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Vol 2 Chapter 818: There is a 3rd more so it seems to be 1

"Sure enough, I still can't keep it, even the chance to let me 'cut and make fast' ..." Guan Liyuan said helplessly.

Just now, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei passed the 600-level assessment, but they also used "Xiang sucking the void".

In the first few times, Guan Liyuan also wanted to try whether he could "rely on his own." However, the power gap was too large. He passed on the simulated opponents in Shenshan. Otherwise, Guan Liyuan was completely pressed to death within a few times, and his chances of slowly increasing Did not give.

At this time, Xiao Hei also felt that he has gained a lot in the inheritance of the Shenshan Mountain, and the part that can be transformed into strength in a short time has been transformed.

If you want to completely "digest" the income, you can't do it in a day or two, or go to other worlds with different rules.

However, the proportion of hidden rewards is getting bigger and bigger-the higher the number of tests, the more reliable the trigger conditions of hidden rewards. After level 600, almost every level of the test, even if Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei did not Hidden rewards, most of them have to catch your eyes!

Unlike before the 100th level, sweeping casually, but hiding rewards is not easy to trigger ...

After level 600, the triggering conditions for hidden rewards have become "prompt conditions". Even if the hidden rewards cannot be triggered at the end, at least Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei are prompted. In addition to the normal "breakthrough", what other ideas are passed.

Although the delay is also increasing, fortunately, every three times the hidden reward is triggered, there is a time reward ...

The only thing that made Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei somewhat helpless was that they won more than twenty hidden rewards afterwards, but never encountered the "blood trust" again!

There are occasional ordinary rewards, but the "blood consignment" of ordinary rewards is at most only the level of the 9th peak and the quasi-sacred beast. At the current level, it does not play a decisive role.

It was also used by Xiao Hei along the way, either simply to pass the level or to win hidden rewards ...

The stumbling trip, for the other testers, there is only the last less than a day left, and for Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei there are less than seven days, finally reaching the level 699!

At this point, Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan have no one in front, and Ape is still behind 4 steps behind them. It is estimated that they can reach 699 in a day, but 700 is not an accident. There is no hope.

Xiang Tianxiao, who has been leading in the beginning, has been stuck at level 650-it is said that even if the entire ten levels are in actual combat, it is definitely not a head-to-head confrontation. The difficulty is usually not higher than the previous hundred levels, but it may be like Tian laugh What an unfortunate encounter is to restrain one's own project.

In addition, the foxcar that didn't look very eye-catching before was not as round as the ape, and it was only two levels behind, and ranked third after Xiangtianxiao.

Guan Liyuan even had some doubts. Was this fox intentionally two steps behind?

In addition, in the past few days, there were four testers who broke through the level 500, but not all reached the level 600 ...

At this time, it can also be seen that Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei are still different from Xiang Tianxiao, Ape is not round, and foxcart in terms of hard power. At more than 500 levels, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei are faster than them because they have time to reward them. It's even faster. If the ape doesn't walk ten steps, Xiao Hei and Guan Liyuan can go sixteen or seven steps.

However, after level 600, even if there is time reward, it is caught up a little bit-more often, it is not to trigger hidden rewards, but it is really not fast!

Of course, this is when Guan Liyuan cannot use all his strengths.

If Guan Liyuan has no contraindications, it is not a problem to go directly to the 1001 floor ...

After all, each layer of trials does not occur at the "real" level, and the consumption and injuries are not real. Although there is a sense of fatigue, you can take a break.

In other words, if all classes of Guan Liyuan can be used normally now, apart from that, all actual combat levels are the same as none.

It's up to you! Old card ...

Gaba! Either strangling, passing ... or being hid ... Then try again, SL all the way past, that is how Cao Cao and Guan Liyuan used Guo Jia and Jia Yi.

But now it is only 700 steps, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei went in and out several times ...

"The abyss anise dragon of the great lord class ... is it too strong? Jedi lords under three years old have this kind of strength? Such opponents may not be able to survive even if they use the" Soul of the Soul "!" Xiao Hei said helplessly.

That's right, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei are not trying to save now, but they are not sure about it. Although they won't really hurt or consume their physical strength, they will be used once for the "blood support".

So you must be at least sure before you can use ...

"It's not too strong ... Replace it with the three following ones that have the" Soul of the Soul ", which is likely to pass. If my co-killing gray bones and the power of the Nether Tiger Fighter can be used, there will be no problem ... … If you can use 'Summoner of the Other Worlds', you can save even 'Soul Songs'. "Guan Liyuan said.

But there weren't so many if, a hundred-level pure head-to-head confrontation did not give Guan Liyuan too many opportunities to give play to his "smart and clever" advantage.

After three days of trying, I finally found the most feasible solution. How about a three-point win?

However, innocent people finally have their own natural direction, betting to win these three points of odds, and successfully use the "soul soul song".

However, it ’s very easy to use up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and it ’s a real battle. Although it is not a head-to-head match, the difficulty is not as good as that of the level 700 abyss octagonal dragon. After two times I understand-no chance!

However, the harvest is not small at this time. Just hiding the reward, I took it 48 times, and there is a 1001 layer waiting for Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei ...

I saw Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei turned around and took a step down. In the normal trial of Shenshan, this step was regarded as giving up.

It happened that the foxcart was also resting at level 699 at this time. Basically, it was also over. Seeing the soul beasts and humans turning around, they wondered why they would give up? Why waste time?

However, after seeing Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei cramp like taking the next step, they appeared directly on the top of the mountain of inheritance!

The Foxcar couldn't help but widen its eyes ...

Although I don't know what the situation is, I also understand that this is definitely a special place away from soul beasts and human beings. In the trial of inheritance, we must get unprecedented benefits.

I remembered that before the trial, the elder asked him to talk secretly and instructed him "unless he is too slow to leave the soul beast and humans, he must control himself behind the two, and give the ape a chance of direct confrontation" "Bangmang", the fox car could not help but secretly cried: the elder wise!

At this time, on the 1001 floor, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei first saw a huge elephant trunk, and they couldn't help but secretly startled-could it be that the cattle "beep" that Guan Liyuan had planned in advance would become a reality? Can you really see the avatar image left by the idol?

One person and one cat in Langzhong, looking at the elephant's nose with his gaze, but did not see the elephant's head, but saw a huge mussel shell ...

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Xiao Hei: "..."

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