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Vol 2 Chapter 789: Xinyue Migrant Workers Fasting

At the same time Yamamoto decided to stop, **** butterflies in the corpse soul world had also come to inform Yamamoto about something.

In fact, Hell Butterfly had locked Yamamoto before, just as if the phone would be “busy”. When Death was fighting, Hell Butterfly would not rush out stupidly, but he was broken into pieces ...

After Hell Butterfly landed on his shoulder, Yamamoto glanced at the other captains, especially glaring at the injured Jingle!

Obviously, he already knew that his candidate heir did not handle the negotiations with the aristocracy well, and the forty-sixth room of the Central Committee was also urging him to go back. This is indeed not the time to continue to pursue "Xingyue Chenggong".

"I hope to have a chance next time to compete with Captain Cheng Gong and Captain of the Army." Yamamoto said as he put on his clothes again, as if he had become a gentle and restrained old man.

Guan Liyuan felt vaguely that Yamamoto's words this time seemed to be aimed at himself ...

In fact, it is not surprising that although it really fought, the monk of the main army was much stronger than Guan Liyuan. At least Guan Liyuan wanted to be dragged into the "time limit" to strengthen himself enough to defeat the main army of the army. I am afraid that he would die so noble The administrator is also distressed a number of times.

However, the pure swordsmanship of the main army department is not as good as Master Wang, and the swordsmanship of Master Wang is even worse than the old man in Yamamoto ...

As for the ability to cut sword? The main body of the soldier is even worse than the old man! Yamamoto's "Reconciliation · Remnant Fire Taidao" is currently the strongest sword in the corpse soul world, which has little water, so the old man in Yamamoto is not interested in the main army.

And "Xin Yue Cheng Gong" is in the heart of the old man in Yamamoto, at least an opponent worthy of a battle on Kendo accomplishment!

Seeing Yamamoto's elder pace, the monk in the main army department couldn't help but say, "Yamamoto, if you want to learn at any time, it's easy ... just join the Zero Fan team."

"Forget it, the **** work is not very suitable for vulgar people like the old man." Yamamoto paused again and rejected the main body of the soldier.

The monk heard nothing and said nothing, but Guan Liyuan felt he sighed.

I saw Yamamoto and the other captains came together, cut the sword and returned to the sheath, took out the wooden staff, and gently touched the wooden staff on the ground, the passage to the corpse soul opened, Yamamoto and the captains left ...

"Cheng Gongsheng, will you come back to the Spirit Palace with me?" The monk of the main army asked.

"I'll go back first ..." Guan Liyuan thought for a while, "The Mask of the Treasure" has been reached, the purpose has been achieved, and he simply returned to the Spirit Palace together.

Guan Liyuan originally wanted to copy ... Ah, no, it was the power of the "innovation" village chief. When he returned to the main world, he used a skill to save this ability and bring it back to the main world.

But now I got the "Hidden Treasure Mask". The effect is similar to that of Cunzheng.

The disadvantage is that although the ability of the "Hidden Treasure Mask" is similar to that of Cunzheng, the "Hidden Treasure Mask" will not appear in the main world. Therefore, in the short term, the effect of the "Hidden Treasure Mask" should be inferior to the "Munzheng" occupying a skill level. Whisper. "

But at the same time, it also saves a skill bit, there is a skill vacancy, and sooner or later, there will be skills, and the secret treasure can be found.

In particular, this "false face" is still a secret soul with Guan Liyuan's "Soulwalker" profession, which has great potential in the future. As long as Guan Liyuan is advanced, and the middle, high and even super secrets are refined , The effect of Mibao will continue to improve.

Therefore, in general, it is actually better than Guan Liyuan expected ...

After returning to the main world, in the "Inheritance Trial", the grasp is even greater!

With Guan Liyuan's accumulation in "Soulwalker", the middle-order bottleneck does not exist at all, as long as a large number of hunting of abyssal creatures is possible. If he wants, there is some hope for promotion, but Guan Liyuan is not in a hurry.

