Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Actually not ready to write about Saint Seiya

"Sure enough, we must start with Gemini's different dimensional capabilities ..."

Guan Liyuan was already in the Saint Seiya world at this time.

"Before", he had already played against the 500-level rivals who passed down the mountain in the main world.

The enemies simulated by Shenshan Level 500 are "Wind Demon Soul", which is a kind of demon soul creature.

Abyssal creatures of the demon soul type belong to a type with obvious advantages and weaknesses. The advantage is that they can form more powerful individuals by overlapping or "aggregating" multiple demon souls!

What Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei encountered were two "aggregated demon souls" condensed by hundreds of demon souls ...

Of course, "aggregation" is also limited. Demons and souls with similar frequency bands can be aggregated. Although demons and souls can adjust the frequency bands themselves, they are not achieved overnight, so only those demons who have been living together for a long time can " "Agglomeration" is not just a matter of bringing two demons together.

So Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei don't have to worry about the two ghosts converging again ...

Obviously, this trial of the mountain is also a demon soul that can be aggregated into one, which is regarded as "one body"-the demon soul has extremely low intelligence and is an abyss creature that relies on instinct to survive. Therefore, they are regarded as collective consciousness "It" is not wrong, just like the bloodworm that the Moonkin mutated.

Another weakness is that when they are in an "aggregated state", they can not move too vigorously, and they will disintegrate after being attacked.

In other words, the speed will not be too fast and the defense ability will not be very good. After all, the single demon soul after disintegration, Guan Liyuan can easily kill a few ...

However, no matter when the demon soul is alone or in an aggregated state, the attack methods are "spiritual collision" and "spiritual disturbance".

The aggregated demon soul has very strong mental strength. Like the two "aggregates" that Guan Liyuan encountered, they can definitely defeat more than ten lords!

If it is encountered by other testers, it is indeed a lottery, but Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have even been able to directly defeat the other party before.

Because Guan Liyuan is a "soul walker" and Xiao Hei is a "soul soul beast", which is the darling of soul power in humans and Warcraft!

The former soul defense ability has another place to use it ...

Although it was impossible for Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei to ignore the opponent's mental attack because of the suppression of power, they could only persist for more than ten seconds, but Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei had enough time to "break up" each other.

The scattered demon souls are easy to deal with.

But "Wind Soul" is good at mental interference like wind sound and super fast speed ...

The speed advantage is not useful in the "aggregated state", and it is still so slow, but after being dispersed, each one is galvanized, and can also shuttle between stone pillars-the type that directly passes through the stone pillars!

Therefore, it is difficult for Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei to cause too much damage to the stone pillars without destroying the pillars. After the shock caused by the separation eases, these individuals will gather together. Even if Guan Liyuan can kill one or two individuals, It has little effect on the polymer.

Instead, their soul defense ability cannot continuously resist the spiritual impact of the "aggregated demon soul". It is impossible to defeat the opponent by killing one or two individuals at a time, and they must be effectively weakened every time, making them You don't need to endure too many mental attacks to converge the heyday of the demons ...

Guan Liyuan tried it at that time. If all the obstructing stone pillars were destroyed, there was actually a chance to win.

It ’s like ordinary people can enter the water, but they ca n’t stay immersed in the water all the time. Although the demon soul can pass through most of the material, it ca n’t “coincide” with the stone pillar, that is, it cannot hide in the stone pillar. , They will choke themselves in a short time ...

So don't worry about them hiding in stone pillars, but these stone pillars provide a great convenience for their hiding.

However, if the stone pillar is broken, the "hidden reward" cannot be triggered, so Guan Liyuan must increase his speed or, like the demon soul, "walk through" the stone pillar!

Although Guan Liyuan is not a demon soul, it is not impossible to “pass through” the stone pillars—just like when Gong Wen was possessed by the Dread Demon King, he had the ability of “space avoidance” or “space replacement”.

Professionals in the space department, after attaining a certain level of attainment, have the ability to replace the "space" where part of the body is located with a different dimension, so as to make the body "pass through" matter ...

Therefore, Guan Liyuan's bone blade will "pass" from the "Gong Wen" body without causing injuries.

However, Guan Li is still very far away from this realm. Even Miss Mo, who has been promoted to the advanced level and reached the realm of the realm, began to explore this skill. Even if she stays in the Saint Seiya world for a few months, it is not possible to leap into that kind. degree.

From the beginning, Guan Liyuan planned to "speed up"!

Normally wanting to use space power to affect "speed" belongs to the field where extremely advanced space attainments can get involved.

Because the special situation of Saint Seiya is on the verge of destruction, the speed is "easy" to reach the limit, and the speed of reaching the deadline can adversely affect the space, so it is called "the treasure of space ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although Guan Liyuan is in the main world, not It may be possible to use the "space compression" method to speed up for itself, but Penguin actually has a way to greatly increase Guan Liyuan's speed ...

Thanks to Trial Mountain!

Before, Penguin has been helping Guan Liyuan to search for the "special alien dimension" of the main world, which is the power of "outside".

For other space professionals, luck depends on luck, but for Guan Liyuan, there is a penguin enumeration search, which can be found sooner or later.

Among the outer forces, Guan Liyuan is looking forward to forces similar to Aquarius or Cancer, that is, "frozen" and "dead gas", because in the world of Saint Seiya, Guan Liyuan can master the use of similar powers, but only in the main world. Without "Huangquan Biliangban" and "Aquarius World", unless Guan Liyuan finds a similar alien dimension in the main world, it is useless to master how to use it!

The hidden reward on the 333th level of Trial God Mountain is the space power left by the idol to help search for different dimensions that contain extraterritorial power ...

Originally, even with the help of the space power of idols, the chance of searching was not great. If other rewards are worth tens of thousands of yuan, then this reward is tens of thousands of bets. The theoretical value is not low, but the probability is high. Can't get it!

However, the combination of the space power left by the idol and the penguin's search ability has doubled the effect. It has found a kind of "outer way" that can be used, and it is just related to "speed" ...

It is only that the alien power found is very special, and it must be Guan Liyuan's entry into a different dimension to be effective. It is not a foreign force that can be "extracted" directly. Therefore, Guan Liyuan also needs to master the ability of alien dimensions to be able to use this power!

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