Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Demon soul

"Step 499 ... I never thought I would stay here all the way." Guan Liyuan could not help but sigh.

"The previous 500-level trials may be a little sad. Would you‘ leave ’one more time? Or would you prefer to use‘ like sucking in the void ’?” Xiao Hei asked.

"'Xiang **** the void' or stays at the next hundred levels. I ’ll go to the world of Saint Seiya once. It will take about three hours, but I ’ll take a look at the opponent in the next level. "Guan Liyuan said.

From the previous situation, in the 500 level test, the actual opponent should be the real lord level!

Although it is not the lord who owns the power of Jedi in the paradise, but also better than most professionals in the same class, Fang Yingxiong and Mumu are high-level elite professionals, one-on-one. If so, most of them are not opponents of the lord creature.

But there is nothing absolute, like Miss Mo, in the advanced stage, she can definitely abuse most lord creatures.

If it was outside, Guan Liyuan would not be too irritated. If he could not, he could summon Pokémon, but in the trial mountain ... Guan Liyuan was definitely not an opponent of the lord-level abyss creature.

Even the "space controllers" in the only professions that can be used are only in the initial stage, and they can "break through" the intermediate stage at any time!

Because of the various rewards before, Guan Liyuan is now completely in a critical state. Even if he does not kill the abyss creatures, perhaps he can break through forcibly as long as he meditates for a while, but Guan Liyuan has a better idea ...

That's a trip to the "Saint Seiya World"!

At that time, you can also choose three sets of golden cloaks to stimulate intermediate skills.

As for going to the "Saint Seiya World" before entering the 500 level, or to see the opponents at the 500 level, there is a slight difference ...

After seeing your opponents, you can choose three intermediate skills, and be more confident.

But it is easy to miss the opportunity to trigger hidden rewards-some trigger conditions are set in time and must be challenged for the first time!

However, for the sake of insurance, Guan Liyuan still decided to enter the Saint Seiya world after entering, at least before level 600 to retain the "Like sucking the void", the use of the level 600 elephant sucking the void, Guan Liyuan has reached 699.

Guan Liyuan found that in addition to the full-scale positive actual combat trials, other trials ... took more time, there are still opportunities to find loopholes, and many are not pure strength tests.

Now Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have received 21 hidden rewards. Because of the extra time reward, there are still trials that will end in about 10 days for others, and 27 or 8 days for Guan Li Yuan and Xiao Hei.

For these rewards, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei died of many brain cells.

For example, one level is to activate the potential souls of some special plants through soul abilities, so that they have combat capabilities, and then arrange them in the corresponding locations to fight the constant emergence of undead creatures-the trigger method of hidden rewards is that some locations cannot be placed Special plants, these places are very important, if you do not use them, it will be difficult to pass!

Another is to use the space thruster to launch several specific space energy bodies, which has a destructive effect on the target space. The hidden reward trigger method is to prohibit the use of one of the most powerful space energy bodies and two trajectories. Calculating relatively simple energy bodies ...

I just don't know if the idols were in the northern ice field at that time.

But it is clearly worth it from the results ...

One person, one cat was evaluated as "two hundred and twenty-five" before entering the "Death World" last time. When they just entered the trial mountain, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei expected that they could pass the 300-level battle, and now ... … 500-level combat is not entirely without chance!

And this is just the most direct "benefit". The increase in strength brought by it. The more important test of Shenshan is to increase their "potential", so that Guan Liyuan has improved "soulwalker" and "space controller" to The super-level capital makes Xiao Hei have the capital to become a top sacred beast-yes, Xiao Hei has greater benefits.

For one thing, this is the Trial God of Warcraft tribe, of course, it is more suitable for Xiao Hei. The second is to cultivate blood, and the purity of Xiao Hei's blood is destined to be higher than Guan Liyuan!

Because the "hidden reward" has been triggered repeatedly, the benefits of one person and one cat may not be less than the blood pupae that reached 899 levels.

Even now that he has stopped there, and will not use the forum again, relying only on the accumulation of this trial, Guan Liyuan is sure to upgrade the "Soul Walker" and "Space Master" to a super level within ten years ...

Of course, Guan Liyuan can't stop here, and what he goes through ... will be better in the future.

Xiao Hei stepped on the 500-level steps, Guan Liyuan followed the flower in front of him, and then found himself in a wilderness with many "stone pillars" hundreds of meters high!

It is surrounded by yellow-brown lands and rocks, no green is seen, and the so-called "stone pillars" can not see the traces of artificial carving. It seems that they are formed by weathering effects all year round. Seven or eight people embraced each other, but they were all very tall.

"Where is the enemy?" Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei faced in opposite directions, alerting everywhere.

"Is anyone there? Squeak!" Shouted Guan Liyuan.


The harsh buzzing sounded disturbingly!

"... Don't be so honest, right?" Guan Liyuan grinned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, this "squeak" sound continued and seemed to come from all directions, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei also understood at once that they were not honest, said "Squeak" is "squeak", more like an instinctual tweet ...

"Is it a lord creature with a low IQ?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help muttering.

Among lord creatures, low IQ is rare ...

"Be careful!" Xiao Hei first spotted the enemy—a group of translucent shadows, flying between two stone pillars in the distance!

Immediately after ... countless masses of translucent shadows rushed in all directions.

At first glance, I'm afraid there are hundreds of them! But in terms of breath, it doesn't look like an overlord creature ...

"What's going on? Shouldn't the test of the whole hundred series be one-to-one?" Xiao Hei was surprised.

In the test of the entire ten levels, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have encountered a lot of low-level abyss creatures or beasts as opponents.

"Not good ... this is a monster-like abyss! There are so many, I'm afraid, because they can ..."

After waiting for Guan Liyuan to finish speaking, I saw countless demons gathered at two points, forming two demons with a slightly larger circle, followed by a breath that surpassed the ordinary lord level, uploaded from both!

"... be able to get together and exert stronger power. Now these‘ two ’are probably more than the ordinary lord level. The spiritual attack can even easily create a lord level creature!” Guan Liyuan said solemnly.

"What? Shouldn't the 500-level test be an ordinary lord level? Are we too lucky?" Xiao Hei straightened his teeth.

"No, the demon spirits that have gathered together have a weakness, that is, they cannot move too fast, otherwise the fusion effect will disappear ..."

At the same time, the penguin also made a sound:

Knowing that there is no limit to "clearance in the first battle", Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei feel slightly better ...

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