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Vol 2 Chapter 812: Ugly beep

After the last wind demon soul was killed, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei appeared in front of three treasure chests, one of which was colorful, and the other two were not wooden but silver.

Beginning at level 300, when item rewards appear, the treasure chest changes from wooden to silver, and it is said that it will turn golden above level 600 ...

"Eh? It's bloodline trust?" Guan Liyuan recognized the contents of the treasure chest, and he couldn't help seeing it. He already knew the benefits of this thing.

Xiao Hei swallowed three drops of "blood veins" and meditated for a moment before opening his mouth: "Two drops are comparable to the" Soul Exterminator "of a nine-level Warcraft strike, and one drop is ... comparable to the median 'Soul Song' with the power of the Holy Beast! "

"Away from the soul? Is it ... the power of the blood from the beast?" Guan Liyuan asked immediately.

"That's right, it was probably a soul beast from a thousand years ago, to help the idol make it." Xiao Hei said with emotion.

It is said that in the inheritance of the mountain, what tests and rewards are encountered are random within a certain range.

It may be because the opponent of this level is the demon soul, so the two bloodline sustenances are spiritual attacks ...

However, he just happened to give Xiaohe a random sustenance from the soul beast power, and he had to say "fate".

"Leaving the soul beast ... Yes, the blood of the idol does not have soul power? Actually, it will let the beast of the soul come to help make the bloodline sustenance ..." Guan Liyuan muttered in doubt.

However, Xiao Hei did not know the answer: "The blood of the idol is an absolute 'power', not only the physical power, but also the soul power ... All other abilities are derived from these two pure powers, internal and external. Come out, so the soul abilities of the idols are all straight, in contrast, we are better at the ability to cause negative effects than soul beasts. "

"Eh? Liqu is the ability of soul interference?" Guan Liyuan's eyes brightened.

"Yes, the effect is to make the target's soul unstable. Below the Holy Beast should be able to kill directly. The lower beast must also devote most of its attention to suppress it. The effect on the upper and middle beast is not small ... The target can last for about three minutes, divided into two targets, and it is estimated that it will be reduced to one minute. I will develop the bloodline to more than 82% in the future, and I can master this ability. "Xiao Hei said.

The spiritual attack-like blood support equivalent to a nine-level Warcraft blow can only be said to be useful, but after the 500th level, it has no decisive effect, at most it is icing on the cake.

As a level 500 ordinary reward and hidden reward, it is stronger than the elephant sucking void.

To Guan Liyuan's surprise, this is a kind of interference ability, which is also a "hit". In the case of not being able to ensure the damage to the other party, the interference ability is obviously more effective!

The "Space Shock" that was previously equivalent to the eighth level of Warcraft hit has been used by Xiao Hei-in order to get hidden rewards in a level of more than three hundred levels.

Now added three drops of blood veins to make Guan Liyuan and Xiao Heidi more energetic!

Although after climbing can no longer continue, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei can still enter the 1001 floor. According to Guan Liyuan, it is already possible to declare the victory unilaterally-who is higher than the climber! Other Guan Liyuan said: Do not listen or listen, stupid reading.

But if there is a chance to reach level 900, even if it is stuck at level 899 like blood puppet, it will have a huge impact on blood puppet ...

The three major races now support him. They only think that he has the potential to become a beast of the gods. If Xiao Hei shows no less potential than the blood crickets at this time, the blood crickets want to sacrifice Xiao Hei to complete himself. To mention, at least most of the other strong clan will not support the blood.

Guan Liyuan also remembered that when he was outside before, he did not see the Mang Bear King, and he faintly guessed that the three major races were probably shaking.

At the same time, when Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei left the trial space and returned to the trial of Shenshan, they suddenly became cheerful because they climbed the 500 steps.

Above 500, there are no clouds around, you can see other opponents ...

At this time, according to normal time, there are still eight or nine days of trials coming to an end. More than two-thirds have passed. When Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei reached the level of 500, there are already three other people around. Trial!

One is the ugly monster who seems to have relatives with the blood pupa, the other is the ape family who looks abnormally fat and fast-spherical, and the other is the elephant smile who has seen the treasure elephant family before.

Among them, the ugly eight monsters are only a dozen levels ahead of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, while the fat orangutan and the elephant sky laugh are all over 550 ...

At this time, only the "fat orangutans" of the three testers noticed the arrival of Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, turned around and glanced at them, but didn't say much-in fact, they couldn't say anything, even if they were above 500 floors. It's just that we can see each other!

It is impossible to get in touch with each other. Trialists still cannot get away from their own mountain path, and they cannot hear each other.

Ugly Bagua and Xiang Tianxiao both have a leg on a higher level. Obviously, consciousness has sunk into the trial space-this can also prove that the trial space really is not the original body .

Only "Fat Orangutan" seems to have just passed the level and is resting, so he notices Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan ...

Counting the three, apart from Xiang Tianxiao, the other two are opponents of Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei.

"It's really fat, and it's a bit slow ... what's the name?" Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei muttered.

"Ape ball? Ape circle? Oh, by the way, it is ape that is not round." Xiao Hei got a hint on its size.

And the ape turned round slowly and looked away from the soul beast and human, then turned back silently ...

Of course, in the view of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, this slug moves slowly, but in the view of Ape Not Round ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ they think they are a little "cramped"!

After all, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei Mountain Road are now three times as far away as Shenshan ...

However, Ape Buyuan thought about what the Ape King told him, and did not make any provocations, but only when Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei did not exist. Of course, the "Ape King" that Ape Buyuan thought was his own. King Ape, has nothing to do with King Ape.

As the great head of the ape family, the king of the golden apes had also seen the ape unrounded before, and had another set of orders against him ... but the ape was not round and did not want to ignore him, but just reconciled.

King Ape was outside at this time, and seeing that the ape was not round and like Tianxiao, he was one of the leading testers. He was still proud of himself, but did not know that many ape kings were already dissatisfied with him. Burst out ...

In addition, the Fox race car, which is also highly expected, is still slightly behind Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei.

After all, the five major races have a large number of bases. In the test of the mountain, the stronger testers of the same level often have better results. Therefore, compared with the seventeen strong races and other individuals, the races with strong individual bloodlines but small numbers are often still The five bases with larger bases are dominant.

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei just wanted to break the record by trying step by step, but ... the ugly "Beep" is more of a fool!

Just when Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei passed the 508 level test, they suddenly discovered that "Ugly Eight Monsters" were looking at them both at 519 level, without any intention of moving any more, with mocking sneers on their faces.

Xiang Xiangbao also talked with Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei before. In theory, there will not be a confrontation between the testers in the test of the mountain, but there are exceptions.

That is above the 500th floor. If two testers go to the whole ten levels of assessment at the same time, the assessment items of both sides will be duel against each other, and the loser will be eliminated directly ...

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