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Vol 2 Chapter 803: Bloodline pinning

Outside of the inheritance of Shenshan, the Warcraft who looked at the "Trial List" were a little curious ... especially the five major races involved in the gambling agreement were even more nervous!

The reason is that Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have been stuck at level 120 for more than a day.

If it was before, the blood cricket party would be very happy, and the Golden Monkey King might have taunted, but now both sides are a little "nervous"!

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei received three hidden rewards in the first 100 levels, so now they are delaying a bit more time. Instead, the **** side of Warcraft wondered if they had found hidden rewards again.

And elephant babies are also nervous-who knows if they are really stuck! Hidden rewards, who said that?

The **** side of Warcraft does not really think that Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei's ability is only up to level 120, and now the two sides are paying attention to whether there will be hidden rewards when passing level 120 ...

If it only passed the test of level 120 in general, the level 120 level would be deficient in soul beasts and human blood.

However, once the hidden reward was finally triggered, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei broke the record completely and obtained four hidden rewards at level 120, both in terms of actual benefits and symbolic meanings, which are not good for blood crickets.

In the eyes of both sides, the special effects and sound effects of SSR reappeared-this time everyone looked at the position of the soul beast and humans!

Sure enough, the two of them are shining ...

"It's them again ..."

"The fourth hidden reward ... a record breaking!"

"This time is not short, I don't know what the reward will be."

"Do idols really exist? Are they guiding us?"

"The King of Blood Slay killed two adult detached soul beasts in order to promote the beast. It is said that they almost came close to kill the last surviving ... Is the will of the idol implying that we cannot do this?"

"Yes, who knows if the Blood King can promote the beast?"

"It can't be said that the Blood King is indeed the closest to the existence of the **** beast after the idol. If the Blood King can be promoted, it will be of great benefit to the Warcraft family."

"Well, now you have to kill the soul beast to complete yourself. If you can't be promoted later, what do you need us snakes and leopards to do?"

"And just leave the soul beast. Actually, they also started to deal with the wolf tribe. But that was one of the five major clans that helped the idols set up the icefield ... Even the wolf tribe can move, what about us?"

Sure enough, many World of Warcraft have been talking. Although many are using their own language and not using common languages ​​because of taboos, most of them are silver fox elders who are versatile and master several foreign languages. Understand that although I didn't say anything, but at the same time I felt uncomfortable, my heart was shaking more and more.

The King of the Golden Monkeys and the blood maggots didn't understand, but they could guess some by looking ...

As for the Reckless Bear King ... he hasn't come at all. He is obviously far away from the Golden Ape King and Silver Fox Elder, but he claims that the old injury has recurred. The same is true of the King of the Elephants. Because of the bet, they would not be able to come in person.

The King of Elephants is even more self-respecting, just let the elephant baby as a witness.

"The rewards are displayed!"

In the attention of the beast, I saw the hidden reward on the mini **** mountain-a drop of blood ... a hole in the blood?

"What does this mean again?" Miss Mo asked in confusion.

"It's a bloodline! It's similar to the one-time effective props made by your human professionals ... but we don't have a one-time effective props specially manufactured by Warcraft, but some Warcraft that develop the power of bloodline to a very high level can use the bloodline The force was saved from the blood, and it was given to other WoWs to inspire ... "Xiang Xiang replied.

There are many human professionals who can make one-time effective props, such as the professions such as Rune Master and Array Master. After the advanced level, some can make props that can be used by others, and some elementary professionals are in the making. After being deep enough, the skills can also be sealed up and used by other professionals using some specific materials.

"What kind of bloodline support is this bloodline support? How strong is it?" Miss Mo could not help asking.

"It looks like the ability of space siphons, the specific strength ... I don't know, but as a hidden reward of level 120, it should not be weak, at least it will be equivalent to a level nine Warcraft shot once, right?"

Listening to the tone of the baby, she seemed very satisfied with the reward. Miss Mo couldn't help but wonder ...

Level 9 Warcraft shot once?

If it is made by a human professional, it is far less valuable than the priceless soul baptism or the one-eyed one before.

Seeing Miss Mo's doubts, Xiangbao reminded: "Miss Mo must not forget that in the trial of inheritance, you cannot use other powers than Guan Liyuan except for" Soulwalker "and" Space Controller " No professional power can be used ... but the rewards obtained during the trial can be used inside! "

"You mean ..."

At this time, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have also opened the three treasure chests in front of them. Obviously, the colorful treasure chests are hidden rewards, and the other two wooden treasure chests are normal trial rewards.

After all, the temple guards have been killed, and naturally the ordinary trial can be regarded as passing ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 咦? It ’s all a reward ... ”Guan Liyuan said with regret.

Compared to item rewards, Guan Liyuan still likes rewards that can improve the realm. For example, the 119-level "soul massage" is not only very enjoyable, but in the three-hour massage, Guan Liyuan feels that he has a deeper accomplishment in the soul.

After all, Guan Liyuan is a person who has got rid of low-level interests and pays more attention to his own development ...

Well, in fact, there is a part of the reason, because Guan Liyuan can go to other worlds to collect secret treasure materials, so it is not very important in this regard!

"Open it first to see what it is, hope this time I can use it." Xiao Hei said, opening all three treasure chests.

"Huh? Three drops of blood? What is this?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

In addition to hidden rewards, there is also a drop of blood in the wooden treasure chest.

"It's 'bloodline trust' ... It's similar to your professional's skill scroll. This thing can only be used by Warcraft. I will first refine it to see what it is." Xiao Hei said.

Guan Liyuan's first reaction was the same as Miss Mo's-what the hell? Not just props, or one-off?

It ’s no wonder that Guan Liyuan has such an impression. After all, professional disposable items not only have a short shelf life, but also usually use skill scrolls and the like. There is no energy feedback for killing abyssal creatures. They are even made by super-level professionals in the Jedi. The one-time item will also cause the same negative effects as the super professional enters the Jedi.

At the same time, most of these disposable props require users to have similar occupational attributes to be able to use them, so most of them are only useful in the border cities.

The typical cost is high, the yield is low, and the application area is narrow.

Xiao Hei had heard it from the elephant baby before, so he knew that the preciousness of the "blood trust" rewarded in the trial was that it could be used in the trial!

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