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Vol 2 Chapter 804: 2nd Soul Baptism

After Xiaohe absorbed three drops of blood into his body, Guan Liyuan waited for a while. After half a loud sound, Xiaohe opened his eyes and said with joy: "Hidden rewards are 'like sucking in the void' and the other two are 'spatial shocks.' '... The former is equivalent to the next Holy Beast's blow, and the latter two are also equivalent to the strength of Level 8 Warcraft. "

"Oh." Guan Liyuan looked indifferent, in his opinion this kind of thing is not very useful.

"Oh what! This is a blow from the next holy beast!" Xiao Hei was dissatisfied.

"If you become the next holy beast, of course, it's worth it. Only‘ one hit ’is of any use ... I can still summon the dragon **** one hit, am I proud?” Guan Liyuan narrowed his eyes.

Yes, this is why Guan Liyuan has always despised such props ...

"The trophy obtained during the trial can be used later in the trial mountain." Xiao Hei reminded.

"No, you can ... what? Can you use it in Trial Mountain?" Guan Liyuan heard the words light up, and immediately understood the significance of this reward.

"Like sucking the void" can exert the blow of the next holy beast-what concept?

In actual combat below level 600, you can instantly kill your opponents. In actual combat at level 600, you can at least make the other side hurt. In actual combat at level 700, when the timing is appropriate, it is sufficient to play a decisive role ...

If you ca n’t pass the tests of level 600 and level 700, you can greatly improve the test results and results by making good use of it. After the whole hundred steps have passed, it is relatively easy to go through several levels later, and maybe even more than dozens of levels.

In addition, the "two drops" of space shock can also play an unexpected role.

"Does your Warcraft's" blood pinning "have no shelf life?" Guan Liyuan was a little puzzled. Since the inheritance of Shenshan was constructed by idols, if it is replaced with a one-time prop for humans, it must have expired.

"Ordinary 'blood veins' have a lifespan, but I heard elephant babies say that the inheritance of blood veins in the mountains is made from the blood of gods regardless of the level. Question. "Xiao Hei said.

"Well? So ... Is there a bloodline of spatial attributes for idols?"

The three drops of blood just absorbed by Xiao Hei are obviously all spatial attributes.

"No, it is said that after the idol becomes a **** beast, the abilities of other holy beasts can be pinned in his own blood, so most of the blood vessels of various attributes have the opportunity to receive the" blood pinning "reward in the mountain. "Xiao Hei said.

Of course, although the "blood trust" made from the blood of the beast does not need to worry about the shelf life, neither Guan Liyuan nor Xiaohei have any meaning-only use it in trials to achieve its best results!

Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei have also planned that "Like the Void" must be left to the endless hundred layers, or after four hundred levels, when Jiucheng is sure to get hidden rewards, only consider using ...

At level 120 and four hidden rewards, after breaking the record of hidden rewards, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei continued to the higher peaks, using their own abilities to test the idol's discipline, and the result was naturally miserable.

At this time, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei probably understood some of the reasons why the previous testers were at the later levels, and it was relatively easy to trigger hidden rewards ...

For example, the previous "Temple Escape" at level 120, if you want to trigger hidden rewards, you must find two key points, namely "the elephant guard can move in the sculpture state", "spatial storm in the underground shortcut".

Most testers who have enough ability to clear the level will not find these at all. In addition to Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, because the penguins detected the trigger condition, they tried to find a method, and other testers who triggered this condition. It must be that the strength is not enough to complete the trial normally, and there is a slight chance that these are found.

After that, the brain must be flexible enough to have the opportunity to trigger hidden rewards ...

Only a small number of hidden trigger conditions are in the category of "excellence", but such conditions are more difficult to achieve, such as the "thousand-step pipeline" puzzle.

Not to mention other testers, even Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, it is not easy to trigger a hidden reward!

The fifth time a hidden reward is triggered, it's 148.

The content of the assessment is the "soul puzzle", which is based on the soul fluctuations and the degree of soul fit, with its own soul power as the binder, and the fragmented "dragon soul" into a complete dragon soul.

The "soul fragment" cannot be seen with the naked eye, but as a black soul beast, Soul Soul naturally has nowhere to hide in his eyes, and when Guan Liyuan concentrated the professional power of the "soulwalker" on his eyes, Can see a bunch of "ghost fire" things scattered around the body of a dragon.

The body of the dragon looks like a typical main world dragon, with long tails, long necks, and wings on its back. I don't know if it is a dragon that idols have actually seen ...

Of course, the dragon's body is only a symbol, and there is no good thing about collecting dragon scales and dragon teeth.

After these hundreds of groups of ghost fires are properly assembled, a translucent dragon-like dragon soul with a small size and relatively low pixels will be formed.

but! Normal spelling cannot trigger hidden rewards. This dragon corpse is actually a kind of "misleading". In fact, these soul fragments are "smashed" very clever. In addition to spelling dragon souls, they can also spell a elephant-like monster of Warcraft. soul!

But the latter is much more difficult than the former ...

And the dragon corpse is next to it. Normally it is almost impossible for a trialer to run like a beast soul!

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei can almost be sure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is not a real soul fragment, nor is it simulated based on a real soul fragment, otherwise it would not be so "fortunate" that it can spell Dragon Spirit and spell Beast souls, idols are probably thinking about designing these fragments ...

It is harder to spell a beast soul than a dragon soul. From identification to bonding, the traces are "hidden" under the dragon soul.

Even though Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei knew the trigger conditions, they really lost a lot of effort, and thanks to the "soul whisper" to build up the merits again, inspiring the instinctual response of the soul fragments, they finally worked together.

It is estimated that 90% of others who can motivate this hidden reward are

The reward was another baptism of the soul-after being fixed, the pictographic beast spirit walked to Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei.

This opportunity, Guan Liyuan, was naturally given to Xiao Hei. After the pictographic beast soul took a step forward from Xiao Hei, the whole "banged" into Xiao Hei's body, and the effect of "soul baptism" was also blessed into Xiao Hei's blood power!

The only thing that makes Xiao Hei slightly resentful is that the soul baptism that Guan Liyuan accepted in the first stage of "Soulwalker" increased the purity of the power of 30% of the profession. After progressing to the intermediate stage, compared with the ordinary mid-level profession, it almost remained the same. An increase of 30%, and her soul baptism only increased the power of the bloodline of the soul beast by 15% ...

"Why is the hidden reward at level 148 not as good as the hidden reward at level 67? The difficulty is also higher this time?" Xiao Hei wondered.

After Guan Liyuan thought about it, he shook his head seriously: "No, it was obviously more difficult at level 67 ... This time, the dragon soul was spelled into a beast soul. Although the rules are very hidden, it is not that there are no testees at all. It's possible to find out, listening to the voice of the soul at the 67th level ... The normal tester's ears and brains are pumped together, and that's definitely not the case! "

Guan Liyuan said something very reasonable, Xiao Hei was speechless for a while.

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