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Vol 2 Chapter 815: Sequelae

"This is ... the heart of the child? It doesn't seem right ... Although it's just a video, it can feel ... a strong sense of war!" Ba Dao looked at Guan Liyuan with three points suspense and seven points satisfaction.

I saw that Guan Liyuan was taking a whole body of blood at this time, and the injury was much more serious than that of Mang Mang-to be precise, after starting desperately, the injuries that Guan Liyuan caused to Mang Mang were actually not as good as the first one ...

However, in terms of momentum, Guan Liyuan did not fall into the wind. Instead, he seemed to be a little entangled, and it seemed that he could no longer distinguish himself from Guan Liyuan.

The beast is a very bloodthirsty race in World of Warcraft, but at this moment, the beast is somewhat surprised by the humans in front of it-is it ... laughing?

Even if it's stubborn, it will only show up in the battle that constantly hurts the opponent ...

"It's not bad, that is, only the war will be wrong!" Miss Mo said lightly, but there was a sense of pride in the tone ... and a hint of emphasis?

Ba Dao is also very "sophisticated", and Wen Yan said immediately: "Not only is the war! If the strength is not enough, the war will not be as high as it is today .... I see that he has already entered the room in space accomplishment, so he was able to In the case that the main battle profession cannot help, the middle-level strength is not inferior to the lord's Warcraft. "

"Where and where, he's still far behind, giggle." Miss Mo was completely satisfied.

That's right, Guan Liyuan can still insist on the situation where his strength and speed are all less than stubborn. In addition to his strong combat skills and instinct, he also benefited from Guan Liyuan's tricks and styles, which all coincided with the essence of space trajectories and spatial fluctuations ... ...

Even from time to time, when the snake thorn is detected, the surrounding sawtooth will pick up a slight space cutting effect; when it stabs, it will bring a little increase in space!

Miss Mo can naturally see that Guan Liyuan's "space controller" has been promoted to the intermediate level, and ... it seems that "brain supplement" has several other skills, and the trigger frequency is gradually increasing!

In fact, the Badao has also been seen from the beginning. Although there is no space profession, the Badao has already merged the power of space ... But the Badao is more focused on warfare. The ultimate warfare and killing intention can be transformed into With real combat effectiveness, he is good at this aspect himself.

However, he forgot about Guan Liyuan's space ability, which was taught by Miss Mo, barely a family tradition. Before, he did not mention Guan Liyuan's spatial accomplishments at all, which made Miss Mo inexplicable ...

"How does it look more like Guan Liyuan's quick decision?" Said the baby helplessly.

Obviously Guan Liyuan has forgotten the strategic goal and is totally obsessed with the aftereffects of "cutting and making fast"!

At the same time, Miss Mo and Ba Dao also noticed that Guan Liyuan ’s "snake thorns" seemed to be getting sharper. From the beginning, even if the thorns were stuck in the awns, they could not cause too serious injuries. A lot of fine wounds!

Anyone can see that if it is Guan Liyuan who is in the heyday, chances are that he can really win the battle ...

However, without a Tiangu battle suit, no armed color domineering, and knowledge of color domineering, Guan Liyuan could not effectively cause damage to the awn.

"It's a pity ... who made him a human being, no matter what?"

"It's a pity? It's a pity that the trial of Shenshan is not a true contract companion with the soul soul beast. It's just to create obstacles for the Blood King. Shenshan shouldn't let such humans enter!"

"You can't say the same thing, how many times have you not seen him get hidden rewards? I think Trial Mountain welcomes him very much."

"That is also welcome from the soul beast! How could a human be welcomed?"

"Is there a difference? If not for that human being, the soul beast is dead ..."

"It's a bit of a truth, you have to figure out why Lisoul Beasts can get so many hidden rewards. Is there really a **** blessing?"

"Well! If I say it's a ghost from the Baoxiang family!"

"Who are you hitting?"

"What are you doing?"

"Hello you!"


Other World of Warcraft is also getting more and more shaken, and some have already argued, and even started to "reason" in the most primitive way of the World of Warcraft.

"However, I'm afraid that one drop of the" blood trust "of the soul beast can't be kept ... If you don't make a decision immediately, I'm afraid that two drops won't be able to keep it!" Said a python with horns and squinting.

There is no doubt about this in other Warcraft, but there are some indifferent performances, some express regret, and some secretly rejoice.

After all, the value of the blood in the heritage of the mountain may represent a reward of dozens of steps ...

However, at this time, Xiao Hei was entangled by the simulating mangshan, and Guan Liyuan was at a disadvantage in hitting with his life!

"Unfortunately, it's almost a little bit, but it's nothing, it consumes a drop of" blood pinning "!" Xiang Xiang said with regret.

"No, not necessarily!" Miss Mo stared at Guan Liyuan with a burning look.

"Eh? If this goes on, Guan Liyuan must be defeated first? After that, Soul Xiaohei cannot be the second enemy ..." The baby looked puzzled and looked very excited, but his whole body was already very severe.

"Another chance ..." Miss Mo seemed to see something.

At this time, Guan Liyuan, because of the sequelae of "Chopping Fast", entered the state of Chopping Fast again. The pain on his body could no longer restrain Guan Liyuan's war intentions, and could not even cause Guan Liyuan's instinctual alertness!

This state is very dangerous. It was originally Guan Liyuan tried to avoid, but at this time, the state of "cutting and making fast" really provided a little help for Guan Liyuan-six kinds of space mysteries that have been turned into skills and constantly cut off with Guan Liyuan. Combining techniques, even the other six are just "seeds", which have not really turned into spatial mysteries of skills, and they have grown stronger.

Miss Mo sees this and she will say that there is still a last chance!

At the same time, Ms. Mo also had some doubts-she directly understood the six spatial mysteries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and also introduced the other six ... I really taught it so well?

At the next moment, I saw that Li Mang had torn off Guan Liyuan's right arm and the right arm, and at the same time opened his mouth to bite Guan Liyuan's neck!

Even if you know that in the trial space, you will not really die, but it still makes you feel cold ...

However, at this moment, I suddenly discovered that Guan Liyuan's blood-filled face was still with an extremely excited smile, and he couldn't help but stun it, but finally he continued to bite!

It's over, it's over! -I shouted urgently in my heart.

At the same time, Guan Liyuan's left hand was shaken by a hidden mystery, and the snake tail cable bound the awn again, while the snake's thorn stabbed straight towards the awn ...

Not waiting for the results to appear, the existence of many sacred beasts, as well as the domineering sword, his face has changed, and Miss Mo has a smile.

At this moment, either the snake tail cable or the snake thorns imply the rhythm of space trajectories and spatial fluctuations. At the same time, the serpent tail cable is attached with the meaning of spatial stillness and space extension, which makes the mantle entangled with the pythons that fill the wild and wild places. The feeling of living, nowhere to run!

The snake thorns have the taste of space poles, space cutting, space shuttle, space compression, and space overlap. The serrated barbs around the snake thorns have become extremely sharp, and the thorn tips seem to produce a weak space collapse, and it seems Penetrating directly into the body of the awn, there is no process of looking ahead ...

Gaba—— 噗嗤 ——

I saw Guan Liyuan's infiltrating smile in the unbelievable and somewhat frightened look, and his neck was indeed bitten, but at the same time ... the snake thorn that could not have caused too much damage to the mang , Actually stabbed directly into the neck of the awn, as if pierced through a piece of tofu!

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