Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 790: Tribute tragedy

"Hoo! I'm Guan Liyuan back!"

Guan Liyuan had just returned to the main world, sighed, and heard a voice coming from the door: "Well? Li Yuan, did you just go?"

I saw Zhong Liqiu, Wei Yingying, and Jiang Ruonan. Then came in ...

"Ahem, haven't you gone ... Anyway, you didn't knock on the door when you entered the house?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

When Guan Liyuan went to the "Grim Reaper" before, it was not three or more nights, but he took the time to go to the "Grim Reaper" while the other three were going to stroll around Yunji.

Jiang Ruonan heard the words and said with confidence: "Although we didn't knock on the door, we came in slowly!"

"Ha? What's so slow?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"From the door to here, more than ten seconds, even if you are doing something bad, more than ten seconds have time to organize the scene!" Jiang Ruonan looked like he knew very well.

Qiu wondered, "Well? What sort of scene?"

"Keekeke! What are you buying back? Is there my dinner?" Guan Liyuan decisively switched the subject.

At the same time, Jiang Ruonan found that Wei Yingying and Guan Liyuan were both staring at him, and had to give up the teaching of Qiu's common sense ...

"Hey? Why is Xiao Hei back?" Zhong Liqiu only saw it at this time, and Xiao He seemed to be sleeping.

Of course, Guan Liyuan knew that Xiao Hei was pretending to sleep-while pretending to sleep, he asked the "God of Raiders" for something that cannot be described!

"Oh, I just thought of a combo technique. I want to find Xiao Hei to come back and try it. She will go back to find her Masters."

Guan Liyuan didn't know how to explain the matter of the forum.

During the meal, Wei Yingying asked: "Yes, Li Yuan, have you been in Yunji City since then?"

"Unsurprisingly, it should have been in the last half month."

Half a month later, Miss Mo will personally take him to the northern ice field to participate in the trial of inheritance ...

"Is it dangerous?" Qiu asked a little worried.

"Rest assured! I am full of confidence!" Guan Liyuan said modestly.

"It seems that since I first met you, I have been so confident ... On the third day of school, I beat Gongwen." Wei Yingying remembered the past and smiled slightly.

Indeed, the good school days ... Eating, sleeping, and playing tribute every day are both happy and fulfilling.

"By the way, the Gong family won't count Gong Wen's life this time, right?" Zhong Liqiu asked.

Only Wei Yingying didn't know about the Leibat Cave. I heard Guan Liyuan and Zhong Liqiu mentioned it before, but because of the "forbidden vow", I don't know the details. I just know that Gongwen is controlled by the abyss creature, and he is dead Already.

However, Zhong Liqiu's worry was not within the scope of the forbidden mouth. Guan Liyuan answered directly: "Gong family? The Gong family is likely to be completed. There is no time to ask for more happiness. Who else does he want to investigate?"

Guan Liyuan already knows how some alliances deal with ...

It is not a trivial matter to be connected with the demon king, not to mention that there are still professionals who are possessed by the fear demon king?

Was it forcibly possessed, or was it fooled by the Dreadlord? Or ... seduced?

All those related to Gongwen must be thoroughly investigated. It is estimated that Xingshun College will scold the street, let alone a small family in the country like the Gong family.

Besides, Xingshun College can withstand the investigation, can the Gong family withstand it?

Even if it is not related to the possession of the demon king, by then, professionals with all kinds of weird abilities may find out some wicked things that the tribute family has done in decades and hundreds of years, such as hiring the fallen to assassinate Guan Liyuan. ...

Perhaps other families in Duran City are involved-only Zhongli's family need not worry, Zhong Liqiu is one of the heroes this time.

Guan Liyuan also wanted to return to Tulane City for investigation in person before-didn't he usually write it like this? Going back at this time, you can definitely slap your face and slap on Gong Lian's face, he dare not say the kind of words.

Usually it is suitable for the male protagonist to return to his hometown and insult the once "powerful enemy" after he becomes famous outside ...

In a similar way, some people have specially organized it in the Dimension Forum, and they have been added to the essence because they have been rewarded a lot. The name is "Fashion Dress with" Beep "Returning to the Hometown", and even a member of the heartbroken replies tells from the **** world The process of returning to the realm to crush the enemy.

There is also a sister article on how to help partners and friends "find a place". The name is "People Who Dare to Touch" Beep ", and Guan Liyuan has read it many times!

Unfortunately, Miss Mo made the final preparations in Yunji City on the ground that Guan Liyuan was about to conduct a "trial and trial" soon.

Guan Liyuan also regretted this, lamenting that he was "protagonist", but had nowhere to play!

What Guan Liyuan didn't know was that three days later, in the main hall of the Gong family ...


Gong Lian fell to the ground with a slap. The people around the Gong family, as well as those from other families who assisted in the investigation, were all embarrassed. What made Gong Lian despair was that the people from the law enforcement department sent by the headquarters of the Alliance, one by one. As if blind, when the "sir" abused lynching, they all looked elsewhere.

Even some of the evidence presented by the Gong family to prove his innocence was directly torn by the leader of the team leader. After that, the members of the law enforcement department actually regarded the evidence as non-existent ...

Moreover, the Gong family has not done a good thing. I wanted to find some people to prove the contribution of the Gong family to Tulane City. As a result, a professional professional was arranged to check the lies. Is it necessary to be so serious?

The most important thing is ... all the children who tell the truth are left, and the few who tell the truth are all driven away! Later in the records of the law enforcement department, all were evidence of Gong's fraud.

On the contrary, when searching for the crime evidence of the Gong family in Mancheng, we can see that the members of the law enforcement department were jealous. Even the fortune teller shot it himself and divined the crime evidence that Gong didn't even know.

Gong Lian also saw that the other party was intentionally looking for differences!

"This ... Speaker! I, our tribute family are also victims ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ My son, Gongwen, was also killed! My grandfather is also a super-professional and is still in Changling City in the north. Speaker, are you so insulting my Gong family, aren't you afraid of the Alliance punishment? "Gong Lian stood up and straightened his face, which was about to be pumped, then questioned.

In fact, he didn't know whether the other party was the "Speaker of the Speaker", but only the people in the Law Enforcement Department were afraid of this, so he speculated that the young woman was the speaker ...

"Speaker? Who do you know? Speak out, I'll go and choke them!"

A word from the other side, Gong Lian didn't say a word for a long time-this sigh was too loud? Do you think you are the speaker of Qingqiu and Qinshui?

Well, in Gonglian's "common sense", there are only these two women.

"Give me a good look ... Find out how this tribute family colluded with the abyss, or the fallen!"

Gong even almost vomited blood--you haven't checked the co-authors, so you have to find out that I'm colluding with the abyss and the fallen?

"Yes! The speaker is assured, we can find out ..." The leading speaker of the executive department answered.

In fact, he is the leader this time, but Miss Mo is coming, what else can he say? What's more ... Although there is no collusion abyss, this tribute family is not qualified, but things like hiring the fallen ... It is really easy for them to find out!

If there is no Speaker, they will only come to check the Gongwen affairs. Others may not be in charge, but since the Speaker has said, by the way, there is nothing to check ... Even if the Speaker is still Miss M, he will give this face .

Gong Lian was already stunned. At first, he thought that the speaker was at most asking him for trouble, but ... although he had never heard of the speaker, he definitely didn't think that the people in the law enforcement department would make a mistake!

"Hum, dare to touch my Mo Tianfan ..."

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