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Vol 2 Chapter 807: One thousand and one?

The "Soulwalker" profession is suitable for the elemental system, because the soul power can directly grasp the element, which is more direct than the spiritual system's help to the element system.

Guan Liyuan's "Joint Killing Bone" occupation contains elemental attributes, and because he is not familiar with the Elemental System, this is one of the difficulties for Guan Liyuan to thoroughly master "Joint Killing Bone".

However, the current "Soul Resonance" experience makes Guan Liyuan feel that his soul is fluctuating and fully integrates with the external element power ...

Although Fang Yingxiong is Guan Liyuan ’s elementary mentor, his speech is not as good as Guan Liyuan ’s perception for a few seconds at this time. Originally, Guan Liyuan, who was a stone in the elementary system, was because of “Soul Walker” The career and the time-limited experience of "Soul Resonance" finally "stone blossomed"!

Although it was only fifteen minutes, Guan Liyuan felt that he had almost mastered the part of the elementary system in killing the gray bones.

It is only because Guan Liyuan cannot use the power of "killing gray bones" in the inheritance of Shenshan, so it is temporarily impossible to practice ...

"It is indeed a hidden reward of a whole hundred series, at least equivalent to 500 veterans!" Guan Liyuan sighed.

I don't know if Fang Yingxiong knew Guan Liyuan's metaphor, would he cry-you are too poor at understanding, and blame me?

Originally killing gray bones ... or a Naruto occupation, the biggest difficulty for Guan Liyuan is the element system!

As for the part of the system and the spiritual system, because the rules of the Naruto world are not too large compared to the main world, Guan Liyuan grasps it quickly, but the elemental system ... The "natural energy" of the Naruto world and the main The world's "elemental power" is too different, so Guan Liyuan needs to figure it out by himself.

But now the idol's invisible guidance spanning hundreds of years has made Guan Liyuan directly "get started"!

The outside World of Warcraft also knew at this time what kind of rewards Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei got. They could not help but envy and envy—this reward was no worse than the ordinary reward of five or six hundred.

In the end, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei received seven hidden rewards before level 200.

And in the tests from level 201 to level 240, I got two hidden rewards again. After nine hidden rewards in total, the time reward range increased to 70% ...

Counting up to level 240, the speed of Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei was relatively slow. After all, it is often necessary to study whether the hidden reward can be triggered.

But in the end ... Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei still have 30 days, which is equivalent to no delay at all ... No, let alone delay, there is no "consuming" time at all!

It is only because the "time reward" is realized by changing the time flow rate of the mountain roads of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei. Therefore, at the end of all trials, the trial time is the same.

That is to say, there are still about 17 days and a half, just 30 days for Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei.

The **** side of Warcraft, his face has become increasingly dark, like the baby, Sirius and other holy beasts like the two wolves, have begun to guard against the **** side "dogs jump over the wall."

Indeed, in the last few days, the elder Silver Fox has been in frequent contact with the representatives of the top seventeen clan members. Obviously, there is no certainty of victory.

One day later, when Guan Liyuan triggered the hidden reward for the tenth time on the 255th floor, an accident happened again ...

Special rewards appear again!

At first, everyone thought that from the previous rule, there should be a special reward every three hidden rewards. Who expected that after the tenth reward appeared, a special reward will appear again, and this time it is not a time reward.

At that time, at night, many Warcraft had rested, but all parties had a nightly Warcraft stare-after all, it is a whole month, it is impossible that all Warcraft has been paying attention to the trial list.

When the representatives of the various races came under the notice of Warcraft, and they saw the brand-new "Special Reward Label", they couldn't help but hold it-including the baby!

"This, this ... Is I the descendant of the ancestor idol, or are they two descendants of the ancestor idol?" The elephant baby could not help but widen his eyes.

It's not that the baby is so rare and strange, but this "special reward" is something that the baby has never heard of!

Immediately afterwards, the elephant baby immediately informed the king of the elephant ... even the king of the elephant did not think that the elephant was rare and strange!

The "time reward" previously obtained by Xiaohei and Guan Liyuan is still expected, after all, there have been Warcraft that have won three "time rewards" that have accumulated hidden rewards since then, although the time rewards at six and nine times are more , But it is not unexpected.

But now this special reward is ...

"Like a baby, what does this mean? It's wings, vertical lines, and a lot of dots ..." Miss Mo wondered.

The elephant baby is still in shock. This time she did not let her guess, but directly answered: "It is a special reward ... meaning that when Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan can no longer continue to climb higher steps, they will enter a hidden trial. ! "

"Hidden trial?" Miss Mo wondered.

"That's right ... it says 'Go straight to the 1001 level steps'. There is only 1000 levels in the trial of Shenshan. I don't know what other 1001 levels ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Baoxiang Wang may know!"

Miss Mo could not help but be a little speechless-co-authoring those dense "dots", 1001? Really ordered 1001 points?

This text of Warcraft is really designed for advanced Warcraft, only advanced Warcraft, Holy Beast, because of its strong mental power, not only counting fast, but not worrying about chaos ...

Elephant babies are now stunned, and the inheritance of the trials and secrets left by idols has 1001 layers. I did n’t know it before!

And Miss Mo turned her eyes: "Yes, if you count it like this, as long as the hidden trial passes, it should be considered that Guan Liyuan has won? This is the 1001 floor!"

The baby didn't respond for a moment, only a long time before he said, "This ..."

Although it is good for one's own side, but ... the simple elephant baby does not know, this should not be considered a win!

According to previous estimates, the probability of Xiao Hei and Guan Li Yuan winning is not high. After all, the Warcraft in the blood sacrifice side is likely to reach level 600 or higher.

But Miss Mo is not justified ...

At the beginning, it was said that whoever climbed the highest would win. If Guan Liyuan passed the hidden level, it would be the 1001 floor directly!

But can hidden levels be counted in the bet? It may not be harder to hide the level than 1000 levels. Maybe it is a level of pure welfare?

It can only be said that "simplicity" limits the imagination of Warcraft. According to Miss Mo, it is higher than who climbed anyway, and the 1001 floor is won!

At this time in the Trial God Mountain, Guan Liyuan also heard the sound of reading the rules, telling them to hide the trial ...

I saw Guan Liyuan staring at Xiaohei with a burning gaze and said, "In this case, as long as the hidden level passes, we will win, 1001 floor!"

Xiao Hei: "..."

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