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Chapter 264: Threat

"Square film blasting shuriken ... Magnetic maggot · Send to send the sword!"

From the scroll, Troy summoned a huge shuriken covered with "explosive talisman", and then controlled with magnetization, hit the top of "Ice Prison", and snatched a hole with the explosion.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled Yumu, with a degree that Guan Liyuan even suspected that he would dislocate his joints, and ran out of the slowly healing hole!

At this time, Bingdangtang had no interior, and it seemed to have been stung by some kind of beast. There were traces of destruction everywhere. In addition to Yun Yin Ninja except Mu Ren and Troy, the best one in the end was already two Department, the worst thing is already semi-liquid ...

Seeing that Troy and Yumu had escaped, Guan Liyuan also lifted the copycat version of Bingdangtangwu.

[Magnetism can also be used to add? ] Guan Liyuan asked his "ninjutsu staffs".

[I don't know, Magnet is Shou He's holding it. Said the rhino.

[Hum, only a defective part of a tail can handle it! 】 The Nine Lamas are proud.

Guan Liyuan has also appeared now. In terms of ninjutsu, this is actually the most unvoiced of the tail beasts!

Every time I say that I am the strongest of the nine tailed beasts and forcibly step on other tailed beasts, the core idea is "you can't beat me anyway, your ninjutsu is garbage, why do I understand these garbage?" "...

In fact, Shouhe is not as uncomfortable as the nine lamas said, but it is the "inspirational representative" of the tail beast. The amount of chakra is the least among the tail beasts, but the combat power can be discharged to the middle reaches!

Well, Guan Liyuan suspects that the nine lamas have played a large role in spurring it.

[Magnetism is a combination of wind and thunder .... The combination of these two can also produce a special Chakra, which is "quick and fast". I have seen it once during the Warring States Period. 】 Chong Ming said.

[Aren't you quick ...]

Guan Liyuan also remembered at this time, in the theater version, Troy was humbled to receive the "fastness"!

Is the "Ghost Buddhism" of Beiluhu not directional absorption of special chakras, but of "the ability to make the wind and thunder fuse", so after Troy is absorbed, it is produced in the body of Beiluhu. Is it "Xun Xun" instead of the original "Magnetic Xun"?

[But why did they let them go in the end? ] Nine Lamas asked dissatisfied.

The killing hearts of the nine lamas and Shouhe are the heaviest among the tail beasts.

[I begged to say that letting go of that guy once more, it was all the last love ... you ask it specifically. 】

Guan Liyuan said that he had formed the seal of "psychic art" and summoned the adorable blue big cat!

Sure enough, after being called again, Brigade also looked like a child ...

"Huh! Really come out? Nine Lamas didn't lie to me this time? Haha ..." Lu Lu laughed again.

Guan Liyuan would like to ask, this subtle word "this time" ... Have the nine lamas ever lied to it before?

Yes, Guan Liyuan was in fact communicating with Youlu before he was spotted. At this time, the relationship between Youmu and Youlu was far less harmonious than in the original three years later.

At least now the brigade is still resentful towards Yunyin Village ... after all, it has been sealed several times for so long!

Nine-tailed Chakra overflowed a part from Guan Liyuan's back, condensed the head of Nine Lama in a half-imagined state, and said, "Are you traveling again, shouldn't you be hooked on a woman again? You asked Guan Liyuan to let the woman off once ? "

The word "again" is even more subtle! The glory of gossip flashed in Guan Liyuan's eyes ...

"Hah? How dare you say that? It wasn't you and Niu Gui who lied to me and said ... Huh!"

Another brigade seemed to have Guan Liyuan's eyes turned, turning his head and no longer snoring, only using "hum" to express dissatisfaction with the Nine Lamas, but no longer revealed anything.

Guan Liyuan still remembered the business before gossip. At this moment, he said solemnly: "Brig again, this time I agree with you to let go of Yumu, but next time I meet her or another ninja in Yunyin Village , Unless you can tell the other party to surrender, I will never ... "

"Rest assured! I didn't plan to have a second time ... just this time, I felt that I had lost it! Those bastards! Sealed me for so long ... Say my strength will recover a little bit, right? Wait for me to recover After that, you want to fight the **** of Yunyin Village, I will give you a head start! "Said Lu Jiu Qiu.

