "Youlu" ...

If Ninjutsu hits her, should the brigade help her out?

Yuki sees that other people are also manually dismissing the illusion, so he also tries to do it ...

[Actually hit the magic? This is ...] Yumu couldn't help seeing the scene after disillusionment.

I saw that all around, including the top of the head, had been blocked by a hemispherical ice wall, and Guan Liyuan was reflected in all directions.

It was Guan Liyuan's imitation of "Dungeontangwu" and "Magic Mirror Ice Crystal" ...

Well, the "open" technique is very high, but in fact, it is completely using the huge tail beast Chakra, and it is moving without optimization of ninjutsu. It is estimated that Osumaru will say: You are also considered ninjutsu. ?

"Did you just react?" Guan Liyuan dismissed his voice.

"Yingfu, Chen, Lingzi!" Yumu had also seen at this time, and three more people died in Yun Ren ...

[I should n’t have come if I knew it! ] At the same time that the wooden man felt heartache for the loss of his companion, he was also completely angry.

However, at the time when Chakra, the beast of the wooden man, was growing more and more, it seemed to be beastly ...

【what! Yuki ... I, I don't know what kind of ninjutsu is hit, and need to sleep for a while, please ask for blessing! 】 Yi Lu's voice suddenly sounded from the heart of the wooden man ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After speaking, You Chacha completely received it back, as if the relationship between the two was still below freezing, barely enough to extract Chakra maintains the tail coat!

Yumu can't tell whether the brigade is against the water or if he really hits the other side ...

In either case, it is not very reasonable!

No matter how strong, through the seal, did not act on himself, directly and quietly affected the tail beast? Is it really human?

As for traveling against water ...

Although her relationship with Youlu was not so harmonious, even when she had just become a human pillar, Youlu would not help her opponents pit it, after all, the seal carrier died, and it was not good for Youlu!

"Ice Mormon Mirror!"

"Phosphorus · Mirage!"

"Ryu 遁 Swallowing!"

"No name yet ..."

In the ice enchantment, Guan Liyuan tossed one by one with the changes of "ninjutsu" in his imagination ... Let's first consider it as ninjutsu.

Unlike the nine lamas who believe in "simple and rude", Chongming, Rhino, and Isofu all have high control skills on their own special chakras, and now Guan Liyuan can also rely on their power.

The fascinating five-sense illusion, the numerous ice avatars that can quickly move between the ice walls, and the giant basilisk made of acid are devouring ...

The narrow enclosed space is full of various offensive techniques by Guan Liyuan ...

[Hahaha! Who dares to say that I don't have a big move ...] Guan Liyuan was very proud and smirked in consciousness.

Isobu: [Brothers, what's wrong with the boss? 】

Chong Ming: [I do n’t know, Chakra is no abnormality, unlike in illusion ...]

Lama Nine: [Leave him alone, people are crazy! 】

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