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Vol 2 Chapter 800: Temple escape?

Under the explanation of the elephant baby, Miss Mo finally understood that "a turtle", "right arrow", and "a larger turtle" translates to mean "the remaining time increases by 20%".

"It's so complicated. How do you see‘ Remaining ’and ‘20%’? ”Miss Mo wondered.

"This depends on the texture of the turtle shell and the relative size ..."

Miss Mo and Ba Dao think that the Warcraft that created Warcraft must have anti-social beasts!

In contrast, the writing of humans is simple. In addition, before the invasion of the abyss, the elves and dragons used this "continental language". No one knows who invented it, even Miss Mo and Badao. Professionals also know some "secrets", such as ... the higher existence in the abyss, and this common language.

However, no matter how bad the words of Warcraft are, the presence of Warcraft recognizes the meaning!

The **** face could not help getting darker ... not only because Xiao He and Guan Liyuan got any benefits, but because the "liar beast" received three hidden rewards, which is likely to be regarded as a symbol of "approved by the will of the idol" .

From the perspective of blood crickets, death is death. Where is there any "will", it's just luck, but ... Will other Warcraft think so?

In addition, "the remaining time increased by 20%" also made Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei have a lot of time. The previous Warcraft that received this kind of reward was in the final stage. The added time was less than one day. For Xiaohei and Guan Liyuan, For example, it took five or six days!

In this way, the time when the two men fell before was nothing at all.

More importantly, this is just 100 levels ... In the previous "common sense", there will be no hidden rewards for the first 100 levels, and Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have already broken records!

Could it be that "hidden rewards" can be encountered if you look carefully? That's why it was delayed so long before-many Warcraft are beginning to suspect the beast.

"Is it because the treasure elephants have a special detection method and taught that **** eccentric beast?" King Ape said in a low voice.

"It's impossible ... the number of times the Baoxiang family has always triggered hidden rewards is not more than that of other races. There is really such a way. How can it be hidden for a thousand years and used for the soul beast now?" Elder Silver Fox shakes Shook his head.

Indeed, if the family of Baoxiang is deliberate and would rather lose thousands of years, it would be possible to pit them one day-it would be a little too much thinking, Long Aotian would not dare to make up for it.

In fact, not only the outside World of Warcraft, but even the little black who is in the trial, also has a headache ...

"Boss, after you say, if other Warcraft asks, why do we have such a big chance of getting hidden rewards ... how should we answer?" Xiao Hei asked.

"Luck ... oh no, does the family of elephants say that this is related to the favor of great idols? Lord idols just look at us to be super cute and refuse to go to the idols for reason." Guan Liyuan said for granted.

Xiao Hei: "..."

After a little speech, Xiao Hei continued to say, "Say that's the way to say it, but just say it's what the will favors. I'm afraid they won't believe it like a baby ..."

When Guan Liyuan thought, Xiao Hei was right, after pondering carefully, he immediately had an idea!

"Well, just to say that they will be favored by them, maybe they do n’t believe it. We have to say big ... just say that here we see the left-behind projection of idols. We have to say that we have the potential to save the world. The future of the World of Warcraft is on you. , So we opened the door to convenience for us! By the way, is the gender of the ancestor idol male or female? "

"Major ..."

"Unfortunately, then it is hard to say that you are the reincarnation of idols." Guan Liyuan said with regret.

"... You are not afraid of being killed!" Xiao Hei said helplessly.

"Rest assured, it's right to be so big as long as they can't explain why we get so many hidden rewards, there is no reason to question us, but we can only believe it, so we have to work hard later." Guan Liyuan pointed to the stance of Jiang Shan .

However, it is not without reason. It is more convincing to blow it up than to say that it is "good luck" and let others guess whether the idol favors them.

After all, the penguin's ability can not be exposed or explained, but this kind of saying that seeing the shadow of the clone left by the idol, is more willing to believe in Warcraft.

In this way, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei also need more "hidden rewards" to "indirectly prove" that the idol clone has appeared ... but not very smoothly!

Nineteen consecutive pits made Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei almost lose confidence-the test of the 101st to 119th steps can be completed without a trigger condition of "hidden rewards".

"Unfortunately, at level 110, there was no actual combat, I hope there will be at level 120 ... The hidden reward of actual combat seems to be easier." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

"In fact, the hidden reward of level 116 can be tried ..."

"It can take at least four days to complete. In case of several failures, it will take more time ... It still has a long time to come. Before level 200, we can fight for it only if it takes less than two days!" Guan Liyuan shook his head.

After hearing this, Xiao Hei agreed, and after confirming that Guan Liyuan was ready, he stepped on the 120-level steps ...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei appeared in a spacious stone-built hall ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Unfortunately, it does not look like a practical assessment ... "Guan Liyuan said with regret.

"Well? Why is there a door here?" Xiao Hei wondered.

That's right, unlike other assessment spaces, the door does not appear until after the assessment is completed. There are exits in this closed stone room, but it seems to be the door leading to the corridor of the martyrdom, not the gate to the mountain.

In addition, in the stone hall, illuminated torches are placed around, and in the middle is a platform for a fist, a crystal ball with a large fist, and two elephant statues left and right.

And then the sound of reading the rules appeared!

"Remove the crystal ball on the platform and take it out of the temple. After success, you can choose the second test and have the qualification to step up to a higher level. After failure, you can repeat the challenge. If you give up, you will be forced to enter the second. test.

Note: After the crystal ball is removed, there will be elephant guards chasing the 'stealers'. If they are "killed", they need to restart.

There are traps and institutions with various spatial attributes along the corridor. Please avoid space cracks and siphons, and use space fluctuations to escape.

In addition, contacting the space energy body along the way, absorbing to a certain amount, will have the ability to pass through space obstacles. "

Guan Liyuan: "This rule is a bit familiar ..."

And the penguin also made a sound:

"Eh? There seems to be a trigger this time!" Xiao Hei said before his eyes.

"Reliable, reliable ... Instead of escaping, but killing the temple guards, and this level of brain hole, other testers should also be able to think of it!" Guan Liyuan regained confidence in the idol's ritual, and asked Xiaohei Giving a look, both were ready—not ready to run away, but ready to go.

I saw Guan Liyuan took off the crystal ball, and then ... On the heads of Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, the elephant sculptures that came alive instantly poked two "brains"!

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