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Vol 2 Chapter 820: The Great World and Extraordinary (2 in 1 Longer and Thicker Deluxe Edition)

"Are there any secrets about the existence of the extraordinary? What is 'Qian Kun'?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help asking.

Elephanta didn't hesitate, and answered directly: "Yes, the beast ... that is what you humans call extraordinary, maybe different from what you know now. This elephant and your human extraordinary do not open these secrets. It is also intentional ... but it is not completely confidential, and it is nothing to tell you.

I want to come to your humanity's deceit, if it didn't tell you, and then I will ask you about things, maybe you may not agree. "

Regarding the straightness of Xiangba, Guan Liyuan was helpless ...

"Where do you start ... right, let me ask you a question first, what do you think is the" Abyss "?" Xaba seemed to want to know, and to what extent Guan Liyuan understood the "truth".

"The abyss should be a plane group larger than our plane, composed of many planes?" Guan Liyuan said.

This is also the official statement of the land now.

"Oh? It seems that human beings have properly opened up some" truths ". Compared to a thousand years ago, the abyss is considered to be a" small ground ditch "in which dangerous creatures live. Now the statement is indeed closer to the truth. Shaking the "nose" may mean nodding.

"The most important thing that Prima wants to tell you right now is the abyss ... In fact, it is part of the" Great World of Qiankun "that I want to say, and it is also the real subject of the world. It consists of numerous planes, at least in Prima. Before the split, no human and Warcraft knew how many planes the Qiankun world had.

As for our local plane, it can only be regarded as a plane plane fragment. Compared with the plane of Qiankun World, it is not only a difference in size, but it is missing from the 'rules'. "

If it weren't for Guan Liyuan's many years of experience, he really couldn't understand what elephant pulls!

Guan Liyuan already had some speculations about this. Penguin and Guan Liyuan said that the water of the "main world" is very deep. If the true local plane is the subject, it is actually not "deep" compared to other worlds ...

"Lack of 'rules'?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Yes, the so-called extraordinary existence is to truly grasp the existence of the power of the world, and the world in which we are ... according to the understanding before this image was divided, the Qiankun World is like a hive in a large garden! Uh ... is there still a bee outside? "Xiang Ba suddenly thought of the extinction caused by the abyss invasion, and could not help but ask.

"Not yet extinct, there are special beekeepers in the land." Guan Liyuan said.

"Well, then use this analogy ... The hive is a 'Qian Kun Great World' consisting of countless planes, and the plane of our survival is a broken hive outside the garden! And the power of the real world, and The power of the pseudoworld used in the world is different. One part can be regarded as 'pollen' and the other part is 'honey' in the hive!

And whether it ’s Warcraft or humans, they are all consumers of pollen and honey, not hard-working bees, and our broken honeycomb is still outside the garden. There is no 'pollen' to collect at all! Said Xiang Ba.

"Pollen? Honey? Is there a difference?" Guan Liyuan heard sharply.

"Yes,‘ honey ’is the power of the world ’s most fundamental source, whether it ’s to open up an icefield shelter or human beings to create a paradise, all are the forces that directly control the‘ honey ’in the broken hive.

Unlike inexhaustible 'pollen', 'honey' corresponds to 'territory'. The so-called 'jedi' is actually a lord-level abyss creature. With the help of the abyss will, forcibly steal a small amount of 'honey' As a result, Jedi Lords are far more capable than ordinary Lords. "

"Then you and human beings are extraordinary, why should you give up the power of the source world?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help but wonder, it sounded that "honey" was much more advanced than "pollen".

"Because we have never really refined the power of the original world, we have only temporarily borrowed to repel the abyss ... Once the power of the refined original world is truly refined, this plane fragment will be completely combined with the 'Great World of Qiankun'.

We are out of luck. When we “encounter” with the Qiankun world, the adjacent planes we meet are the abyss with the strongest sense of aggression ... Once we really combine with the “kunkun world”, we will not There will be a rule of self-protection again. At that time, the old devil of the abyss, even the devil can come unscrupulously.

