Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 814: I can't control how many

Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei saw Warcraft such as Babies, Sirius, and Blood Wren under Mo Yantai, and Mo Tianfan and Ba Dao were also in the "Audience Hall".

But obviously these are not the real ones, they are just "decorations" or "symbols".

At the same time, the trial list outside the sky indeed began to "broadcast" the battle, which was also the special "welfare" of the showdown between the testers.

Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei have just seen the surroundings, and they are a huge platform-in fact, it is a flat rocky ground of several thousand square meters, surrounded by a dozen meters high fence.

Although there are no tops and there is no small gap between the rails, both sides understand that in the duel rules, it is not possible to leave the platform, and the height of the rails cannot "completely exceed" the height of the rails when flying, that is, the body must have Some are within the bars.

Because it is a duel between the testers, the simpler the venue, the fairer ...

I saw one of them "Bangmang" and rushed directly to Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei. They immediately understood that this should be simulated by Shenshan!

"I deal with this 'fake', and try to solve it as soon as possible, you insist!" Xiao Hei said, also entered a humanoid form, and greeted Duomang.

The replica will be easier to deal with, after all, the trial of Shenshan is only equivalent to "simulating" a level and adding points, like the "monster" of the mang.

The combat experience is based on the results collected by the previous test in the test, and if the test has no special means included in the test of the mountain, the replica will not have ...

Xiao Hei has regarded himself as the "strength bearer" in the combination, and is ready to solve a weaker one first, and then work with Guan Liyuan to solve the genuine card!

"Just don't ask me to support you then." Guan Liyuan narrowed his eyes.

Although the fighting ability is now mostly limited, after a recent trip to the world of Saint Seiya, Guan Liyuan is still very confident in his space accomplishment.

Saying that Guan Liyuan had a casual look at Miss Mo off the court, while Miss Mo was trying out Shenshan, she saw Guan Liyuan's eyes sweeping towards her ...

[Ready to feel the pressure! Guan Liyuan muttered fiercely in his heart.

"You are the nosy man who tries to interfere with the emergence of new beasts?" Mo Mang asked Guan Liyuan coldly.

However, Guan Liyuan ignored him at all, and directly launched "soul whispering", while entering the jet lag dimension!

"Huh?" Suman suddenly felt in his heart that there was a voice, whispering something to himself, and he couldn't hear clearly, but the sound was pervasive and upset him.

Just then, Guan Liyuan suddenly moved ...

"What?" Suddenly his eyes narrowed.

In Li Mang's perception, Guan Liyuan was almost an afterimage of the incarnation, before he reacted, he swept behind him.

The snake tail trembled, and it was already entangled in its hind limbs. The snake stabbed its stout tail ... The chrysanthemum below slammed down!


Don't say it's sturdy, even the World of Warcraft outside watching "Broadcast" can't help but tighten its legs!

Ms. Mo is blushing a little-as one of Guan Liyuan's teachers, Ms. Mo thinks it is necessary to draw a line with him in this regard. She has never taught him such tricks ...

"It's fast! Although the angle of attack is ... keke, it's really fast!" Badao could not help but sigh.

In terms of world context, it is not fast, but Guan Liyuan is only a mid-level professional, and the speed that has just burst out is already beyond the level of most super-levels!

Gradually more and more of Warcraft have also discovered this ...

If you set your goals on the next three paths, you will be able to win by the weak, and ninety-nine percent of Warcraft will not mind doing this!

However, in fact, Warcraft, which has a little strength, hides these "weak points". It is shrunk under the skin and will not be exposed like an ordinary animal ... So Xiao He does not need to play mosaics in a humanoid form.

Moreover, there is also a quite aggressive tail, which normally would not be attacked here.

It was Guan Liyuan's speed that made him unable to respond, coupled with the fact that the previous mang was also affected by the whisper of the soul and was unprepared, so this opportunity to hit the "vital" ...

Don't underestimate the ten-fold gap-if there is no special skill assistance, replacing Guan Liyuan's "joint killing ashes" with a super-order may not be ten times faster.

Even though Guan Liyuan is not able to freely manipulate the "bone suit" formed by his own bones in the body, the speed is not at its peak, but it is amazing enough at ten times the speed.

An Mang screamed and flung his tail, but was blocked by Guan Liyuan's gigantic arm. Although he also slid out, it did not cause any harm. Instead, Guan Liyuan pulled the snaketail rope that tied his hind limbs to stabilize him. Body shape, it seems to be back again.

But this time, the speed has returned to normal, and Mangman had time to react. He turned back and faced Guan Liyuan, roaring and waving his forelimbs ...

The body shape of the awn is three-pointed like that of the blood owl. The blood owl looks like an enhanced version of the Tyrannosaurus Rex with forelimbs and also has wings, while the awn has no wings. In addition, the head appears sharper and the features are more stingy. ugly.

Although the body size of Meng Mang is much larger than Guan Liyuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, Guan Liyuan controls the giant arm of the organ which is one size larger than that of Mang Mang's forearm, but the result is still struggling, and it takes several steps backward ...

Guan Liyuan's "Space Controller" has been refined to full repair after breaking through the middle level, but his professional power is still not very rich. When he was attacked by a tail flick in the "time dimension", he was ejected. , Counting only the effect of preemptive.

"It's a lot harder than I thought ... abominable! If my" Joint Killer Bone "class can be used, at least there won't be wind in strength!" Guan Liyuan grinned.

If Guan Liyuan can really do his best, at least when he "takes the chrysanthemum first", he has already made his legs close, not a scream.

Even though Guan Liyuan knew that the mang was waiting for him and Xiaohei, in the test of each step, he was constantly refining his initial "space controller" profession, but he could not use the "Tiangu Warrior". Guan Liyuan's Power and speed, after all, do not enter the "time difference dimension".

However, in a few hard bumps, Guan Liyuan was still focusing on the defense at the beginning, ready to wait for Xiao Hei, but on several occasions because of the strength and speed, he was tossed by the shocked inner concubine, and his claws were left torn After the wound ...

Guan Liyuan finally woke up!

The expression became more "happy"?

"Good fighting instinct! Obviously the strength is far inferior to the opponent ... wait! How did you start to counterattack?" Ba Dao was still lamenting at the beginning, Guan Liyuan relied on his fighting skills and was not quickly defeated under the fierce onslaught. But then it turned out that Guan Liyuan actually started to fight back?

Not because Guan Liyuan found an opportunity to fight back, but ... began to replace his injuries with injuries?

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