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Chapter 593: I found an honest man to the west

"Flower knife!"

"Lilac short sword!"

I saw Lily Beast and Lilac Beast, both holding petals, blades of flowers and leaves, and pierced into the chest of Black Orc Garulu.

Immediately, the black orc galluru beast burst into data fragments, flying in the air of the digital plane ...

The first trial of Lily Beast and Lilac Beast on the Sabah mainland fully demonstrated their superior evolutionary strength. Although Guan Liyuan always felt that there was something worse, he could completely defeat some small lords on the Sabah mainland!

Suppressing the Black Orc Garulu and killing the Triceratops shortly afterwards. Under the concerted efforts, Heijia did not have much room to resist!

However, according to the strange rules of the digital plane, the data of the dead digital beast will return to the digital plane. In the near future, it will be "born again" in the form of digital eggs in some "founding place".

It only has no memory, usually it will be re-evolved into the "Black Orc Galuru", that is, it will evolve to the same form as when it died. Only part of the memory will be restored. The completeness of the memory depends on the evolutionary stage at death.

However, in the light of the rules of non-directional evolution of Digimons, it is unlikely that they will enter the same evolutionary branch twice.

And if it is a digital beast that died during its infancy and growth, although the probability of entering the same branch is greatly increased, the memory will not be complete.

Unless they die on a non-digital plane, where some data cannot return, or die under some special attack methods, the digital beast will not really disappear.

For example, the wizard beast in the "drama" died in the human world, as well as the former "caller" Maki Himekawa's partner Million Dragon Beast, who died under the destruction of the Dark Four Heavenly Kings ... Rebirth.

But in order to obtain the "favor of the will of the universe", it does not need to be so difficult. As long as "killing" in the ordinary sense is regarded as removing "threat", there is not much difference between complete killing and ordinary "killing". .

After all, these are just "little sisters" who "attach" to the destruction of the will, even the four heavenly kings who "inherit" the destruction of the will ...

The cause of "death" once and continuing to destroy the world after rebirth-this kind of thing is unlikely to happen to Xiao Yan!

If you change to "Heirs" or destroy the will itself, the rewards of seal, kill, and eradication will be very different.

Another group of Heijialulu beasts, as well as the dark dragon beast, some have been defeated. Others have seen that the oldest Heijia has been killed. They have also been scattered as birds and beasts, and Guan Liyuan has not pursued it ...

Because Penguin has informed him that after the "Black Orc Galuru" was killed, its men are no longer a "threat", and there is no benefit in killing it!

[It's really a casual decision. After Boss's death, playing mobs is useless? It seems that next time I want to brush up from the mobs and not waste ...] Guan Liyuan muttered in his heart.

The penguin said, "No, in fact, the reward for killing the digital beast led by the killer already includes one of these digital beasts under it. When two black galurus were killed, the black orc The "threat" of the Gallurus has also been reduced. 】

【Yep? That is to say ... if the leader is killed, his men are equivalent to being "solved"? 】

[To be precise, when the subject of the "attachment" dies or abandons the will of destruction, it is also regarded as the "threat" being lifted. Said Penguin.

Guan Liyuan estimates that now the Four Kings of Darkness are not present, and the Nightmare Corps is scattered. The most valuable of the "head" is Vampire Warcraft. After all, there are many complete bodies under Vampire Warcraft, and some of them are still complete!

"I can't think of Lily Beast and Flower Fairy Beast so powerful!"

"This is full strength."

"When the Andulu and the bear cubs were under control before, they hadn't hit them seriously ..."

"Be sure to find the evolution badge quickly, otherwise what to do with such a strong enemy in the future?"

The bear children are very interested in the strength of the Lily Beast, the Flower Fairy Beast, and even the Triceratops and the Black Orc Garulu.

After all, the complete body they encountered before was either unable to show their full strength, or they did not fight seriously ...

As for "demon female beast"? Its strength has surpassed perfection, but it is even more unrealistic.

Aside from the guilty conscience of Digital Egg Beast behind Guan Liyuan, lest it be remembered, this product is also complete!

And it defeated the mature wasp record, and it has no value at all.

What it didn't find was that Guan Liyuan, who was standing in front of it, actually had a guilty conscience ...


That's not easy!

The badges of the bear children, except for the small light, are in the human world. From the place of discovery, the badges of others should be all in the western part of Sabah ...

Guan Liyuan can only guide everyone as far as possible afterwards, heading west.

"It's not good for the old man in Xuanyi ... I didn't remind everyone where to land ... I didn't blame the giant whale, right? I'm innocent ..."

"Li Yuan, what are you mumbling about?" Meimei asked curiously.

"Ah! It's not my fault!"


"Ahem, I'm thinking about how you can return to the human world ... Is it ok to defeat the Vampire Warcraft, or do you want to pull out the four kings in the seal and kill them?" Guan Liyuan forcibly shouted.

"Why is it" we "return to the human world?" Mei Mei looked at Guan Liyuan in confusion.

But Taiyi had interjected at this time: "The Four Kings of Darkness should be very strong, not even complete ... but since the last generation of callers can, we must be too!"

"Now the most important thing is to find the badge as soon as possible. In addition, we must leave the territory of the Black Orc Garulu Beast first. Our tracks should have been exposed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you don't leave as soon as possible, you may be besieged? Zhang said.

Although Ah Zhang often does bad things with good intentions in the team, this time Ah Zhang really makes sense ...

The Black Orc Garulu is not like an orangutan. Because the orangutan is strong enough, it also plays an indirect protective role to bear children.

If you land on the orangutan, the surrounding boss will not easily cross the border even if it knows that the caller appears in the orangutan's territory.

"Brother Li Yuan, if you go west, it will be the land of sea evil, Warcraft? It is the lord who is the most difficult to communicate nearby, and the strength is not weak ..." Guangzilang was a little confused. Why did Guan Liyuan choose to go west?

"This ... you don't think the orangutan on the west coast looks like an honest person, should you hurry up to bully it?" Guan Liyuan said hardly.

"No, the orangutan is one of the worst lords in the west?"

"Yes, the second echelon after Vampire Warcraft ..."

"And brother Li Yuan, how do you know it's honest?"

[Less nonsense! It ’s not honest. I do n’t know, but if you do n’t go to the west, what about your badge? Guan Liyuan lifted the table in his heart.

But just then, Tai suddenly exclaimed ...

"This, this is ..."

"Well? What are you doing?" Guan Liyuan asked immediately.

However, Guan Liyuan also froze immediately, and saw Tai Yi looking at his chest in surprise, as if he found the girl who had upgraded the cup overnight ...

Of course, he wasn't looking at the chest, but the evolution key hanging on his chest-now the key was flashing, flashing light!

According to Genai, this is an indication that the evolution key will appear when the matching "badge" is approaching.

But seeing this scene, Guan Liyuan frowned slightly ...

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