Although the land of the paradise and the sanctuary are so large and exclusive, it can even make us have more power than many old-fashioned demon kings, but if you borrow them, you can continue the race. Once you are truly refined, you must face many demon kings and demon gods. It is impossible to hold it. "

"Well? Didn't you say that the abyss occupies a lot of planes? Isn't there a lot of land and shelter?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help wondering.

"No, you ca n’t just look at the area. Before the encounter with the Qiankun world, only those alien races in this plane fragment had extraordinary existence, but the speed of the alien races to refine the source world was extremely slow. It is said that although our broken nests are weak and there is no pollen to pick around, there are many 'honeys'!

Instead, in the abyss ... and even the entire world of Qiankun, there are more wolves and less flesh. Their territories are mostly sealed, set by set ... the territory of most demon kings is not entirely their own, 'honey' Share it with your own lord, and even with your lord. Said Xiang Ba.

Guan Liyuan immediately thought of the Demon King ...

From what he learned before, combined with what Cabo said, the abyss family should be a race occupying several planes in the world of Qiankun, that is to say ... with the power of the abyss family, there is only one newcomer in hundreds of years. Devil, the proportion is too low!

Now Guan Liyuan finally understands that it is not just the Dread Demon that is a new demon king, but that the Dread Devil is not willing to be subordinate to others, does not become an old-fashioned demon king or a subordinate of the devil to obtain territory, and is unwilling to refining "pollen", which is ordinary The power of the world can't shake other demon kings in the abyss, so I came to play the idea of ​​happy land.

"An alien race? Are they Dragons and Elves?" Guan Liyuan wondered.

"Yes, they were sent here long before this plane came into contact with the world of Qiankun, and also to be able to occupy it one day, but after we have met the plane of the abyss, their respective The ethnic groups are also reluctant to go to war with the abyss for this reason, so they have withdrawn. "Xiang Ba said.

"..." Only then did Guan Liyuan understand that fairy tales are deceiving. How can there be any overseas Long Island ... I'm afraid they don't even know Jiang Yuanjing, and they are so excited to see the Dragons and think they can find new allies. Maybe only the world knows the truth.

Xiangba also added a special sentence: "And you humans are actually half a foreign race, only we Warcraft and sea beasts are native ... but you humans are more ruthless. The first generation of the year surmised that your ancestors were immigrants. It was thrown directly by a group of ordinary people.

Almost all the knowledge was taken from the ground, from the beginning, the slave race from the beginning, and eventually turned over the ancient protoss and became the plane overlord ... because your power system also comes completely from this plane fragment, Moreover, they are constantly crossing with native creatures, and even orcs have been mixed up, so they are considered native creatures in terms of rules. "

"Thank you for the praise." Guan Liyuan said awkwardly.

Guan Liyuan also knows a little about the history of human development, but he didn't understand it from the level of rules ... This also explains why humans and dragons, elves, and abyss creatures master the same language and want to be the universal language of the Qiankun world.

However, Guan Liyuan has problems again!

"Wait ... then why don't we humans leave?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help wondering.

"Hey, because you guys are so good!" Elephanta was a little gloating.


"The elves and dragons are in the world of Qiankun, and their powers are only similar to the abyss, and they are even smaller in number. Humans ... are the races that dominate the plane most, and the races that spread the most planes! This is the essence The essence of the year was heard by a demon king. "Xiang Ba said.

"Then why are we so miserably bullied by the abyss?" Guan Liyuan was even more puzzled.

"The abyss family is directly" attached "to this plane fragment, and the cost of coming from the connection crack is very low. The abyss family's plane has no humans, and the human hegemonic plane wants to teleport to consume it. It's not worth the money for them, "said Xiang Ba.

Well, Guan Liyuan understood this time ...

