Dimension Forum

Chapter 594: Discovery emblem

Watching Tai Yi's evolution key light up, Guan Liyuan could not help but frown slightly ...

According to Guan Liyuan's knowledge, Taiyi's evolution badge should be found behind a waterfall in a rolling beast village within the orangutan's sphere of influence.

Although I do n’t know the exact location, it is no longer possible to appear in the east!

However, judging from the reaction of the evolution key now, it is indeed close to the badge ...

"Ah! Is Taiyi's badge nearby?"

"Come on, everyone is looking for ..."

"What's the use of breaking up? Only his key can feel the location of the badge."

The other bear children were also slightly excited.

After all, Hyunai told them that only by finding the badge and combining with the key can their digital beast partner evolve further ...

As for Guan Liyuan?

Xuanchi didn't know the principle of Guan Liyuan's evolution of the strange birds and beasts. Even Guan Liyuan was not a "caller". I am afraid that only Wu probably knew how Guan Liyuan came.

However, after all, Wu is only in the second grade. He has a rather vague perception of the existence of the Dimension Forum, especially after Guan Liyuan's arrival, the Dimension Forum has been unable to connect, and A Wu has not been able to figure out the specific principles ...

Now that Taiyi ’s evolution key is on, everyone is also adjusting the discovery of progress according to the shining degree of Taiyi ’s key. Guan Liyuan is also not good at expressing his doubts—we ca n’t say he thinks the badge is “honest”. ?

Finally found that the "signal strength" in the southeast direction is the largest ...

Although it was originally decided to leave the territory of the Black Orc Garulu as soon as possible, but the badge has been found, naturally there is no reason to give up.

Eventually, when approaching a small lake, Taiyi ’s evolutionary key has been particularly shiny, as if the badge is in the lake.

"Is it underwater?" Tai Yi said, scratching her head.

"I'll go and see!" Gema Beast volunteered, and said he was about to jump.

But at this moment, the Agurah in the air suddenly cried, and then quickly dived down!

"Wait! There is a situation!" Guan Liyuan said immediately.

"A viral tyrannosaurus is approaching, and it seems that we have already found us!" Said Agula.

"The virus-type mechanical tyrannosaurus? Is it the monster female beast?" Guan Liyuan heard the boss of the pumpkin said that the monster female beast has a virus-type mechanical tyrannosaurus!

"Those guys already know that Agoura is with the caller?" The strange bird also said in surprise.

The Aguras were flying in the air and were indeed easy to find. Before everyone thought that the news that Aguras and the callers were together should not have spread, so they were assured to be alert at high altitude ...

"Be careful ... is there only a mechanical tyrannosaurus with a virus? That shouldn't be a problem," Guan Liyuan said.

At this time, the black orc Garulu beast was defeated, only a long time passed. The strange birds, Aguras, and other bear children's digital beasts want to evolve to fight again, but they are physically reluctant, but Wutu Both the beast and the little black can evolve!

This is why Guan Liyuan did not allow Wu Tushou and Xiao Hei to evolve, after all, temporary evolution is difficult to last.

One month has passed since the evolution of the demon beast on Fayilu Island. Guan Liyuan has mainly devoted his energy to temporarily evolving Wutu Beast and pushing Xiao Hei's data to the edge of evolution ...

Now Xiao Hei only needs to obtain the "Magic Cat Crystal" to be able to completely evolve to the full body, but because the main world needs them to enter the trial secret after three months, Guan Liyuan is not in a hurry to make Xiao Hei evolve, and the magic cat Crystal is not so easy to obtain.

After Wu Tushui can temporarily evolve and Xiao Hei has also reached the edge of evolution, Guan Liyuan has been strengthening "eggs" in recent times!

After all, the egg is the only stable complete body in Guan Liyuan's digital beast now. As long as it is strengthened to the extent that it can temporarily evolve into the extreme body, it has self-protection in any crisis.

However, the "digital egg beast" wants to evolve to the "Titan beast", even if it is only a temporary evolution, that is, regardless of the amount of data, only strengthening the data value, it is not an easy task!

There is still a two-month deadline for Guan Liyuan's "departure" this time. It is a good progress to be able to reach the standard before returning to the main world.

Therefore, the strange birds and beasts of Agoura have remained at the level of "capable of temporarily evolving the complete body".

Not long after, I saw a mechanical tyrannosaurus with blue skin and dark purple wings, gray metal head armor and arm claws, galloping under the action of the thruster ...

Except for the color, the body is basically the same as the "mechanical tyrannosaurus", which is a virus sub-species of the mechanical tyrannosaurus!

"Discover ... callers ... discover ... callers ..."

After seeing Guan Liyuan and others, the viral mechanical tyrannosaurus made a mechanical sound and kept hovering in the air ...

"Well? Is this a digital beast that transforms? It really doesn't feel intelligent ..." Guan Liyuan could not help but muttered ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The ancestor of the mechanical tyrannosaurus, like Andulu, was itself "steel The product of the "Empire" era belongs to the transformed digital beast.

It is said that the Andulu beast was a successful transformation of the first generation. In the late period of the Iron Empire, the "Andulu beast" transformation basis was used to create "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus" and "Million Dragon Beasts ..."

After its data is integrated into the evolution chain, these semi-mechanical digital beasts are divided into two categories. One is like the "Andulu" on Fayilu Island, which evolved from normal digital beasts and still has "Individual emotion", the other is the transformed digital beast "produced" from the remains of "Iron Empire"!

Like their ancestors, the transforming digital beasts were born only for fighting and commanding, and had almost no individual emotions.

The "unmanned factory" on Fayilu Island is considered to be a very small "Iron Empire" relic. Naturally, it does not have the ability to produce transformed bodies, but there are more and larger "Iron Empire" relics on the Sabah mainland. There is one in the domain of the demon beast.

"It seems to be broadcasting our place?"

"Stop it, Wu Rabbit Beast!"

I saw that under the power of Guan Liyuan's soul, Wu Tushou also exuded the light of evolution, and evolved into a Jade Rabbit, which is also a rabbit head and a human body, or "An Anderos."

The most obvious difference is that there are no wrist claws on the hands, but the length of the arms becomes almost vertical, and the forearms are extremely stout, and its nirvana is to turn the arms into a giant axe to attack!

The ancestors of the Jade Rabbit Beast are subordinate to the ancestors of the blue dragon beast among the four sacred beasts. Their combat effectiveness is extraordinary ...

As soon as the Wutu Beast evolved, under the action of a strong jumping force, it "disappeared" directly on the spot, rushed into the air, turned its arm into a giant axe, and split it at the virus-type mechanical tyrannosaurus ...

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