Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 801: "Brain hole" wide open

"What the hell? Is this 'guardian of the gods' too strong?" Guan Liyuan furiously dropped the crystal ball.

However, it fell empty—while being stuck in a "brain hole", the test has been reset. The elephant guard is still a statue, and the crystal ball is still on the stage.

"Give us two seconds in one move? This hidden reward is too difficult, right?" Xiao Hei was also helpless, but it was difficult to have a non-pitting trigger, but the difficulty was too high.

Guan Liyuan frowned suddenly: "Wait ... it's not quite right, this difficulty is not right, there were some who gave up because it was too difficult, but it was all because it took too much time and it wasn't worth it. How to get here a little hope No more? "

"Indeed, judging from the situation just now, even if I was promoted to Level 9 Warcraft, the result would not be much better than that of the elephant guard." Xiao Hei thought about the overwhelming strength of the elephant guard before, could not help but say .

"Maybe we didn't find the right way ..." Guan Liyuan thought and looked at the guard sculpture.

Suddenly Guan Liyuan's eyes lighted up: "Yes! Why do we want to take the crystal ball? Since it was originally intended to kill the elephant guard, it would be OK to be smashed by the sculpture?"

"You can try it!" Xiao Hei also felt very reasonable.

There was a bang in the temple ...

I saw the snake tail, snake thorn, mechanical giant arm, soul whispering on Guan Liyuan's side, Xiao Hei also tried physical attack, cutting edge of space, wind of soul breaking, spiritual shock ...

However, all are invalid!

Guan Liyuan also tried to **** the soul, but the result was that he couldn't move ... as if there was no soul.

The two stone statues were not harmed to half a point, and even Guan Liyuan's snake thorns, facing the "Xia San Road" guarded by the elephant god, did not mean to hurt the other side.

"Okay, it doesn't seem to work. When this 'guardian of the gods' is in the state of sculpture, does it have the attribute of 'unbreakable'?" Guan Liyuan was a little bit tired, leaving no mark on it.

This time he changed into Xiao Hei's eyes, and the clever motion said, "I see! The state of the sculpture cannot hurt them. We should grasp the moment when the state of the sculpture is lifted!"

"If this is the case, the two of us should test at the same time, which should be more advantageous ..." Guan Liyuan felt that it was feasible.

Because Guan Liyuan's current combat effectiveness is mainly reflected in kendo-that is, fighting skills, without skills, explosiveness is worse.

Therefore, Xiao Hei's main attack, Guan Liyuan's hand was first held on the crystal ball, and Xiao Hei was using the space to cut with great effort. After a long time, he accumulated the size and power of this space cutting blade to the largest scale he could control. , Beheaded the two elephant guards ...

In a real battle, Xiao Hei definitely has no chance to issue such a powerful "space cutting edge". The preparation time is too long, and only the stone statue will stand still.

Guan Liyuan was staring at it, and at the moment when the cutting edge of the space was about to fall on the sculpture, Guan Liyuan took the crystal ball off—from the first experience, the sculpture would leave in the crystal ball. The confession turned into a guard of the gods in an instant, otherwise Guan Liyuan would not have had a shot before he would "open his mind".

The timing is right!

At this moment, the two elephant guards were hit by the cutting edge of the space, after which they only heard two "噗噗" ...

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei again "brain hole".

Immediately they disappeared, but they immediately appeared in the temple again intact.

In the "trial space", in most cases, it will not truly die, and unlike the Dimension Forum, there is no "death experience". It is at the moment of being "killed" that consciousness returns to the beginning It can be seen that this is not really a "resurrection".

The crystal ball also returned to the platform, and the guard of the elephant returned to the original place as a sculpture ...

"It still doesn't work! When it's not sculpture, we can't hurt them! And this speed ... We want to complete the test in the ordinary way, and we must be ready to escape from the beginning." Xiao Hei said with a little discouragement.

"No, it does hurt when I change from a sculpture back to a flesh and blood. I saw that it still caused some minor effects. Unlike the sculpture state, I ca n’t hurt it at all ... yes! Let ’s try again Try soul attack. "Guan Liyuan said.

Although the target **** guard caused some injuries before, but when the reset, the damage is also reset, it is not feasible to accumulate less.

Xiao Hei was also talked about. The third challenge ... Guan Liyuan's "soul whispering" always acted on the sculpture. Xiao Hei was also ready to "Soul of the Broken Soul", which also made it a long time and had no chance to perform in actual combat. In the wind of the two-fingered soul-breaking soul, Guan Liyuan took off the crystal ball at the moment when he wanted to get into the heart of the sculpture!

噗 —— 噗 ——

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei's "brain hole wide open" for the third time.

"Or not……"

"Not exactly unmoved, I saw their eyes really dissipated. If I seize the opportunity ... I should have time to turn away and escape."

"It seems that our attack is not enough to threaten them when they are released from sculpture?"

"Maybe ... we should try another way! Nine days, we will try nine days!" Guan Liyuan said without giving up.

After all, the other abandoned levels found that they wanted to trigger hidden rewards, too few prompts, and too much time, but this time Guan Liyuan always felt that he had only found the right way, and it should be possible.

Penguin has estimated that the time ratio between this "trial space" and "trial Shenshan" is 3: 1. Here in the past nine days, only three days have passed since the trial of Shenshan. In addition, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei have additional time rewards ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ equivalent to just more than two days in the past ...

Even if it really failed, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei lost too!

Then they started brainstorming ...

For the fourth time, Guan Liyuan used a crystal ball to smash the guard of the elephant **** ... maybe he was restrained by this?

噗, 噗, the fourth time the brain hole widened.

For the fifth time, Guan Liyuan "provokes alienation" in front of the sculpture. If they can "wake up" and fight themselves, then there is a chance!

噗, 噗, the fifth time the brain hole widened.


For the nineteenth time, Guan Liyuan rode on an elephant guard, maybe he could be transferred like a knight like this?

For the nineteenth time, his brain was wide open, and he was thrown one more time.


Forty-seventh time, Guan Liyuan stood on the stage and shouted, "The handsome and handsome, the ancient and the ancient, the merits, the power, and the immaculate perfection, the perfect and perfect impeccable idol, the long live the long live the long live the long lived idols," and then took the crystal ball.

噗, 噗, forty-seventh time the brain hole wide open.


At the sixty-first time, Guan Liyuan took the spice sage in the storage space, the green onion, and took out two of them, and inserted it into the little black nose, making her pretend like a guardian of the gods, it is not completely impossible to mix in ...

This time, without waiting for the elephant guard to "stuck" the two, Xiao Hei first smashed the shallots on Guan Liyuan's face!

"Do you still have a normal way?"

"Do you think the hidden reward of idols can be triggered by normal people?"

"Then I'm not a pig. I can fill an elephant with a green onion in my nose?" Xiao Hei protested fiercely.

"Maybe just try this? Are you willing?" Guan Liyuan countered.

In the end, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei each stepped back and took out four green onions, one person and one cat to fill the elephant together-of course, Guan Liyuan's nostrils are not so large, they are biting in the mouth.

Alas, alas, the sixty-first belated brain was wide open.

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