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Vol 2 Chapter 792: Trials and rewards

"Here is the inheritance of Shenshan? Sure enough, like the baby said, you can't see the surroundings at all. You must see at least five hundred steps before you can see other Warcraft ..." Guan Liyuan said while watching the surrounding environment.

After Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei entered the space of inheritance and trial, they found themselves at the foot of a mountain, and in front of them was a straight stepped mountain road. Like the baby said, there is a small flat area every ten levels, which can take a break. There is a small square for every hundred levels.

On both sides of the stairs, there are thick clouds of fog, and you can't see the situation next to it ...

According to the baby elephant, if the main action dies and rushes into the clouds, the only result is "lost" to the end of the trial.

However, after the five hundred steps, this cloud will dissipate, and then you can see what other Warcraft is around it-in previous traditions and trials, it has been a very good result to reach the five hundred steps.

The best score in the past hundred years is 799. Since the millennium when the inheritance trial was born, the best score is 979, and there is only one that exceeds 800. It is ahead of the "second" A hundred levels!

That's right, the 1989th grade is the record that the blood pupa obtained during the infancy, which is also one of the sources of confidence in the elder silver fox that the blood pupa can become a **** beast ...

According to the baby elephant, if Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have not made any progress, they are two hundred and five levels!

"After the last accumulation in the world of death, my soulwalker career can completely break through the intermediate and advanced levels without bottlenecks. It will not be too difficult, just a little rush. You should be similar to me. Even afterwards, the two of us realized that the level didn't improve at all, at least the rank can be upgraded to the middle level, and there are hopes for three hundred and even four hundred. "Guan Liyuan said.

In the "Death World", Guan Liyuan got the honorary title of "Xin Yue Migrant Worker Zhai Chenggong", and stayed there for another half a month, and then used the excuse to go to the present world and return to the main world.

At this time, Guan Liyuan is in the realm of "space controller", and should be slightly worse than perfect promotion ...

The master level of the main world can be increased by killing abyssal creatures or meditation to accumulate energy. At the same time, the deeper the level of understanding, the easier it is to promote. The ideal state is that there is no bottleneck at all, even if you always kill the abyss servants, or light When you meditate and slowly accumulate energy, you can achieve a natural promotion.

Slightly worse, you need to kill some abyss soldiers and abyss commanders to stimulate them. Some high-level professionals with a low level of understanding will even try to push the abyss lords or go to the eight cities of the border to try. There is also a chance to be promoted. .

For example, Guan Liyuan's "Summoner of the Other World" career is entirely enhanced by contract and nurturing king-level Pokémon. The effect is equivalent to killing countless kings, and there is an extraordinary ... purely by force.

"Well! How can you realize that the level hasn't improved at all? I'm ready to activate 80% or 90% of my blood in one breath!" Xiao Hei said immediately.

Of course, inspiring the bloodline of Ba Jiucheng is completely her fantasy. With her bloodline of the top sacred animal, Ba Jiu Cheng is inspired, and then she has enough energy to accumulate, and go out to challenge the top beast directly!

"The first step, try it first ... Do you say the left foot or the right foot first? Are we better off with one or two or three?" Guan Liyuan asked entangled.

"It ’s not like the baby, the two of the soul and soul contract, as long as there is one step up to a higher level, will they both enter the test together? Is there anything countable ..." Xiao Hei did not give Guan Liyuan the opportunity to prepare directly. Go up the steps.

Guan Liyuan immediately spent a moment and came to the "new space" with Xiao Hei!

"Is this illusion? Or is it a special dimensionality? It is indeed the inheritance of the mountain created by the beast. It is really amazing ..." Guan Liyuan said, looking at the endless prairie around him.

The moment before, he was still in the mountain, and when Xiao Hei stepped on the first stage, he came here without any space dizziness. He tried it with some of the most common psychometric methods, but he didn't find himself in it. Illusion.

Penguin, did I just have a space shift? Guan Liyuan wondered.

I don't know, but your relative space coordinates have not changed. Said Penguin.

Guan Liyuan didn't understand it very much, he just knew that the method of passing on the mountain was beyond his common sense ...

At this moment, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei also heard a voice without emotional fluctuations, reading the contents of this level of trial.

"In the two hundred square meters of grassland, you can find two soul grasses. After success, you can choose to perform the second test and have the qualification to step up to a higher level. If you fail, you will be forced to perform the second test."

After reading the rules, the sound completely disappeared ...

"Sure enough, as the baby said, there is a big gap between my two blood power systems, so there will be two tests in the trial. As long as one of them passes, you can continue to move up!" Xiao Hei said.

That's right, because Xiao He awakens the blood of the "Soul Soul Beast" and the "Splitting Hollow" at the same time, all the trials are divided into two parts, and all failures are the real failures.

"Be careful, there will be some combat trials later, which will not be divided into two." Guan Liyuan reminded.

There are also only such tests that individually test the soul or space ability, which can be divided into two parts, one to test the soul ability and the other to test the space ability.

Usually after the 100th level, the test of the entire tenth level and the entire hundredth level is to fight with the guard of the mountain, and then only one failure at that time is a real failure.

"Let's find the soul grass first ... well, that is, grass with weak soul fluctuations, let me see ... there is one! It's really hidden, if you don't feel the soul fluctuations, the appearance looks exactly the same." When he raised his claw and pointed to a grass beside him, the grass gradually changed its appearance, and it was light purple.

"This is ... smart grass? Is this a reward?" Guan Liyuan stepped forward and pulled out the purple grass ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ really stingy, just this reward? "Xiao Hei frowned.

"This is the first level, and it is normal for two smart grasses to do rewards."

Guan Liyuan said that he had discovered another small grass with a slight fluctuation in the soul, which was very simple for Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei.

However, Guan Liyuan didn't rush to point out, but took a few more steps. Guan Liyuan was curious about this space ...

In the end, I confirmed that the space where I can move is only 10 meters wide and 20 meters long, as the 200 square meters of grassland mentioned in the assessment requirements.

Farther away, although it appears to be real, there is an invisible barrier blocking it.

"Sudden me, I thought that the first step was really such a huge space ..."

Guan Liyuan whispered, and at the same time pointed out that another "soul grass" was located, but at this moment, Guan Liyuan suddenly hesitated, and in the hands of a spare white cat head pendant ...

Like the baby said, in addition to the basic rewards, there are hidden rewards at each level, but the way to obtain hidden rewards is unknown. It is basically luck, not strength, even if you can reach it in one breath. It ’s possible that you did n’t get the last hidden reward for five or six hundred levels, but Guan Liyuan suddenly wanted to try it!

After Guan Liyuan launched the "soul whispering" ability of the secret treasure "whisperer mask", he suddenly discovered that in addition to the "soul grass" that he had long noticed, there was another grass that was very ordinary no matter how it was seen , Also instinctively responded to the "soul of the soul"!

"Huh? Is this ... hidden reward?" Guan Liyuan said, pointing to another grass that responded to a whisper.

I saw this green grass, gradually showing a blue-blue luster ...

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