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Vol 2 Chapter 813: Five hundred and twenty waiting for you

"This 'ugly eight monsters' want to do something?" Guan Liyuan looked at himself and Xiaohei, standing still at the 519 level ugly eight monsters, and couldn't help frowning.

"This guy is a magpie, a kind of blood beast that is a collateral beast. The blood vein is only the lower sacred beast, but the development level is very high ... and the battle experience is rich. The development of blood vein power is also focused on the battle. There is no adult yet, it can be regarded as Level 6 Warcraft, but the combat power is not weaker than the Lord's Abyssal creature. "Xiao Hei said.

In fact, there is no need to say that Heihe, the trial opponent at level 500 must be the lord class creature, and the mang is obviously torn all the way. His strength is certainly stronger than the ordinary lord level!

And Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan still have a disadvantage ...

Although the combination of human and Warcraft makes the assessment more difficult, it does make some assessments simple, especially on the triggering of some hidden rewards. The combination of the two will be much more convenient.

However, once encountering a head-on battle, that is, a hundred levels, and a confrontation with other testers, it is not good for Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan.

For example, if the mang is confronted with Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei at the level of 520, Trial God Mountain will automatically "generate" a "mang" to cooperate with him. Although there is no cooperation, it is equivalent to "2vs2" ...

If Guan Liyuan was an ancient Warcraft knight, even "2vs2" should have an advantage, because Warcraft knight and Warcraft should cooperate with each other, and the ability of the Warcraft knight should be similar to the contract Warcraft.

However, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei did not have such a relationship at all, and there was no tacit cooperation, and most of Guan Liyuan's combat abilities could not be used in the trial mountain.

Therefore, if a frontal battle occurs, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei will be one plus one and less than two ...

"It's really a troublesome guy. Don't you want to waste the air?" Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

At the same time outside the inheritance of Shenshan, other Warcraft also discovered this-after Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei reached the 500 level, the mang reached all the way to 519, and then remained motionless, as if waiting for something!

It was obvious what the idea was.

"Well, are you going to use a awn to exchange for 'like sucking the void'?" Said the baby dismissively.

"But if you lose in the tester's duel, the ugly can only withdraw from the test. Really regretted ... there would still be a chance to reach level 600 or above." Sirius said even more rudely.

The blood-stained face was not very good-looking, but the elder Silver Fox persuaded at the moment: "After all, the awn is not aware of the situation ... It is good to be able to consume 'Xiang sucking the void'. The soul beast may not even be able to keep the 'soul song'. "

That's right, the **** side of the World of Warcraft does not think that the mang can win, after all, the soul beast now has the blood of the holy beast to trust ... still two drops!

But the other testers in Trial Mountain did not know this.

The strongest batch of testers, such as Luang Mang, had earlier received the "command" from the soul beasts and humans. If they reached level 500, they would immediately sink them!

However, in the Trial God Mountain, they could not see the situation of other testers. Naturally, they would not know that Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei had triggered more than twenty hidden rewards. The reward also included a "blood trust" that was sufficient to kill them.

So it seems to other testers that the detached soul beasts and humans have been "cramping"-they don't know about the time reward.

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei continued to walk step by step. They were still a dozen steps away from level 519 ...

But Mang was gradually getting nervous. He didn't know the situation of soul beasts and humans before level 500, and even before everyone expected, they were not likely to reach level 500 or above.

However, now that they are here, as a beast, Tadang is willing to shoot them down and has this confidence.

However, after that, the speed of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei really surprised Damang. After all, he didn't know the time difference three times, and more importantly ... 510 and 516, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei set foot on these two layers. At that time, the mountain trails where they were shining with colorful lights!

Hide rewards!

When the testers can see each other after level 500, once the hidden reward appears, they can also find that the sign is exactly where the mountain road appears.

However, unlike the mini God Mountain outside, the content of hidden rewards will not be displayed.

When the seven-color light flashed at 510 level, Mangman felt a bit obscure. Although the hidden reward was random in his mind, he saw a hidden reward when he saw the enemy he was about to face. At the same time, the distant soul beasts and humans who feel "cramps" are faintly awkward ...

But then at level 516, when the "second time" triggered the hidden reward, the mang was completely lost-less than ten levels got two hidden rewards? This chance is too small!

Just before the mang didn't want to understand where the contradiction was, Lisoul Beasts and humans had reached level 519 all the way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At the same time ... their mountain road flashed for the third time. Colorful shine.

the third time!

Looking at the slightly surprised expressions of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, Ming Mang finally knew what the violation was ...

"Hidden rewards" appear normally, even if it is only once, they should show even more surprises!

However, the soul beasts and humans behaved too calmly, until the 519th time to get the hidden reward for the third time, and there was a little joy ...

Although Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have some cramps in the eyes of Mang Mang, but their emotions can still be seen.

What does this mean?

[Do they often get hidden rewards? Wait ... and their actions ... is the time scale changing? ] Mang also remembered three hidden rewards, which can get special rewards, that is, things that get extra time.

And ... their cramps didn't start with these three hidden rewards!

Anmang also began to guess that Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei might have received "a lot" of hidden rewards.

How many times he didn't know, but in terms of the degree of "cramps" of the two, how does it look like 20% of the legend ... it is three times? Or four times?

However, although the mang was embarrassed, when Xiao Hei reached the 520th level with a wind-like speed, the mang was too late to think and follow up quickly ...

The mountain trails on both sides flashed at the same time-it was determined that the connection was successful!

Guan Liyuan, Xiao Hei, and Ao Mang appeared at the same time in a "Baitai", surrounded by "Audiences"-it was the images of Warcraft who were watching the test list, and Miss Mo and Dadao .

In addition, there is a "Sangshan" simulated by Shenshan. The first shot was against Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei ...

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