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Vol 2 Chapter 788: Retreat temporarily

Seeing that the monk has also entered the enchantment, Guan Liyuan can almost be convinced that another main reason for the old man "admitting to lose" should be the perception of the arrival of the main army ...

Before countless years ago, when the flower of the thousand flowers was not famous, and Yamamoto Shigekuni had just established the "Yuanziyu", the soldiers in the main body were the chief captain of the Zero Fan team, the strongest death in the corpse soul!

Although at that time Master Wang had not invented the "slayer sword", nor did he begin to explain and explain, but the main army department had the power of "explaining" at that time, but the name was not "explaining," but " Really hit "...

After the emergence of the Beheaded Sword, the monks were also the first group of deaths to have the Beheaded Sword. The moment they grasped the Beheaded Sword, they understood the way to solve it!

Unlike Guan Liyuan, Guan Liyuan really "developed" the solution after coming into contact with the Beheaded Sword, just because of the existence of the penguin, without any effort.

The main body of the soldiers is because they have already mastered the "true fight" equivalent to the sacrifice, but they have only shown it with a sword. It should be said to be "activated" rather than "developed" ...

The Beheaded Sword makes it easier for the **** of death to come into contact with this essential force, so the monk in the main army uses the "naming right" to name the real power developed by the Beheaded Sword!

And wild roads like Yamamoto did not have a sword at first.

Until Yamamoto had the sword, the monk was sure to defeat him. Otherwise, the Spirit Palace would not agree to use Yamamoto a thousand years ago, so that it would form the 13th court ...

However, the real monk did not expect that Yamamoto, who had a beheaded sword, would be out of control. When the decisive battle with Yohabah, Yamamoto's strength even made him afraid.

However, Yamamoto did not dare to underestimate the real name of the monk. One hundred and three hundred years ago, the extinction division had not yet invaded. When Yamamoto was still the general teacher of Yuanzi, the military headquarters once looked for him once and invited him to join zero. Fan team, but at the time Yamamoto already had the power of "real fight", was also very proud, and rejected the main army.

After that, the main army department had a duel with him. The result was that the main army department had a victory. That should be Yamamoto's last defeat ...

Just as the real monk is convinced that Yamamoto is the strongest death god, Yamamoto is also convinced that the monk is the second strong death god—of course, because neither of them knows the true strength of Lan Ran.

"It's been a long time since the army leader, you haven't seen him ... who aren't guarding Lord Ling, what are you going to do in this world? Or is the goal of Lingfan team no longer guarding Lord Spirit?" Yamamoto asked.

"For the defense of the Spirit Palace, you don't need to care about the death gods who guard the Ling Lingting ... As for me? It's just to come to Captain Cheng Gong of our Lingfan team." Although the monk was afraid of Yamamoto, he was not too polite.

"Oh? Is Captain Cheng Gong ordered to obstruct the old man and punish the prisoners wanted in the 46th room of the Central Committee?" Yamamoto asked.

"Where's the forty-sixth room of the Central? Oh, yes, it is the nobleman who acts on behalf of the spirit king and leads the Lingting ... What kind of people are they looking for?" At first, the monk pretended to look like he hadn't thought of it. .

Yamamoto was not too entangled with him here, and he directly spoke about Xianghe and Cunzheng.

"... When the wanted order was issued by the 46th room of the Central Committee, the Lingwang Palace did not oppose it, which meant that the wanted was established!" Yamamoto Shen said.

Guan Liyuan said with both hands: "What village is right? Oh, that guy with long nails? I have seen it, but isn't he dead? I don't know ..."

Yamamoto brows at the words, so bluntly lying, and righteous guy ... It is indeed rare!

At the same time, Yamamoto also felt that the village was withdrawing from his "spiritual world", but he did not show up outside.

At this time, the real monk has come, and Guan Liyuan is not very worried about Yamamoto. Although his "Relief · Remnant Fire Taidao" is extremely horrible, Guan Liyuan believes that he will not completely turn over with the Zero Fan team-that is, he will not use this Attract monks against real names!

"Village is already blurry before, you can regenerate by‘ mask shards ’, then‘ mask shards ’are on you, right?” Yamamoto said.

"Fragment of the mask? No, you can search if you don't believe me." Guan Liyuan said with his arms open.

Of course, Yamamoto couldn't really search the captain's body, and when he “disappeared” from the previous mask fragments, and when he completely bombarded “Xinyue Chenggong” several times, no mask fragments were found. It can also be seen that the fragments are indeed not on him ...

Yamamoto guessed that it was similar to "Beng Yu" when it was in Lucia!

At that time, "Ban Yu" was not simply in the spirit of Lucia, but on another level, and even if it was bombarded to the slag, it could not be found, otherwise Blue Dye would not want to use the double 殛the power of.

Yamamoto actually guessed it to some extent, but it didn't help much ...

At this time, the mask fragment is in the professional rune, which is "deeper" than Bengyu's position on Lucia!

Boom with double 殛, the kind that can't come out!

"Does Captain Cheng Gong have to retain the evil power that bewilders the sword?" Yamamoto asked, looking at the monk.

He actually wanted to ask the monk, did the spirit palace really want to preserve the power to restrain the **** of death ...

And Guan Liyuan rushed to answer: "What? I told you it's gone. Do you still need me to die?"

"..." Yamamoto didn't say a word for a long time, apparently knowing how worthless Guan Liyuan's "Death and Ambition" are.

"Hahaha, since Captain Cheng Gong said this, it must be that Captain Yamamoto read it wrong! If you are really worried, the" runaway "Masamune can give your captain to the second house captain. Let him help you re-forge a bit to prevent being deceived. "Said the monk with a smile.

Guan Liyuan took a moment and then reacted-Captain Eriya? Oh ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ By the way, Master Wang ’s nickname is "Two Houses", a strange nickname!

"Well, it ’s not a problem for Captain Sword God, they just need to really practice it again, if the village is reappearing ... no matter what, the old man will implement the resolution of the forty-sixth room of the central government, even if the soul world It's impossible to suffer a little. "

Yamamoto rejected the idea of ​​cutting the sword into the furnace ...

What more fatal loopholes, or control methods, would be added to the Sword of Soul by the Sword God?

The existence of the Huting 13th team can be said to rely on the sword.

If the Beaver Sword was controlled by the Zero Fan Team, the corpse soul world would return to the era of monopoly a thousand years ago, which Yamamoto, the founder of the Shinyang Spirit Art Academy, would not like to see.

At the same time, Yamamoto also hinted that if Guan Liyuan used the village to deal with the 13th team of the court, Yamamoto would kill him with all his strength!

The so-called "soul of the corpse soul suffers a little", does it mean that his dissolution will make the corpse soul even more unstable ... or does it mean that the **** of death and the zero-fan team that is still in the corpse soul will completely turn over?

Guan Liyuan looked at Yamamoto curiously ...

Sure enough, confident!

Even though this time should be considered a loss to Guan Liyuan, Yamamoto still does not think that he can't defeat the other party. After all, Guan Liyuan can win this time, based on the situation that Yamamoto himself made wrong judgments continuously.

Yamamoto made up his mind. The next time he faced "Xingyue Cheng Gong", he would have to part out of his heart at first to keep his heart closed at all times, and then burn him three times with a sharp blade ... No! Burn as many times as there are!

If it can be solved, Yamamoto can kill Guan Liyuan again and again without too much effort, because after burning to ashes, soul suction cannot be used to restore spiritual pressure, and the regeneration speed will not be faster than burning to ashes. ...

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