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Vol 2 Chapter 798: Cyclops (2 in 1)

In the trial space that passed down the 99th step of Shenshan, Guan Liyuan accepted the purest soul power injection, and saw that the professional rune diploma of "Soulwalker" emerged, and gradually evolved into a more complex rune and a stronger breath. Afterwards, returned to Guan Liyuan's spiritual world ...

"Soulwalker" is promoted to intermediate level!

Guan Liyuan's perception of the soul has already reached the advanced standard.

The so-called "pure soul power" is similar to the effect of the "rapidly advanced" device, but the effect of "pure soul power" is more soothing ...

Does not have the ability to forcibly impact higher realms. For professionals, only when the realm of soul-based occupations fully meet the advanced standards, can they advance in this kind of strength. The advantages are not only to avoid saplings, but also highly The stability feature does not require any adaptation process, and is completely consistent with the strength you meditate on.

For Warcraft, it can stimulate the development of soul-like bloodlines.

Because of the "Idol", in the inheritance of the mountain, whether Warcraft or humans, are both the flow of soul or pure physical power, the blood is more beneficial-because the blood of the idol is focused on the soul and power !!

The energy perfusion received by other professions is not different from that of "advanced", and the results of the assessment will determine the level of perfusion.

After Guan Liyuan's advanced, he found that Xiao Hei was still developing his blood. Under the power of the pure soul, it was equivalent to opening a fake epiphany for Xiao Hei's "Live Spirit Beast Blood" ...

Don't worry, level 99, level 199, level 299 ... theoretically all the way up to level 999, the reward is the same, that is, the time for infusion and cultivation.

Assist Warcraft in the shortest time, transforming the realm obtained from the first 99 steps into strength, omitting the process of pure power accumulation.

For World of Warcraft, stimulating blood power is a process, so it takes time, and the time ratio of the 99 steps is different from the outside world. In fact, it doesn't take too long, so don't worry about delays.

And every hundred steps that follow immediately must be a practical assessment!

At this time, Guan Liyuan only has the "Soulwalker" career advancement, while the "Space Master" career stops at the peak of the first stage, and there is still a step away from the middle stage. Guan Liyuan is not in a hurry ...

It's just a pity that when signing Xiaohei's "promotion", the two occupations did not expand the spiritual world when they advanced, that is, they could not pass the advancement of these two occupations and open up new professional rune vacancies.

Not surprisingly, Guan Liyuan's new career will probably be awakened next time he returns from the Naruto world-at that time Guan Liyuan can also reach the peak of the basic career of the Naruto department and then upgrade to a higher level!

Guan Liyuan took out a set of alloy weapons while Xiao Hei was still stimulating the blood.

This was made before in Yunji City ... It looks very similar to the "Bone King Veins Edition Double King", the left hand part is exactly the same, the huge arm on the right is replaced with a single arm, fixed on the shoulder, and the joints are at the same Guan Liyuan's right arm, a mechanical arm with finger joints.

In the trials of inheritance, Guan Liyuan was unable to use the "Joint Killing Bone" class, and formed a pure natural bone-free weapon. However, Guan Liyuan did not want to waste his combat skills, so he first used alloy to deal with it ...

Unlike his own "bone", which can be operated casually, the right arm is replaced with a single arm and operated with his right arm.

It looks very complicated, but it was actually designed by Guan Liyuan himself. It is very simple. The "Sky Bone Warrior" was originally a study of biomechanics. First, the bones were adjusted to form the adjusted bone arms. Then they were scooped down and printed with a mold. , Give it to the creators of Yunji City, and let them do it ...

It is certainly not as comfortable as using your own bones, but it is barely a substitute.

The steps of the other series in the inheritance of Shenshan are random, and sometimes they are repeated. The same rule content will be more difficult on the steps with higher series.

But the whole hundred steps must be actual combat ... Although the 900 and 1000 levels have not been achieved by Warcraft, but from a regular point of view, it should be the same.

The entire ten steps after the 100th level are also likely to be actual combat. The higher the level, the higher the chance of actual combat. Therefore, 30% of the previous trials are stuck on the level 99th step.

The actual opponents were generated on the mountain. There are abyss creatures and warcraft. It is not clear whether they are maggots or projections. They have no intelligence outside the battle. They are just like normal abyss creatures and warcraft. They just "kill" each other. The body will disappear directly.