Human beings are too strong, too many, and too scattered. Instead of being like dragons and elves, they can have the same family feelings on the branches of a plane fragment.

For human beings in the world of Qiankun, they may not know that in some corner, human beings are so miserably bullied by the abyss ...

Even if you know it, you wo n’t pay them a huge price just because they are “similar”, let alone take refuge, let alone help!

In the plane of human supremacy, the number of paradise people who do not know how to die every day is as if the humans on this plane were divided into several countries before the invasion of the abyss. After the ancient protoss, idle is also idle.

Looking at Guan Liyuan's eating, Xiangba seemed to be very happy. It may be a kind of thrill that "even if you have wide relatives in the world of Qiankun, they don't mix like this bear".

Xiangba also specially reminded Guan Liyuan: "Do you know why the abyss family is willing to attract Warcraft and sea beasts to transform into the body of the abyss, but persist in extinction to human beings? The essence of this elephant has heard an old demon king say that the abyss family has been in it for a long time. Before, it was stronger than now, even on the plane close to the core of Qiankun World ...

They used to be much stronger than the Dragon and Elves, but later their encounters and the ancient gods of this plane should have a common language, so they can't believe in humans. "

Well, that is, there is only a new demon king, such as the Dread Devil, who does not have a plan.

And humans want to be transformed into abyssal creatures ... Usually they have to do it by themselves, such as the painstaking Simarang, not as easy as Warcraft to rely on the abyss.

After sighing, Guan Liyuan also sighed, "But the Warcraft tribe, after all, is still unwilling to be an abyss running dog. You and our human beings are extraordinary, but also to find a way out for the tribe, will you leave?"

It is indeed different from the humans in other planes. The human beings born in this plane are extraordinary, obviously they still care about the "family", even the geography is greater than the blood ... The relationship between the humans in the plane and Warcraft is more than that in the world of Qiankun Close.

"Of course, the abyss people have abnormal brains, and even the planes they dominate will become crazy. Even if we are willing to integrate into the abyss, can we still be regarded as us after becoming like that?" Xaba did not deny at this point.

"But the phenomena and human beings are extraordinary, but they are not as noble as you think. The reason why they leave ... is because they will die if they do not leave! Normally, after breaking through the extraordinary, the life span will increase greatly, but the power of the world must be refined. Can be reflected.

At this level, we will not truly refine the power of the original world, and we will not absorb the power of the ordinary world. We are all going to die because we will die if we don't leave. After achieving extraordinary achievements, it is easy to enter the world of Qiankun, but it is too difficult or too difficult to return, otherwise the human power of Qiankun world has already arrived. "Xaba said honestly.

Guan Liyuan then realized why, from the age of human extraordinary activity, extraordinary does not seem to be longer than the super order life.

At the same time, he said respectfully: "No, you and human beings have been respectful enough to protect the people. They are respectful enough."

"Okay, after that, let me say something to ask you! The essence of the original, in order to leave the original, without being discovered by the abyss will, cut off all sources of information ... otherwise there is no need for Warcraft to leak, abyss will Probably from the rule of causality, we will find that a transcendent beast has left a half-finished clone.

Except for the essence and the essence, there is no Warcraft knowledge to completely avoid leaks. Even the "opportunities" to reconnect with the outside world are set between "possible trigger" and "impossible trigger". In the meantime, just a few hundred years later, this opportunity was triggered, and Prima was surprised. "

Guan Liyuan has a deep understanding of this. Without Penguin, I am afraid that it will take a few "hundreds of years" before Warcraft will gradually find some rules, which will increase the probability of hidden rewards.

"Then you can go out now?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Not yet. The completeness of this clone is lower than expected by the elephant. After all, the clone mussel is only a median holy beast. Now the elephant can only exert the strength of the peak holy beast. It is useless to go out and it is easy to be targeted ... … This elephant wants to ask you to help this elephant have several natural treasures! To be precise, you only need to tell the current king of the elephant after going out. ”Xiang Ba said.

