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Chapter 283: Weaknesses of hyperactivity

Shennong was shocked to find that in his own impression, the invincible "super active fist" was actually blocked by Guan Liyuan with a completely alienated arm bone!

At the same time, the right hand affixed to a bone shield that looked like a biological shell suddenly felt a chill, but it was actually a glacier chakra from the arm bone shield that made the ice layer to the right of Shennong Spreading on the arm ...

"What!" Shen Nong hurried out his hand, but although the ice layer was broken, when he looked at his palm, he found traces of frostbite!

"How, how is it possible? My 'super-active body' should be able to continuously regenerate and become stronger in the regeneration ..." Shennong's voice seemed to come out of his throat.

"It's too rude ... It's just using the powerful and special chakras to continuously catalyze cell regeneration. Chakra's utilization efficiency and 'no corpse rebirth' are completely at the same level. No wonder Dashe Wan said that you can only count on research Half-hanger, but the research results are remarkable ... Is it because of what information was found? "Guan Liyuan said dismissively.

"Stop! My‘ super-active body ’is the strongest physical skill! Even the eight-door scorpion of wood leaves, I can open it all at this time!” Shennong growled, as if to conceal his guilty conscience with volume.

"Eight gates? Maybe ... but with your current body, I am afraid that the moment you open the dead door, you will exhaust all your life potential?" Guan Liyuan's arms gradually returned to normal.

"You **** ... ultraactive fist!" Shennong launched another attack without faith.

And Guan Liyuan, who has almost figured out his details, is more calm in dealing with it!

As Guan Liyuan said before, although Shen Nong's power is now strong, for some unknown reason, the physical power is fully inspired ...

However, in Guan Liyuan's view, it was just a careless squandering of his life potential. The side effects were similar to Tsunade's "creative regeneration", but the efficiency should be much lower than "creative regeneration".

Now Shennong, if he masters the method, it is indeed possible to open the eight doors in one go, because his cells will be constantly regenerated while being constantly destroyed, and become stronger.

From the living door to the dead door, his body will adapt a little bit to open the door, and it is entirely possible to open the door. Shennong in the theater version is not lying.

However, during this period, the life potential lost by cell division can still only be carried by Shennong himself. I am afraid that there will be no time to make a punch ...

"But I'm still very interested in your practice ... No, your practice is terrible. To be precise, I'm very interested in the special chakras that strengthen your body. Did you hand in all the information? "

Guan Liyuan couldn't avoid it, so he watched Shennong hold the small ball condensed by "Dark Chakra" and rushed towards himself, while saying something that made Shennong feel angry.

Until Shennong approached, Guan Liyuan disappeared from the spot instantly!

If you slow down this picture countless times, you can turn to Guan Liyuan. Before "disappearing", a section of bone pops up under your feet as a boost. If you have special pupil technique or your perception is strong enough, you can see Guan Liyuan's body. The sky bone battle suit corresponding to the "rapid advancing" part was instantly filled with dark blue and mixed with black chakra ...

It is the combination of Er Yan and Cha Lai, who is another brigade, who combined thunder and fire!

Borrowing from the "bone conduction" method, Guan Liyuan has been able to infuse the full power of the tail beast into the bones, not only Chakra.

After all, the time in the Naruto world has been so long. Even if it is abbreviated, some Dongdong worshippers feel that Naruto is too long ... In this long time, Guan Liyuan's power in the Naruto world has gradually matured.

From the beginning, Guan Liyuan, who can perfectly control the immortal body, has not been able to turn on the blood power and master the ultimate means because of "the degree of favor of the cosmic will", but he is already comfortable with Chakra and natural energy. Use, and accumulated quite deep ...

In his own chakra, as well as natural energy reconciliation, borrowing from the "bone conduction" method, the power of the tail animal can be completely integrated into the bones, which is not so long ago!

With the flames of fire and chakras, Guan Liyuan thought that the speed of the explosion should not be smaller than that of Lei Ying's "Lei Chakra Model" ...

When Shennong did not respond, Guan Liyuan had already appeared behind him, with the index finger of his right hand spreading out, and he gestured for the "pistol" to point to the back of Shennong's neck.

After that, the black miniature tail beast jade appeared at the fingertips of Guan Liyuan!

Of course, if you look closely, you will find that at the tip of your forefinger, a short phalanx is protruding ...

As if launching "Ling Pill", hit Shen Nong's neck directly!


Another loud sound ... Of course, mainly after Guan Liyuan's miniature spiral pill hit, Shen Nong dumped directly forward, and then the "super active fist" patted on the ground.

After the dust settled, I saw Shen Nong struggling to get up in the deep pit that he had blasted out, and although the entire neck was not broken, it was already twisted as much as possible, and his head was almost hanging on the neck!

If it weren't for the rapid division and continuous repair of body cells, I'm afraid it's dead ...

However, it seemed that the attack caused by this attack was too strong, and his neck did not come straight for a long time.

"You guy ..." The neck became twisted, and the vocal cords were oppressed, making Shennong's voice somewhat suppressed.

"Sorry, I don't control the power very well, really ... I obviously have tried to make the power less!" Guan Liyuan returned Shen Nong's words to him.

Then he looked at Shennong with his head hanging upside down and said weirdly, "Sure enough, your" super-active body "will have a much lower effect on the injuries left by the highly aggressive chakras ... It's yours, so you have no control at all? "

In the theater version, Sasuke used this expression to directly transform the healthy Shennong into a dry old man ...

The explanation in the theatrical version is that Sasuke attacked Shennong's Chakra acupoints, blocked Shennong's Chakra flow, and almost killed it.

However, Guan Liyuan always felt very crap. At that time, Sasuke's three-hook jade wrote round eyes, taking into account the ability of white eyes?

After really doing it, Guan Liyuan also understood some Shennong's capabilities. The real situation should be that Sasuke used the highly aggressive mine attribute Chakra to change, causing adhesion damage and disrupting the regeneration of the "super-active body" of the semi-suspender.

Cos a little bit of Sasuke's expression. Although there is no third perspective, Guan Liyuan did not know that pretending to beep was unsuccessful, but at least he was very cool ...

After a little entertaining myself, Guan Liyuan started to do business.

I saw Guan Liyuan approaching Shennong step by step ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and said: "Okay, now you can give me the information of the" super active body "and" Anker Bandian " ? "

Guan Liyuan is very interested in this kind of thing called "dark chakra" by Shennong. This is different from what he knows at present, and it is not like integrating chakra ...

"No, don't come over!" Shennong ... Now that his head has turned, he will be called Nongshen. Anyway, he still feels that he doesn't deserve the name of "Shennong".

Nongshen has obviously been persuaded by Guan Liyuan, and is not yet on "Anker Bandian", and he can't combine zero tails to resist stubborn resistance ...

I saw Nongshen glance at Gangshou, and then said to Guan Liyuan, "Yes, you can. The information is all on Anker Bandian. I can take you there."

"Are you lying? Delay?" Guan Liyuan said sharply.

"How come? Hehehe ..."

But at this moment, suddenly Tsunade screamed again, and at the same time, an abnormal power bloomed on his body ... somewhat similar to the previous Nongshen!

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