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Vol 2 Chapter 802: Card monster

"Well? Right in front is the exit of the temple?"

Guan Liyuan looked at the light curtain in front of him and pushed it twice, but nothing happened ...

"It should be to go out with a crystal ball." Xiao Hei said after thinking about the rules for normal trials.

That's right, because the guards of Xiangshen "opened their brains" too many times, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei were ready to see how to complete the normal trial.

Without taking the crystal ball, walk straight through the martyrdom ...

All the way to the entrance of the temple, there are not martyrs on the way, there are corridors, valleys, gardens and other environments. Many strange traps and institutions along the way are all spatial. Only sufficient testers in space can find and Avoid, or even use.

Guan Liyuan estimated that it would take more than an hour to run all the way down normally.

But it is simpler than expected. At the beginning, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei wanted to kill the "guard of the elephant god", so they felt that their speed was extremely horrible ...

But in fact, if the purpose is to escape, there are some space agencies and traps along the way that can be triggered at the same time as the escape, which hinders the elephant guard, so although the elephant guard has been hanging behind, as long as no big mistakes occur , It is easy to catch up with the trial.

This is also the difficulty that the 120-level trial should have ...

If the tester finds that, "By removing the crystal ball, you can run again without the guard of the elephant god", it is even simpler.

Although you do n’t bring a crystal ball, you do n’t have to pass the test even if you run the entire distance, but you can first adjust all the traps that can be changed and triggered along the way to your advantage, and the next time you run, you can start with a little hands Can be used to block the guardian state behind.

And the gold coins along the way ... ah no, the space energy body is collected first, which can also make it easier to deal with when it is really chased afterwards.

"Will the opportunity be on this way? Maybe let's use the space traps along the way to kill the elephant guard?" Guan Liyuan speculated.

"Isn't it possible? With the strength of the elephant guard, it should be restrained at most one or two, and it can't be killed ..."

Although Xiao Hei said so, now that he has proposed it, he will naturally try it.

The result was that the guards of the gods pushed all the way. Although Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei had enough time to complete the test normally, they were still ready to give up and were actively "opened their brains" before leaving the temple.

After Guan Liyuan "returned" to the temple, he looked at the two guard statues and shook his head: "This is not right. Indeed, the traps are not enough to kill the elephant guards. Even if they are more sophisticated, it is impossible ..."

"Is there anything else I missed on the road? I'll check it out again." Xiao Hei went out and "looked out" again.

Guan Liyuan was in the temple, observing around two sculptures guarded by gods.

A few hours later, Xiao Hei returned, and it still seemed to be found ...

"Boss! I found a hidden path, a path through the ground, which can avoid the garden path on the ground, which is simpler than the garden path," said Xiao Hei.

Indeed, the part of the "Garden Trail" was the hardest part of the whole trial ... But this has nothing to do with Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, and the "Garden Trail" can't help them.

However, since there are new discoveries, Guan Liyuan feels that he should still take a look ... In fact, Guan Liyuan also made some discoveries, but he didn't find them useful for the time being.

"Well? Boss, this looks like a **** guard ..."

"Cough, I tried it casually and found that it was really heavy, but I could still move it slightly." Guan Liyuan coughed and said his findings.

"Then you slap the two stone statues together? What kind of posture is this, sloppy instability ... Only the second half is riding." Xiao Hei wondered.

"It's nothing. According to my observations, after they 'wake up', it is the most difficult position to start pursuing immediately!" Guan Liyuan said with an oath.

Xiao Hei is still a little suspicious, but Guan Liyuan has urged her to lead the way.

The entrance to this "hidden path" is really hidden. It is a tree hole on the side of a trap with a "spatial siphon" on it ...

Normally, when you run away, you should stay away from here.

"Nothing, I want to try whether this siphon can move, but instead I was thrown away and smashed into the tree hole, and found that the bottom was empty and there was a passage." Xiao Hei said.

The underground passage part is really a lot simpler, it just looks gloomy, but the frequency and difficulty of the trap is not high.

"This broken bridge looks scary. In fact, it is much easier than a nice park path." Xiao Hei said.

At this time, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei were in a completely hollow underground space. A broken bridge "connected" the underground tunnels at both ends. Although there were also spatial cracks and abnormal spatial fluctuations on the bridge, a deep abyss under the bridge , As if going to the earth.

In the abyss, you can see that starting from a few feet away from the bridge, there is a turbulent flow of space storm, and the river under the bridge looks like a turbulent space.

This is much more horrible than the rapids of the river. As long as it falls, there is no chance of turning it into dumpling stuffing. Guan Liyuan doesn't know if this kind of environment really exists or the idol makes up for it.

Of course, this is just a “furnishing”, and it is not easy to fall off the bridge. Even if the bridge is broken, you can easily jump over it if you are careful to avoid space cracks, which is easier than the garden path!

But Guan Liyuan suddenly moved his expression: "Wait! If the two elephant guards fall down ... even if they don't die at once, but there are cliffs around them, and there are rules for forbidden air, they can't climb up, here How long can this space storm last? "

"It's ... but it's not easy to make them fall. There are few traps and institutions here, and we can use only a few. I'm afraid we will fall first on the bridge ... Yes! Just now the boss said That statue can move? "Xiao Hei also responded at this moment.

"That's right, although it's heavy, but ... there are always times to move over!" Guan Liyuan's eyes were burning.

Immediately, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei returned to the temple, and even pushed and pulled the guard statues all the way to the broken bridge in the underground passage—it was really heavy. Guan Liyuan also worked hard to put them out of shape. I'm afraid I can't move the sculpture.

One full day before and after ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei only moved the two statues to the broken bridge. Although the stone statues are not flexible enough, there is a benefit that they are "unbreakable" properties , Can be used as the best shield, no matter what traps can not hurt the stone statue.

And here on the broken bridge, Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan finally pushed them down ... Sure enough, in the turbulent space storm, the two stone statues were still intact, but in the turbulence of hundreds of feet in depth, the "sinking" Ups and downs. "

Xiao Hei watched here after that, Guan Liyuan returned to the original road, ready to take off the crystal ball!

Shortly afterwards, Xiao Hei received Guan Liyuan's contract message:

Immediately afterwards, I saw two statues that instantly turned into guards like elephants ...

The two guards were immediately covered with scars, showing the power of the storm in the space, but as expected, they were not immediately killed!

However, there are cliffs around. The two guards can't come at all. They can only struggle in turbulent space storms in vain. Even if the defense and recovery capabilities are amazing, the injuries are still getting worse ...

More than half an hour later, Guan Liyuan returned to the Broken Bridge with a crystal ball from the temple, and the two guards were already on the verge of running out of oil!

"Not dead yet? Still have the ability to heal yourself? Sure enough ... this hidden reward does not let us kill them with our own power!" Guan Liyuan could not help but say.

Before, he and Xiao Hei were killed at most after causing some minor injuries, so they do n’t know their recovery ability. Now it seems that even the space storm turbulence has to be output for half an hour. Both of them Those who want to trigger hidden rewards by themselves are far worse.

But now Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei can just sit and watch the output of the space storm. Soon after ... the two guards turned into broken lights and disappeared, while a colorful treasure chest and two wooden treasure chests appeared in front of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei!

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