The difficulty of actual combat can also be determined. A 100-level opponent is equivalent to the ordinary abyss leader-that is, the level of Warcraft 5 or 6. Fluctuations up and down to see luck.

At levels 200 and 300, it must be the sixth level of Warcraft of the Holy Beast blood, or the abyss leader of the lord lineage. It is the strongest in the middle ranks, and at the 400 level is the level of the abyss master, that is, Not weaker than ordinary high-level, at level 500 you can see eighth level of Warcraft or ordinary abyss lord ...

Therefore, even if the Warcraft that can enter the Intermediate Inheritance Mountain are the elites of Warcraft 4.6 and 5.6, the 500 is also a genius. Generally, in the trial of Intermediate Inheritance, there are ten testers who have stepped above the 500 level each time. about.

The best score in a session is between 600 and 699. The 799 is a hundred years old.

And starting at level 500, there will be some tests that are non-repeatable-that is, one failure and no chance of a second challenge!

Guan Liyuan lived his “prosthetic limb”. After about six hours, Xiao Hei woke up from the state of perception, and his strength reached the sixth level by the calculation method of Warcraft.

After Xiao Hei woke up, both of them "returned" to the mountain of inheritance, standing on the 99-level steps ... The actual time only passed less than an hour.

"Are you ready? The two of us will test at the same time. There should be two opponents." Xiao Hei said.

"Rest assured that even if you can't use the abilities of other professions, the strength and speed of the body itself will not be weakened. There is no problem in the test of at least 300, and the test of 400 can be compared." Guan Liyuan said confidently.

Level 400 is already an opponent of the Grand Commander level. Before going to the "Death World" this time, Guan Liyuan probably had a level of 200 ...

Because in the absence of various main battle professions, Guan Liyuan was unable to form too strong a combat force based on physical strength and speed alone, and Xiao Hei's strength was not considered to be able to boost his performance, and was evaluated as two hundred and five levels. .

But now Guan Liyuan ’s kendo has been reorganized. Besides, after the previous ninety-nine level trials, the abilities of the two major professions, “Soulwalker” and “Space Controller”, have also increased, even without relying on other main battle professions. Can also exert its strength close to the Grand Commander.

Xiao Hei's strength has also been improved, especially the development of the bloodline of "Soul Soul Beast", which has given him the strength of Level 6 Warcraft. Seeing that Guan Liyuan is ready, he has also stepped on the 100th level ...

Guan Liyuan also reminded: "Penguin, after you go in, you immediately analyze the trigger conditions of hidden rewards, and notify me and Xiaohe as soon as possible. Challenges of 100 levels and rewards are all good things. The value of hidden rewards should also be high. ! "

The next moment, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei appeared in a mountainous area where the forest was not dense, but there were a lot of rocks-the battle scene was also random.

Seeing dozens of meters away, two black shadows flashed in the chaotic stone urns, which seemed to be the outline of a giant ape that was three or four meters high ...

After seeing it, Xiao He immediately responded, and rushed to see it, and Guan Liyuan followed closely behind.

At this moment, however, a prompt from the penguin came:

Guan Liyuan heard the words light up and secretly said: This hidden reward trigger method is very pit for people who do n’t know, but it is feasible after knowing the rules!

But at the same time, Guan Liyuan suddenly discovered that Xiao Hei was rushing too fast. At this time, he was maintaining a body shape similar to the Maine cat and beast, and the power of "soul tearing" had been gathered on his claws.

"Hidden rewards" have no chance to come back, and cannot be triggered without first letting three tricks!

Xiao Hei also regretted it, but it was too late ... At a critical moment, Guan Liyuan was agitated, and the "snake tail cable" shook Xiao Hei's hind legs, and the whole cat lost its level, and Pia patted it on the ground ...

嘭, 嘭, 嘭 ——

Seeing Xiao Hei's huge rock condensed from the hands of the giant ape, he smashed and smashed an eye to take Venus ...

"Good job, the first condition is met!"

Guan Liyuan said that he raised his right arm, controlled the giant mechanical arm on his right shoulder, and made the same action, holding Xiao Hei in his palm, blocking the attack of the giant ape behind ...

