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Vol 2 Chapter 791: Legacy Trial Starts

"Ready? Let's go!"

Miss Mo appeared in front of Guan Liyuan as scheduled after half a month.

This time to participate in the trial of inheritance, in addition to Miss Mo, the Speaker of the Overlord Dadao will also travel, after all, in the northern ice field, just in case, the Human Professionals League, plus Guan Liyuan only three people went!

However, Miss Mo is regarded as a half-step world, and Badao is the most destructive among the human professionals in the world ...

Taking into account the Baoxiang and the Wolf tribes, in this "gambling contract", they are standing on the side of the professional alliance, and it is estimated that the chances of Xueying forcibly shooting and provoking a positive conflict are small.

If Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei win the bet, the Baoxiang people will announce that all the ethnic groups that have withdrawn from the southern part of the ice field will lose their right to return forever—the reason is that they have given up the grace of the idol, and this grace is not what they want. If you want to, just give up.

Of course, if this is the case, most ethnic groups will also give up migration.

Even the bear, fox, and ape groups are useless, and it is acceptable to leave for the time being, and leave forever ... The other three major groups cannot afford so many subordinate groups!

In other words, the blood owl will lose the opportunity to threaten the land ...

If the blood cricket team wins, the Baoxiang tribe will also guarantee that the three people will withdraw the land, but after that, the blood cymbals and the three major clan will threaten the land of the land in a way of "losing the border to the abyss creatures"!

When Guan Liyuan saw Ms. Mo as if she “fiddled with the pages continuously”, she folded the space layer by layer, and once took “Teleport” with Guan Liyuan to the northern border of the paradise. Suddenly she had a practical experience of Ms. Mo ’s entry. .

I want to reach here before, Miss Mo's "distance shift" in the middle distance, at least dozens of times.

Not only does he arrive directly, but Guan Liyuan understands that this is because of the border enclave restrictions in the Land of the Land, and the specific limit is far away. Guan Liyuan does not know ...

As a "space controller", Guan Liyuan can feel that this is still the category of "folding flow", but the distance is no shorter than many "transmissions" of "penetrating flow"!

At this time, Xiao Hei, the sacred beasts of the treasure elephant family, the wolf family, such as the baby elephant, have already waited for them to meet at the border ...

However, in terms of accuracy, after the "teleport" distance is too far, it is obviously not as accurate as "teleport" because there is no positioning of the teleport array, which is a few kilometers away from the confluence position.

After entering the northern ice field, there is naturally a family of treasure elephants, who took Guan Liyuan and others to the opening place of "heritage and trial" ...

Moreover, Guan Liyuan was surprised that the Warcraft family actually used teleportation arrays, and they did not know which family was so ingenious-only afterwards did Guan Liyuan know that there was no need for ingenuity, such as the space blood of the Baoxiang family, they could enlarge the body After that, step out of a teleportation array.

Comparing the two, Guan Liyuan feels that Miss Mo's "long-distance teleportation" is stronger. After Miss Mo's promotion to the realm, not only the distance is greatly improved, but the folding stream will not "stun", unlike the dizziness after transmission ...

Of course, the most important advantage is "instant", no need to pre-arrange the teleportation array!

Not all space professionals in the field can do Miss Mo.

In the place where the trial started, when everyone was preparing, one side was like the baby and others were encouraging Xiao Hei, and the other was Miss Mo was encouraging Guan Liyuan ...

"Don't be nervous, it's nothing to lose."

"No, no, at least the trouble I caused myself, please let me solve it myself!" Guan Liyuan said sincerely.

Guan Liyuan also knows what happened in Dulan City before, when Zhong Lixun communicated with his daughter—in Zhong Lixuan's words, the speaker of Muda was very domineering ... just outside the word, they were asking about Guan Liyuan and Muda Relationship!

Therefore, Guan Liyuan now urgently needs to avoid the collapse of his character positioning. Even if he cannot become the protagonist template at least, he must also avoid Miss Mo to help him out of trouble. It always feels that his character positioning will become weird. It is more urgent than defending against the abyss.

"Don't worry, even if you lose, there will be no big troubles on the northern border, and the abyss will siege the city? Just go back!" Miss Mo said, making the daggers on the side look endless.

Guan Liyuan can also imagine that Ms. Mo's solution is, in all likelihood, that she will sit in Changling City herself to resist the possible abyss attack!

Maybe you will get involved in some trouble because of this, and finally you will improve by one or two steps, or get some powerful secret treasures ...

Guan Liyuan feels that even if she wants to make Miss Mo's advance a little slower, she must win!

Guan Liyuan's heart collapsed.

"This time there are a total of 999 Warcrafts, plus you who have a contract with Xiao Hei, you will enter the" Intermediate Inheritance Trial ", after which you will stay in the Inheritance Mountain for a month ... Of course, to us It ’s a month. It ’s not necessarily long for you. The method of checking the real time in it has also been taught to you.

Remember that your goal is to climb as high as possible in one month without worrying about speed. You must make full use of the trial effect of Shenshan. It does n’t matter if you stay on the stairs suitable for you. The important thing is that the last the height of! "Xiangbao finally reminded.

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei already know the approximate rules at this time. Although the specific conditions are different for each trial, the general rule is to climb the ladder. The higher you stand at the end, the greater the benefit ...

However, it is not faster than the speed. It has a thousand steps, and it looks like it is not difficult on the surface.

However, in fact, these steps are not able to go up with your legs open. After each step, each step will fall into a "test". The specific test form ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is related to the blood type, such as small Black ... definitely tests the soul and space.

After some steps have stood up, I feel that they have gone through a long test, but in fact, the time has not passed.

There is a slight increase in the difficulty of every ten steps, and a substantial increase in every one hundred steps. Below five hundred, if you fail to climb, you can step back and continue your efforts. Above five hundred, some steps will be bounced back to the mountain. Foot, and lost the opportunity to enter again.

Each level of test is also a "guidance" for participants, so it is not necessary to ask for speed. The best case is to understand and understand the guidelines in each step of the test.

According to the baby elephant's prediction, with the current achievements of Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan in "soul" and "space", they should be able to reach 200 steps, up to 250 ...

Nearly a thousand of the World of Warcraft entered at the same time, there are about twenty higher than Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei and Guan Liyuan. Eight of them are only apes, bears, foxes, and bloodline descendants of the bloodline!

According to this calculation, Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan have lost.

However, this is actually not the case, because all participants will definitely improve during the trial. In the past, there were even unknown Warcrafts before the trial, and the precedent of winning the trial in one fell swoop ...

After the five major tribes and the seventeen strong tribes brought their own junior Warcraft, and the third to sixth levels of Warcraft of the affiliated races, after the qualified Warcraft arrived, Guan Liyuan also participated in the gratitude ceremony for idols-theory He will also benefit from trials.

After that, several holy beasts of the Baoxiang tribe joined hands to open the channel to pass on the mountain!

After the routine "ruthless words" link between the two sides of the bet, not only are the five major tribes, many are only the strong tribes of Warcraft, which are nominally admiring the blood and the king. At this time they are also paying attention to Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan. Where can I go ...

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