That's right, the heaven and earth treasures that need to be used to pull up the avatar are not what Guan Liyuan can find ...

And the reason why Xiangba said at the beginning, without telling Guan Liyuan some secrets, he may not help because of this!

If this help is helped, the elephant avatar may be able to recover to the level of the supernatural beast. If Guan Liyuan is not understood that humans and Warcraft are true allies in this plane, he may not be able to help.

As for the beasts of sorrow ... the Warcraft that signed the soul and soul contract with human beings based on the experience and memory of idols, most of them are "spilled water"!

Moreover, Xiangpu avatar understands that as long as the truth is known, human beings have no reason to help.

"Remember, you are willing to ask your strong human beings to confirm the truth, but you must inform the King of the Elephant as soon as possible, and do not tell other Warcraft except the King of the Elephant, and do not tell more than three humans ... the secret The more it is shared, the faster it is discovered! If the elephant is found now, it will be very troublesome. "Xiang Ba asked.

"Rest assured, I must inform the King of the Elephants as soon as possible ... In addition, I also want to ask you something. How did the idols design these levels in the mountain?" Guan Liyuan couldn't help asking.

"Well? You say this ... In fact, most of them are designed by Benxiang, and the body is designed only a small part. It was originally hundreds of years old that I haven't done anything here, so I designed it to relieve boredom." Xiang Ba said .

Only then did Guan Liyuan confirm that the idols are indeed not traversers. It is only that the avatars are too boring to have so many anti-social designs. Penguin also said that there are no other traversers in this world ...

As for the king of elephants, it ’s much easier to send them after collecting the materials they need. The elephants gave Guan Liyuan a guide. Later, the elephants can use them in advanced inheritance trials or super heritage trials. This strategy triggers the 1001 floor-indeed, like the baby's previous conjecture, the trial mountain in the trials of inheritance at all levels is actually the same one!

"Right! You can control the trial of Shenshan, right? Can we let us go through more levels?" Guan Liyuan asked.

"Well, you don't say that Xiangxiang is also going to give you the rewards as compensation." Xiangba said.

"No, no, pay is second ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I mean, can we show that we are above 899 level?"

"Do you want to cheat?" Xiangba's clone is not too happy-these levels are his hard work!

"Actually, this is the case before. The family of Baoxiang and the blood sacrifice ..." Guan Liyuan explained the cause and effect to Xiangba's clone.

Sure enough, the elephant avatar knew about the blood sacrifice, and was furious: "How can this be the case! Wait, this elephant will help you break the record! Wait for this elephant to go out ... Huh!"

Guan Liyuan knew that the elephant avatar would agree, after all, the blood pupa is also the enemy of the treasure elephant family.

Seems to see Guan Liyuan's thoughts, Xiang Baduo explained: "If the blood pupa can really break through the beast of the god, he uses the beast of the soul, mostly to make up for the lack of soul. There may be other ways to help him, But ... according to what you said, he may not be able to promote the beast normally! "

Guan Liyuan heard that she couldn't help thinking of Miss Mo ... At the beginning, Miss Mo was determined that even if she sacrificed the soul beast, the blood won't be able to be promoted, but Miss Mo couldn't guess the true intention of the bleeding.

"To be exact ... even if he forcibly promoted in this way, it is not a real beast. He absorbs the power of the ordinary world at most. I am afraid he is near the end of his life, so he wants to go to the great world!" Said intently.

In other words, even if the blood cricket is promoted, it will not benefit the Warcraft family ...

Although the life span is about to run out, you can go to the world of Qiankun by killing a few detached beasts, and it is normal to hunt and kill detached beasts if the power of refining the ordinary world increases the life span. Other World of Warcraft made other World of Warcraft mistakenly think that he could shelter the ice sheet and was used by him. This is what Xiangba cannot tolerate ...

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