At this time, Guan Liyuan has also discovered that the opponent is not an ape-like Warcraft, but an abyss of a one-eyed giant human!

The "Cyclops" is a big class among abyssal creatures, like the one in front of them, but only the "Flying Stone Cyclops" of commanding lineage. Among them, it can only be regarded as the bottom layer, the strongest Thunderflame Titan and the **** giant. All are of descent from the king.

In addition to the characteristics of "one-eyed" and "big physique", their common feature is the ability to condense throwing objects from the air to attack,

This is why the other party was hiding in the strange rock pile before-if not to hide the reward, Xiao Hei's rapid approach is correct.

"Flying Stone Cyclops" flying stones, that is, earth stones with a diameter of less than one meter. If it is a Cyclops of king-level blood, every hundred meters, or even hundreds of meters in height, throws a large block of small bunkers over the fortress. Threatening!

"Cyclops", who are good at long-range group attacks, are very rare in the paradise, but they can often be seen in the eight cities on the border. Each time a large-scale siege of the abyss, you can see groups of cyclops, king-level cyclops. It also ranks high on the assassination priority list of the base professionals responsible for "assassination."

However, in the trial, random access to such enemies is beneficial to Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei. The abyss creatures of Cyclops are generally not good at heads-up, melee and small-scale team battles. The battlefield is their home field. .

"Good job ... a furry! You have no other choice?" Xiao Hei stood up and glared at a pit cargo teammate.

"Cough, quickly, if you can't solve these two flying stones one-eyed monsters within three minutes, you will be beaten for three times." Guan Liyuan reminded.

Xiao Hei also knows that now is not the time to scratch the pit, it is important to trigger hidden rewards first.

Like other abyssal creatures of the Cyclops, the Flying Stone Cyclops looks very strong and indeed has rock-like skin, but after being approached, it is just high enough to defend and is not good at melee combat.

Although he lifted up the flying stones condensed in his hands, he lifted up and shouted at his face, but the action of the melee attack was slow, and the dodge was not flexible. It was just a big sandbag.

At one-and-a-half minutes, one of the one-eyed monsters was **** by Guan Liyuan with a "snake tail cable". Before breaking free, the giant robotic arm was held up and completely fixed. Then he was stabbed in by a "snake" along the one eye, and pained hissed. Then gradually disappeared.

Another one-eyed monster screamed again and again under the attack of Xiao Hei's soul--hard rock-like skin that could not help him resist the soul attack.

However, it seems that it takes some time to completely kill the other party ...

If there is no reason to hide the reward ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Maybe Guan Liyuan will wait for Xiao He to kill the other person himself. After all, it is a rare opportunity for tempering, but now Guan Liyuan still merges in the past, with two enemies and one in less than four. At half the time, another flying stone one-eyed monster was also killed.

At the same time, the external "trial list" sounded the sound of SSR again ... this time everyone instinctively looked at Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei first!

Previously, Elephant Baby was also worried that the 100 level as the first "practical trial" level will not delay Xiao Hei and Guan Li for too long.

However, in less than five minutes, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei completed the 100-level test, and ... the hidden reward was triggered for the third time!

Based on the results of "passing the 100 level in less than five minutes", several testers who are close to the first echelon, because they do not know that Guan Liyuan ’s Kendo has been greatly improved, so elephants and Sirius consider themselves to understand “two hundred and two hundred and five The sacred beasts of the level thought that Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei had an amazing improvement in the first 99 levels.

At this time, the content of hidden rewards was also displayed on the "Mini God Mountain"-a huge one-eye image appeared out of thin air ...

"This is ... the one-eye of the lord-level bad gold thrower?" Guan Liyuan looked at the treasure box in front of him, and placed an eyeball, and immediately found the corresponding answer in the information stored in the forum.

"Ahem, it seems that it is more suitable for me, which is really unsatisfactory." Guan Liyuan said, closing the lord's evil gold with one eye.

Xiao Hei stared at him angrily, but did not object. This thing was eaten directly by Warcraft, but it was only a supplementary eye. The improvement was not too great. Although the value was not low, but it could be controlled by a professional. Become a "treasure", and it definitely matches the "rebirth eye" of Guan Liyuan ...

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