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Chapter 282: Secret Tail Bone

After comforting Yu Liu and guessing her life, Guan Liyuan vaguely intended Shennong, and why

"This time" did not rescue Yu Liu, but chose to use her to seduce Tsunade, all have speculation!

At this time, when Guan Liyuan was comforting Yuliu in the house, the outside was already in a mess ...

It can be seen that although the air tolerant fighting method has characteristics and strategic threats, it is too singular. After landing, the air tolerant looks a bit lame and obviously not suitable for ground combat.

At this time all three other teams in the air bombarded in air-to-ground bombardment to fully utilize the number advantage to maintain the absolute advantage.

However, this lame fighting method obviously caused some people's dissatisfaction ...

"Enough! Let's step back! A group of idiots have obviously let you lurk everywhere to pretend to be rebellious and bandits for so long, but you haven't grown at all!" I saw a strong figure coming over.

When the surrounding Nuo Ren saw him, he immediately lowered his head to give way.

"Who!" Looked at the man silently and alertly.

At this point, she was gasping. Obviously, under the siege of so many people, protecting Tsunade and Sakura was not an easy task ...

And looking at the person who came over, there was some doubt about silence. Although the man was strong, he didn't look like a ninja at all. He wore clothes that looked simple and neat, covered his hair with a cloth towel, and carried a vice ... box?

"You are Shennong, aren't you?" Tsunade endured the fear and anger in his heart.

"Oh, was it really found? It is worthy of three forbearance!" Shen Nong said while clapping his hands.

Originally, He's face was full of satire and hesitation.

"What? Shennong? That traveling doctor?" Silently said.

When I heard the rumors of Shennong in the Kingdom of the Air before, Mute also said "I can't think there is such a good person now", and highly respected this "sacred doctor" who dedicated his medicine to the masses of civilians ...

"Hahaha ... You Fang Shenyi? Indeed, if I weren't a" Divine Doctor ", how could I just turn a common infectious disease into a plague with only a little movement of my hands and feet, and added some of the legendary "San Ren" didn't notice the "material"? Hahaha ... "Shennong laughed.

"You **** ..." Tsunade was completely angry.

However, anger was not enough to suppress "phobia", and holding her little cherry, she could clearly feel that Tsunade was trembling throughout her body, so she could not fight at all!

"... What's the water in the pool ..." Tsunasu still asked angrily.

Sakura looked at Tsunade in doubt, "the pool" refers to the reservoir connected to the water pipe in the house ...

According to what Shennong said before, Sakura can guess what he should do in the plague virus, so that the pus after the abscess breaks open, and after contact with the water that has done the hands and feet, it will produce something like blood. In order to stimulate Tsunade's "phobia."

But I don't quite understand why, when Tsunade mentioned this, his anger completely doubled?

"Oh? Have you felt it? It is indeed the pioneer of the modern medical ninja training system ... even if you have phobia, you can't forget the feeling of real blood, huh ... That's right! It's real blood! I I have long thought that if there are toxic side effects in pus, I can't hide you ...

So the effect of those pus is just ‘removing specific illusions’ ... the pool is originally blood, and it ’s the blood of the human you most fear! I just applied a little magic, but if you touch the plague pus, it will appear! In the past three days, in order to get so much blood, my men have run a lot of places! "

How much blood does this take? Or ... how many lives are needed?

"Asshole!" Silent couldn't help but rushed to Shennong.

However, at the moment when the silent Chakra hand knife was about to fall on Shennong, Shennong was still flawed all over the body the moment before, and suddenly punched at the speed of absolute suppression of silence, right in the middle of the silent abdomen.

And the silence also flew back ...

Shennong deliberately made the distressed look and said, "Ah, huh? Sorry, it seems that the 'darkness' in the heart of Lord Santotsuna is too huge, and I can't control the power brought by this dark Chakra! Hahaha ... "

I saw that while Shennong was laughing, his already burly figure swelled once more, breaking up his shirt.

Exposed muscles that a ninja should not have, and look too healthy.

There are many ninjas who are good at bodybuilding, such as the extreme, woody blue beast, Matekai, but even Matekai, the muscles of the whole body are more streamlined, instead of looking too "bulky" like this Large tomb muscles!

"Silent sister!" Sakura hurriedly looked at the mute injury again.

"Actually ... so vigorous ... Sakura ... be careful ..." Silent seemed to have broken internal organs, vomiting blood constantly, and the words were already unfavorable.

When Tsunade saw this scene, "phobia" became more and more serious, his eyes became apathetic, and his pupils were shaking!

"Don't die ... you can't die ... you can't die ..." Tsunade murmured to himself.

When Sakura saw this scene, she had to grit her teeth and put Tsunade next to the mute first, and she pulled out the bitterness in the ninja bag on her leg, holding her hands and pointing sharply to Shennong ...

At this point Tsunade was unable to fight, and it was good that Silence barely managed to save himself for the severely wounded, only she could stand up! Although she didn't know, it was useless to stand up.

"Oh, little girl, I don't control very well now, it will hurt a lot! Do you really want to do something with me?"

While Shennong was speaking in a typical bad guy's tone, the cloth on her head was also cracked, her long hair burst and her original white hair gradually turned back to black, as if she had life, and she opened teeth and danced on her head. With.

Others didn't see it, at this time beside Tsunade, a faint black gas lingered, constantly overflowing, and then continuously disappeared out of thin air ...

[It seems that other "materials" have been added! When Guan Liyuan came out, he just saw this scene and couldn't help muttering.

"That's it, that's it! Despair! Your two lovely apprentices are going to die here too! More, more despair!" Shennong said with a laugh.

However, at this moment, Guan Liyuan showed up and startled the Sakura behind him ...

"Let's stop the farce here! Submit the data of the super-active body, as well as 'Anker Bandian' and the zero tail inside." Guan Liyuan said directly to Shennong who was at the pinnacle of madness.

"How do you know ... forget it, kid! Although you don't know who you are, but since you are in a hurry to die, then I will complete you!" Shouted Shennong.

"Oh? Just use this bulky body?" Guan Liyuan said dismissively.

"Chunky? Then let you see the real power of the super-active body ... accept it with gratitude! You are the first person to see this kind of power ... The perfect combination of physical power and chakra! Ultra-active punch!"

I saw that although Shennong said "fist", he actually concentrated the so-called "dark chakra" in his palm ... not only the chakra he originally owned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but Guan Liyuan could feel, The cells in Shennong's entire body are in an activated state, and they continuously squeeze out Chakras that exceed their original limits and condense into the palm of their hands.

Under the shackles of a strange power, it condensed into a sphere, then held it in the palm of your hand, the body flashed close, and raised your hand to Guan Liyuan!

And Guan Liyuan was not idle, only to see that the arm bones of his arms suddenly proliferated outside the body, becoming two tower shields, and after Guan Liyuan's fists were opposed to his chest, he was even more combined than himself. Scoring a giant bone shield ...


In a loud noise, Shen Nong thought that the strongest attack that was unstoppable was directly shot on Guan Liyuan's giant "bone shield", but he didn't have the imaginary sense of fragmentation, but he was blocked!

At this moment, Shennong suddenly noticed that the giant bone shield in front of him did not know when it turned gray-black, like the back of a creature ...

"Mystery, tail beast, and Isofu shield ... are you honored? You are the first person to see this power ... The tail beast Chakra is the perfect combination of blood succession and natural energy!" Guan Liyuan The sound rang from behind the carapace-shaped bone shield.

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