Dimension Forum

Vol 2 Chapter 819: Idol clone

Among the humans in the main world who have been away from the ocean for a long time, they may not know much about this thing, but Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei are well-informed ...

"Sure enough this is 'that', right?"

"Yes, it must be‘ that ’!”

"I can't think of a master world ..."

And the geoduck's "Elephant" part, at this time, stretched out and shouted: "Well? You already recognize the original elephant? Yes, I am a handsome and elegant eternal meritorious power to turn the tide full of flawless perfection Idol! "

Guan Liyuan: "..."

Xiao Hei: "..."

"Have you ... heard the two of us discussing things before, so deliberately satirizing us? I'm really sorry, we have to do it, too," Guan Liyuan said with a cough.

"Ha? What did you discuss? This elephant didn't pay too much attention, nor did you ridicule you! This elephant is a handsome and handsome elder man who has no power to turn the tide into perfection and perfection. Iren't you believe?" Xaba continued to shrink. Make a sound, do not know what kind of structure the vocal cords are.

"..." Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei didn't know how to continue.

Do not believe?

nonsense! Of course not believe it!

Did you go out and say the baby elephant: Hey, we see the clone left by your ancestor, your ancestor is a geoduck!

It is estimated that you do not need to use blood to do it. The Baoxiang family must find Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, who are useless to stop ...

Of course, now Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei do n’t have the feeling of “learning the amazing truth” because they really did not believe it!

Although the geoduck is also stained with the word "elephant", it is completely different from the elephant, just like the difference between wife cake and wife.

"Do n’t you believe in this image?" Xiangba twisted and wriggled and made a high octave sound.

"What ... how do you say that? It's not disbelief ... It just ... feels like you're not telling the truth." Guan Liyuan said politely.

"How can this be true! Human beings have been so cunning and suspicious for so many years! Hmm, I think this elephant opened an icefield shelter and spawned the dragon dragon elephant family ..."

Guan Liyuan couldn't help but interrupt the words of Xiangtu: "Wait, you said that you are stepping on the dragon dragon? What do you use to" step on "the sky?"

Yes, geoducks have no legs at all ...

What's more, when checking the blood veins, they will also see the first stepping dragon, the ancestor idol. It is not a geoduck!

"Which step to use? Oh, you mean it looks like it is now? It's just a clone, don't you know the clone mussel?" Xiang Ba said as a matter of course.

"Clone mussel? Is it the kind of special sea beast that can be bred?" Guan Liyuan searched the information of the mussel for the first time.

Before the invasion of the abyss, humans and sea beasts, especially offshore sea beasts, also often contacted, but for nearly a thousand years, ordinary people could not approach the sea at all. Professionals only fought the abyss creatures offshore, and sea beasts may still exist in the deep sea. But completely isolated from humans and Warcraft.

However, Guan Liyuan kept some ancient sea beast information in the forum, so he knew the magical sea beast such as "clam mussel".

The body of the "clone mussel" should be the pearl elves born in it-a kind of life that has great differences from the existence form to the logic of thinking compared with flesh and blood life.

Regardless of humans or Warcraft, or other sea beasts, as long as the desire of the pearl elves is satisfied, they will voluntarily break away from the "clam mussels", and this kind of "clam mussels" that the pearl elves voluntarily detach has a magical function, that is, breeding Avatar!

Of course, since it is a "split", it is naturally necessary to split the soul, which is also a prerequisite for using the "split mussel".

The avatars formed by "Clone Clams" also have great limitations. Not only is it not good to split the soul, but Clams can only form corresponding avatars, and the avatars do not have a growth type ...

The classification of sea beasts is the same as that of Warcraft. The normal cloned mussels are all six to nine.

If ordinary people use it, it will form a avatar equivalent to the physical fitness of high-level professionals in the system. If a professional uses it, the avatar will also have a professional rune on this basis ... But if the professional rune is super-level, it has already been You can only "copy" higher-order parts.

Other Warcraft and sea beasts can normally only use the cloned mussels with the same order as themselves or with less than one level difference.

"Is there an extraordinary existence in the clone mussel?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help wondering.

"Well? I don't think there is anyone who knows the reptile mussel. Seeing the civilization inheritance of the land of joy for thousands of years hasn't been too much ..." Xiang Ba said with some surprise.

Guan Liyuan is a bit shocked. In fact, 99% of professionals do not know this kind of thing, and no one will master this knowledge ...

But who made Guan Liyuan knowledgeable? Accidentally boosted the overall cultural level of the land! At this time Guan Liyuan wanted to record this scene and let the people of Tulane College see that who would dare to say that he was studying scum!

"Of course not! If so, would the elephant have only one nose? In the past, the elephant had a hard time finding a millennium avatar, with the rank of a median sacred beast, and taking great care to complete the Pearl Elves. desire.

Later, before leaving the Icefield Sanctuary, he split a trace of his soul and weakened it for 300 years in the special formation method. Only then did he barely cultivate this avatar ... but he still could only separate the semi-finished product! Said Xiang Ba.

Guan Liyuan then realized ...

Co-authoring This is not a geoduck, but only a "thorn", that is, an elephant's nose, which cannot be separated from the clam shell!

In order to leave an avatar, the idols can also be considered as exhausting efforts. Not only did they find a rare median sacred beast avatar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and seeing this, it also weakened the leftover soul, 300 Years later, barely allowed the cloned mussel to conceive its own clone ... the result was still a semi-finished product.

"It turned out ... that is, your body, now ... still alive?" Guan Liyuan asked with some uncertainty.

It is clearly written in the data that the clone formed by the clone mussel does not have an independent life. If the body is dead, the clone should also die in a short time.

But if the idols are still alive, why leave the icefield shelter? If he is still, the Warcraft tribe will be much better than now, and the divine beasts should have the same essence as human beings' extraordinary existence. They must be combined with the will of the world to be strong. Human beings possessed paradise, and idols had ice fields ...

Like the current Dreadlord, if he wants a territory, he can't grab it in the abyss. Why should idols give up?

As for life ... Elephant Warcraft has a longer life than humans. Really speaking, idols have a life span of 1,000 years, and Guan Liyuan is not unbelievable.

"Of course it is still! Although the memory is not common, if the ontology dies, the primal declining will also decline quickly." Xiang Bafang said for granted.

"I want to know that you left because of something very important ... What is the thing to do after leaving this avatar? If you can help, you can speak." Guan Liyuan said.

After all, there are so many benefits in the trial. There is really nothing to do with the idol. If Guan Liyuan can do it, he will not quit.

The elephant's avatar was stunned for a while, and said for a long time: "So, you don't know about the extraordinary existence and the matter of greatness ... Also, Ben Xiang personally ordered them to be the top secret in this year. So be it. "

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