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Vol 2 Chapter 805: Phantom tank

"Well? Finally encountered actual combat again!" Xiao Hei sighed.

"But this rule seems to be ... different?" Guan Liyuan said strangely.

At 190 steps, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei met the test of "combat" for the second time.

However, unlike the actual combat test of the entire hundred steps, some of the "real combat" of the entire ten steps are not normal frontal battles, but scene simulations ...

For example, at level 190, I once again encountered the actual test.

As soon as they entered the trial space, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei knew that this level of trials did not distinguish between "space" and "soul", and there was only one trial, which obviously belonged to a real trial.

But the rules are a bit strange, not directly rigid ...

"Please fight in a 200-mile-diameter island. The opponent includes 49 types of Warcraft or Abyss creatures, two of each type, and become the last survivors.

Note: First, the hostile relationship between different types of Warcraft or abyss creatures; Second, the sea water around the island is highly toxic to the soul, surrounded by turbulence in space, and the toxic sea of ​​soul and turbulence in space It will gradually spread to the island, please go to the safe area in time. "

After hearing the rules, Guan Liyuan was lost in thought ...

The number of enemies is huge, but at the same time, these "enemy" are not a group!

At this time, Penguin has also analyzed the triggering method of hidden rewards:

"Ha? 98 enemies, can only kill two?" Xiao Hei surprised.

"It's normal, which means to" shrink "to the end ..." Guan Liyuan said.

"But we don't want to fight with other teams, other teams will come to us, right?" Xiao Hei said.

"So you have to hide ... boy, have you heard of 'Phantom Tank'?"


There are a total of 50 groups, each of which has two combat powers. To survive to the end, you can only kill two enemies at most, that is, you must shrink to a decisive battle and then suffocate the "second place" to get hidden rewards.

Of course, if you are found, there is another way to make up for it is to hit the opponent a half-dead, and then leave before other enemies rush to hear-but this is more difficult than killing the opponent directly!

If you do n’t try something, you do n’t know how hard it is ...

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei tried seven times in a row, ranking the highest to the second-in fact there is hope to win the final victory and pass the test, but gave up in the second time, so they have killed more than 20 people that time Opponents, if you pass, you cannot get hidden rewards.

Normally, it is not difficult to pass the test. Although the "combat" this time is more random, one of Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei can pass once.

Because the other 98 Warcraft or Abyssal creatures are not all as strong as Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, many of them are very weak. The strongest, similar to two Flying Stone Cyclops opponents are only eight, the most Weak is just the level of ordinary level six Warcraft.

But the other six times were very unsatisfactory, because Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have been shrinking because they want to trigger hidden rewards.

Even if the enemy finds it, they always want to stun or seriously hurt the opponent. In this way, they will easily miss opportunities and attract more enemies ...

Later, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei gradually explored the law, that is, hiding along the poisonous sea and space, and hurried to the center of the island, the chance of being found was smaller.

Obviously other Warcraft and Abyssal creatures simulated in the trial realm do not have such a high IQ ...

However, it is still not insurance, and it is impossible to completely avoid being discovered by other Warcraft and abyss creatures, especially after the safe area is reduced.

This is obviously another hidden reward for the tester who has insufficient strength but bad luck.

Until Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei found another way, the hidden rewards were successfully triggered, and they were a big step closer!

That's hiding in the soul eater ...

Soul Eater seawater has an erosive effect on the soul. Long-term stays will become weaker and weaker. Other Warcraft and abyssal creatures will never do this.

However, as a detached soul beast, Xiao Hei naturally has a soul defense ability in his blood. Although he is not fully immune to soul-stealing seawater, he can at least persist for a while.

For this reason, Xiao Hei also "pointed out" the second soul defense ability, shared it with Guan Liyuan, and placed it in the skill slot of his "Soulwalker" profession ...

It is not a waste, because the ability of "Soul Defense" is not only useful in this trial, but also has the effect of avoiding soul damage, defense of mental attacks and illusions in battle.

In this way, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei usually hide on the edge of the poisonous circle. After being discovered by their opponents, they can be destroyed if they can kill them. If they can't kill them, or attract more opponents, they will drill into the soul-eaten seawater!

Although I still failed three times in succession, I can already see the hope of success.

Two of the three times were guarded by the drug circle. In the end, they could n’t keep coming out and desperately. Another time, the other side also killed the soul-stealing seawater, and the soul died in silence. Counted on Guan Liyuan and Little Blackhead. Therefore, no chance to hide the reward and had to give up halfway.

Finally, at the fourth time, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei finally managed to hide from the poisonous circle from time to time, lurking into the decisive battle circle, and killed them when there were only two opponents.

At this time, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei were in a very bad state, but in the end they managed to eat chicken ... Ah, no, they got the hidden reward successfully.

This reward is a token engraved with the emblem of the treasure elephant ...

Xiao Hei recognizes this token--the token itself has no effect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It just uses good materials, it is difficult to be destroyed, and it is difficult to counterfeit.

At the same time, as long as you hold this token to go to the Baoxiang family, you can enter the exclusive secret realm of the Baoxiang family once. The cultivation secret realm of the Baoxiang family is not like this inheritance. There are not so many tests. Although the benefits may not be so great, but But it is a real welfare.

This thing is also useless to Guan Liyuan. Naturally, it is also collected by Xiao Hei ...

At the same time, the penguin reported for the first time and noticed a change in the relative time velocity!

The outside WoWs saw Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei receive the hidden reward for the sixth time-a token engraved with a treasure elephant.

As a result, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei's achievements were very lively on the "Trial List", and most of the other testers were bare. Except for Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, only four Warcrafts each received a hidden reward. There is also a pattern of hidden rewards.

On the beam of light of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei ... Linglong grass, elephant spitting bubbles, one eye, a drop of blood, elephant spitting small bubbles, tokens, six hidden rewards are listed in order, except for Linglong grass. Besides, the value is not low.

And the original line of Warcraft text has also changed, the "turtle" behind the "arrow" is one size larger than before!

This time, Miss Mo did not need to be reminded to know that it seems that after triggering the hidden reward six times, the time has further increased. According to the "translation" of Elephant Baby, the increase has now reached 50%.

Even shortly after, when the 200-level assessment, the seventh time that lived up to expectations triggered the hidden reward ...

If the bet is more than the "reap", the **** side may have lost it, but now they can comfort themselves-getting more hidden rewards may not be able to go further on the trial mountain!

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