Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 799: World of Warcraft

"This hidden reward is still very powerful. It is worth a hundred floors. You can make the top-grade material of the secret treasure ... probably equivalent to the reward of five hundred steps?" Guan Liyuan muttered with satisfaction.

High-level professionals in the paradise, team up to push b, if you are unlucky, the final gain may not be so great.

And Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei only “hunted” two commander-level abyss creatures. Of course, Guan Liyuan also knew that it was not a real abyss creature. After the kill, the corpse disappeared directly, and the soul energy was not collected. Simulated by some means.

As for the normal reward, there are two "Dragon Elephant Grasses" that can enhance the soul and body strength of Warcraft, and it is effective for any Warcraft, but it is especially effective for the blood of soul and body.

However, there is no record of human consumption. This is a kind of new species cultivated by idols for thousands of years, so both of them were chewed by Xiaohei.

Looking at Xiaohe chewing hard, Guan Liyuan suspected that she was still resentful of the "嘭 嘭 嘭" just now.

"It seems that the value of hidden rewards is indeed related to the step series, and ... this time the trigger conditions are not too difficult to achieve. No wonder, as the baby said, the actual test is easy to produce hidden rewards." Guan Liyuan turned away from the topic.

"But the odds aren't high! If you don't know it in advance, the tester who can solve the enemy within five minutes, why would you stand up and stand three times before you come up?" Xiao Hei said with some teeth.

"Well ... if you are a good tester who is good at defensive counterattacks and not bad in strength, there is a possibility of triggering." Guan Liyuan speculated.

Compared to other trigger conditions, this is already considered to have "small trigger possibility"!

For example, "the handsome and handsome, the ancient and the ancient, the merits, the power, and the impeccable beauty of the idols, the long-lasting and the long-lasting idols, the long-lived, the long-lived, and the long-lived idols".

At this time Guan Liyuan didn't know yet. Because of this, the value of "soul baptism" is actually more than "bad golden one-eyed"!

The bad gold thrower is also an abyss of a one-eyed giant human, but it is much stronger than the flying stone one-eyed monster. It is the descent of the lord. It can throw polluting explosive metal "bad gold", and it rewards this "bad gold one-eye" Obviously the adult individuals "exploded".

One-eyed giant humans' abyssal creatures, the most precious are often their palms with abyss runes, and their amazingly insightful one-eye ...

Cyclops have a large proportion of their palms with special runes that allow them to condense the projectiles instantly, the previous "flying stones", and "bad gold" ...

Therefore, as long as their palms “explode”, they can be used as the main material of the secret treasure to assist the corresponding element system, and “Cyclops” is to give them powerful pure visual perception-Cyclops are actually not slow to react, only their bodies Flexibility is destined to use reaction speed only for long-range attacks.

The two materials of Cyclops are very low, and in the eight cities of the border, Cyclops often die also in the second half of the Abyss Corps. Unless the opponent is completely defeated, the abyss creatures will not give back to humans. The chance to pick up this part of the loot is very rare.

And because it has a single attribute, it can be used as the main material of the secret treasure. The lord's evil gold one-eyed eye is no less valuable than some king-level materials ...

"If the following actual combat is based on this trigger method," Guan Liyuan sighed.

"Don't dream, if the triggering method is the same, the rules have long been found ... and you are sure that the actual combat opponents in the future can be solved within five minutes?" Xiao Hei swaggered.

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei were resting on the platform of one hundred steps at this time. Intermediate-level professionals and level six Warcraft were not enough to fight for a month continuously. A temporary rest was necessary.

"The forum is for me, and I want to go." Xiao Hei is like a meow.

The penguin suddenly broke out.

"What time shift? We are not in the trial space now ..." Xiao Hei wondered.

And Guan Liyuan's eyes were shining: "I know! There must be something wrong with the inheritance of the mountain, or there will be a big treasure to appear, or someone will attack ... Whenever such a time, there will be great gain ! "

"You look forward to inheriting something from Shenshan, and you will be killed by the baby." Xiao Hei said sincerely.

"No, no, this kind of thing I have heard from many forums, this is well-founded."

"You mean those plague gods who go wrong everywhere?"


Xiao He suddenly became silent for a while and then said, "I seem to know what happened ... When you were away before, I heard the elephant baby mentioned it once. If there are three hidden rewards in a trial, it will trigger a certain This kind of special effect, he did not elaborate at that time, will it be this kind of time effect? ​​"

The elephant baby did not expect Xiao Hei to inspire three hidden rewards, nor did he expect Xiao Hei to be too obsessed with hiding rewards.

And for thousands of years, in one trial, the event of stimulating three hidden rewards has occurred only once, so the baby itself is not sure, and the effect after three consecutive hidden rewards is not happening every time ...

That's right, after the last new situation that triggered three hidden rewards, the tester also found that the test time was "extended"!

In each level of the trial space, some of them will have the effect of time proportion adjustment. At level 99, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei stayed in it for nearly seven hours. After they came out, they found that only one hour had passed in the trial.

But when on the "Testing God Mountain" steps, the time proportion should be consistent with the outside world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But now ... every 12 seconds Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei experience here, the outside time only passes 1 second, Overall "growth"!

At this time, the "trial list" outside was more clearly displayed. In the columns of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, in addition to the "100-level" cylinder, there were three other patterns marked on the cylinder-eyeballs, The elephant spit bubbles and linglong grass, and every hidden reward is recorded here.

In addition, under the three patterns, there is a special line of the "Remaining time +20" label in Warcraft. In the view of Miss Mo, it is "a turtle" + "right arrow" + "a larger turtle" ... ...

"What do you mean? There are two turtles rewarded?" Miss Mo wondered.

"No, this is World of Warcraft. Miss Mo is very talented in World of Warcraft. Why don't you guess? I can remind you that this is a process of change! It is a special reward that only motivates three hidden rewards." Said the baby.

That's right, this turtle stands for "Yongshou Turtle", a pinnacle beast who masters the blood of time. It is used to represent time in World of Warcraft. In fact, it means "time is extended by 20"

Miss Mo heard a sigh for a moment ... change? turtle? Bigger turtle? Difficult, is it that the turtle "beep" changes, changes ... big?

I saw Miss Mo's face flushed, and she kicked her baby's ivory immediately, annoyed, "Rogue! What a decent reward!"

The baby elephant is not good. The whole face is "the baby doesn't know what happened" ...

"Ah? Are you upset? It's getting longer, which is a good thing ..."

"Well! What does it matter to me that his time is getting longer? I'm just talking about it again ... I'm missing an ivory jewel! Wait ... time is getting longer?" Miss Mo angered.

"Ha? What does it mean to become longer?"


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