Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Time dimension

: Many readers asked about the 1001 layer. Maybe I didn't make it clear. The 1001 layer was "completely failed" by Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei ... That is, after the trial, it will enter the 1001 layer and not go directly.


"Try the new capabilities first?" Xiao Hei reminded Guan Liyuan who had just returned.

Guan Liyuan nodded, and according to the penguin's mark on his own space, he used the power of the "space master" to explore the past ...

There are countless layers of different dimensions, of which ninety-nine are like the depths of the universe with scarce stars. The light is dim and distorted. When using the "transport array" to transmit, it is the ability to enter these different dimensions and penetrate the space. Most of them It is with this ordinary heterodimensional existence.

The power of the teleportation array allows users to follow a fixed trajectory in this different dimension. It is possible to feel that they have only traveled a few meters in this different dimension, but they have actually passed through half of the paradise. distance……

It is much faster than the teleportation of the folding space, but it is easy to get lost without directly using the teleport array, and there is no coordinate point in the major and secondary dimensions, which may even make it difficult to escape from the different dimensions!

Either a professional or a World of Warcraft, they cannot survive for a long time in different dimensions, just like ordinary people cannot survive in the universe. Even if they have the ability to enter and exit different dimensions, they can only persist for a while. Long-term loss means death ... ...

However, in addition to this common space-distorted alien dimension, there are also some special alien dimensions. Just looking for luck can only be found, which is similar to Huang Quan Bilaban and Aquarius in the Saint Seiya world.

The "special alien dimension" discovered by Penguin this time is also quite strange in the outer world. There is no special power to extract, and its special feature is when it is in it.

Although Guan Liyuan was able to lock the different dimensions of this layer that have been marked before, but because he did not have the ability to master the different dimensions, he could not enter and exit freely ...

Now it's different ... Guan Liyuan, after locking this layer of different dimensions, went straight into it!

After entering, Guan Liyuan first looked at the surroundings-it really is the same as Penguin said, this layer of special dimensions is special, and the surroundings are the same as when Guan Liyuan entered!

You can also see the steps of Shenshan, the surrounding fog, and even the little black in front of you.

If it is not the professional power of the "space master", it is consumed all the time, I am afraid that Guan Liyuan will think that he entered a different dimension for the first time in the main world, and it will end in failure ...

"Old-big-how-what-what-kind-" Xiao Hei said "strangely" beside him.

Not only does the body look like slow motion, but also the old man who is also snoring ...

"It's already in ... Can you still see me? Let me try the speed here!" Guan Liyuan said, moving around in the first place, first going around Xiao Hei's back and pinching her tail, and then back Come to her.

From beginning to end, Xiao Hei's response was particularly slow.

Until Guan Liyuan returned to her, she had just started to turn her head backwards ...

At the same time, Guan Liyuan can also feel that in this one time, not only does he need to consume the occupational power of the "space controller", the consumption is more intense after moving.

Guan Liyuan immediately withdrew from the different dimension and returned to the main dimension.

At this time, Xiao Hei turned back again, looked at Guan Liyuan in doubt, and said, "What did you just say? Why does it seem that someone was behind me ..."

Guan Liyuan listened to Xiao Hei's long speech, and Xiao Hei heard Guan Liyuan's voice just now, but he said it too fast and couldn't distinguish the syllables at all.

"It seems to be a success, but it's a bit expensive ... yes, did you just see me disappear?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

"Disappeared? No, are you back now? You just hit me?" Xiao Hei responded somewhat.

That's right, the different dimensions discovered by Penguin are not used to obtain foreign elements, but are a dimension that can "reflect" the main dimension environment, and only have different concepts of "time"!

In this special dimension, everything in the major dimension is mapped into it, and even if the space ability "enters" it, it will still exist in the major world ...

According to legend, space ability extends to the limit and can be transformed with time, and this time the element is the corresponding fuzzy boundary of space-time distinction!

After Guan Liyuan "enters" it, he will not make himself disappear in the main dimension, but he will have the advantage of "time", which is equivalent to not only a substantial increase in body speed, but also no delay in reaction speed.

However, there are also limitations. In addition to the high consumption, the area of ​​this layer of heterodimensional space is very small, only dimensional fragments, unlike ordinary heterodimensional, there is almost no area limit, and it is smaller than the special dimensions of 99%.

The "time dimension" is only ten miles away and can only be regarded as a dimension fragment, which can be found by penguins, and it is also a kind of luck.

It is also because of the small size that Guan Liyuan easily grasped this one-dimensional fragment, and the space mark has been printed on it. Therefore, every time he "enters" it, he is in the most central position. The "time dimension" acceleration is limited in distance.

In addition, if Guan Liyuan is attacked in this state, he will simply consume the power of the profession, and then exit the time dimension directly. Although he is interrupted or exits after reaching the distance limit, he can continue to enter again, and will be in the center of the time dimension. , Re-mapping the main dimension, but the cost of entering the time dimension is the largest, much greater than the cost of maintaining.

That is to say, use this trick to kill an opponent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ or use it to start a sneak attack, the effect will be very good, but it is used in frontal battles, repeatedly entering and exiting the time dimension, and the consumption is too large for Guan Liyuan.

As for the speed increase ... ten times!

The time velocity of the time dimension is nearly ten times different from the main world!

"It's just right to deal with the wind demon soul, let's go! At that time, you should be careful not to destroy the stone pillar and chase down the single demon soul to me." Guan Liyuan said confidently.

Entering the 500th level again, this time Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei already have experience, waiting for two converging demons to use sweeping spiritual attacks in all directions, while using soul defense skills to protect themselves, and quickly approach the melee ...

Xiao Hei has even entered a humanoid state and immediately teleported to a converging demon soul. Guan Liyuan did not immediately enter the time dimension, because the mental attack will also increase his consumption required to stay in the time dimension.

It was not until the attack of one person and one cat that the disintegration of the demon souls turned on, and Guan Liyuan turned on the ten-time speed mode. For Guan Liyuan, the wind and demon spirit that did not leave hands, even under the circumstances of the stone pillar delay, could not communicate with Guan Liyuan at all. Than speed!

When the wind demon soul recovered and could converge again, Guan Liyuan had killed one-third of the wind demon soul, the spiritual attack of the converged demon soul was also greatly weakened, and it was easily defended by Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, again broken up and Guan Liyuan again Assaulted six times, and finally killed all the wind demon souls, and one stone pillar was not injured.

Although the next few times, Guan Liyuan was unable to enter the time dimension again, but because the number of wind demon souls has also been greatly reduced, it is not enough to see after the aggregation, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei can easily defend each other's attacks, and slowly hang the remaining wind demon. It's just ...

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