Xiang Xiangbao and Guan Liyuan have already said that the careers of "Soul Walker" and "Space Master" do not need to be eager to advance ...

Vocational colleges in big cities such as the Eagle College can make enough students to advance quickly, and naturally have corresponding "welfare" in inheritance trials.

As long as you have enough understanding of the soul and space, you can get the power injection again and again in the trial of inheritance, and you don't need to worry about wasting time on pure energy accumulation.

"Cheng Gongsheng, if you want, how about starting a Dojo after returning to the Spirit Palace? At that time, all members of the Zero Fan Team will be apprentices to the Dojo." The monk apparently saw some of Guan Liyuan's confrontation with Yamamoto before. Happening.

"Teach them Kendo? Yeah ..." Guan Liyuan nodded and agreed.

Although Master Wang is theoretically a zero-team team's chopping technique teaching, but most of the time, he usually spends most of his time casting casting swords and delving into deeper casting techniques, which is very incompetent in teaching!

But now the monk suddenly found that Cheng Gongsheng's beheading was more brilliant than Yamamoto, so he wanted to ask Cheng Gongsheng to guide the Zero Fan Team beating ...

As for the strength of Cheng Gong ... the monk did not have any doubts. After all, before the appearance of the Beheading Sword, it seemed like the master of Yamamoto, was the master of Kendo. It's normal.

Why does the chop suddenly rise? Definitely because of the slash in the memory, gradually recovering!

"By the way, Cheng Gongsheng, do you remember what genre of kendo is?" The monk asked, since he wants to open a Taoist hall, he naturally needs a name.

Guan Liyuan thought about it. His own kendo is the master of the three worlds of the hybrid, and the three worlds, just before Guan Liyuan traversed, are called the three "migrant workers", which means that they are widely spread ...

"Well ... it seems to be called 'migrant worker flow'." Guan Liyuan said with a sense of blunder.

Three days later, Guan Liyuan began to regret the name he had taken ...

The reason is that there are already members of the Lingfan team, and he began to call him "Migongzhai Teacher"!

Even at Ling Lingting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I do n’t know which big mouth, spreading the story of Xinyue Cheng Gong and Yamamoto ’s war, not only made Geng Jianba longing for another battle with Guan Liyuan, but also Countless deaths, even the students of Zhenyang Spiritual Academy, know the name of "Xin Yue Cheng Gong"!

Although in most versions of the statement, Xinyue Chenggong is similar to Yamamoto's Kendo attainment, and he dare not directly say that Yamamoto's old man was suppressed, but ... who is Yamamoto? Legend of the Corpse Soul!

Yamamoto was a “scourge” of the corpse soul before the founding of the school. Ten percent of the bullies were not invented by Master Wang when the sword was invented by Master Wang.

Thousands of years ago, the friend Habach invaded the corpse soul world, but the spirit king began to dormant intermittently. The spirit palace made an exception "recruitment" Yamamoto, let him recruit the **** of death "to protect the court, to kill the truth", and a lot of Distribute "shallow hits".

Yamamoto's "shuffle" was stimulated almost as soon as he held the shallow fight-like the monk, he had already mastered the power of "true fight".

At that time, Yamamoto was powerful and desperate, and even once made the Ling Palace doubt whether it was right for him to make a shot. Numerous people are looking forward to it. Yamamoto and Youhabach are all together for the best result.

However, in the end, the Yamamoto Demon King easily defeated Youhabach ...

However, after this, Yamamoto wants to protect more and more things, heavier and heavier burdens, and people become more and more stable. At that time, the "Yamamoto Demon King" disappeared, replaced by the internal "mind" now Use, the captain is still dull outside.

For the "Xin Yue Cheng Gong" that defeated Yamamoto, naturally there are countless death gods. For a time, the names of "migrant worker stream" Kendo and "Xin Yue Cheng Mi Gong Cheng Gong" have spread throughout the corpse soul world. Too late ...

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