But after the brigade, I added another sentence: "I admit that Troy was able to blow away the ice wall and you put water on it, but after he moved that technique, you can hardly catch up with it, right? I guess it can't catch up. "

"Yes, you've seen that technique? Although I can't catch up ... but can it really take effect for a long time?" This time, the green Chakra spilled out from behind Guan Liyuan, forming a unicorn-like celebrity. His head was sounding.

This is a variant technique created by them that imitates the "Peacock Magic" of Xing Ren.

"Hahaha, that surgery is interesting to say, is it effective for a long time? Troy's bastard, I hope it will take a shorter time ... The principle of that surgery is actually based on the space-time ninja of another person in Yunyin.

But he will not make a mark in the space, but will use a mine-laden iron mountain in Yunyin Village as a 'mark'. After moving, his magnetic chariot will fully drive him to fly to that iron mountain! From here to Yunyin Village ... It is estimated that after that, that guy's life is only half! "Lu Lu smiled happily again.

Ten years ago, when its predecessor, Zhu Li, was about to die, it was pulled out and sealed into Yugi's body. He also took the opportunity to escape, but was once again subdued by Yunyin Village's ninja.

Among those who besieged him at that time included Troy!

You Lu's character is more "lively" in the tail beast, but he is also very vengeful.

As for the principle of Troy's surgery ... I don't know why, Guan Liyuan remembered running a kart!

Guan Liyuan then walked to the bodies of Hyuga and others. The bodies of the Yunyin ninjas were almost incomplete, but the bodies of the Hyuga family were still intact. Guan Liyuan at the wound did not use corrosion as much as possible. .

It's not that Guan Liyuan intended to treat them, they were all going to take them back and study Dashe Wan ...

Guan Liyuan said ... this matter will definitely not end because they died between Japan and Germany!

Thousands of miles to attack the bamboo to take the air, it is not their own idea, and only the patriarch's owner has this power!

"Eh?" Guan Liyuan was about to collect the body of Ri Xiangdejian into the space, and suddenly his only right finger was in his arms, and he seemed to signal something before he died.

Guan Liyuan turned out a scroll from it, re-emphasizing the imprint on it, which is a type that can be touched automatically after opening ... and it should be a vision-like illusion image!

Believing in the heavy judgment, Guan Liyuan directly opened the scroll, and saw that a stereo image of a long middle-aged man in a robe with white eyes appeared ...

No forehead with guards and no trace of clan spells ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has already stated his identity!

"Since this scroll is opened, it seems that the task between Germany and China has failed. The person who got the scroll is the Northern Alliance? Or Yunyin Village? It should not be Yunyin Village! After all, there was an agreement before ... if If it is a person from the Northern Alliance, it will be enough for the next day, and I will apologize to you first.

Whether you forgive me for not declaring war, I hope you will stay calm next. Since Yunyin Village has received the gift, it will never take the initiative to disclose this matter, and I hope you can choose it correctly ... Anyway, don't forget the Hyuga family, which is the strongest family of Muye! "

When the sun and the sun in the image finish saying these words, the power in the scroll is exhausted, and the image disappears.

"Is Muye's Hyuga? It's a arrogant guy!" Jiu Lama said unhappyly.

"Oh, my hometown calls this behavior‘ dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water ’!” Guan Liyuan ’s voice was also very deserted.

Although Sun Xiangri said falsely to express "apology", from start to finish, he didn't bother to compose a decent reason.

What I really want to say is the last sentence ...

It seems to be showing off, but it is a threat to the Northern Alliance. Don't divulge the Japanese attack on them!

Otherwise, Konoha will blame the Nichigo family, but as the first family of Konoha, almost contracting Konoko's ears, it is impossible to be abandoned by Kono!

If Kobe learns about it, the Nichigo family will certainly lose and even reduce its trust in Nichigo. However, since Koye cannot abandon the Nichigo family, it must not sit and watch the Nichigo family being "humiliated" by outsiders ...

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