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Vol 2 Chapter 821: Bet 1 throw

"It seems that we have won. According to the previous bet, after that, any race can continue to withdraw from the southern part of Enze Icefield. After all, this is your own choice, but ... any withdrawn race must not be returned, otherwise it will be regarded as Fight with the treasure elephants! "

After the baby saw the "test list", the results of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei had been shown to the 1001 level, and they said directly.

Because there is no test on the 1001 floor, it was immediately displayed on the "Trial List" after Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei entered.

Regardless of whether or not the blood sacrifice party admits "1001 level", only with the results of Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei before the 709th level, the Fox Car and the Ape have been stuck.

Seeing that time is running out, it is no longer possible for them to achieve grades above 709.

"Which is more than winning the bet? 1001 level, but more than 100 levels higher than some people's records!" Ms. Mo, while regretting that she did not really break the blood record, also started to talk about the 1001 level.

King Ape also said to himself: "Huh! What is 1001? Trial Mountain is only 1000. I think there is something wrong with this grade ... It can't be regarded as fulfilling the gambling contract, but next time ..."

The elephant baby doesn't care about him at all. If the ape is not round or the fox car has a higher score than Guan Liyuan before entering the 1001 floor, there is still room for both sides to pull the skin, but now ... elephant baby can announce the bet directly.

In this way, the tributary races of the three major races must consider whether they can really afford themselves after moving out of the south "permanently".

As for the enemy of Baoxiang? These vassal races obviously do not have such a strong imagination.

The original four strong clans in the southern part of the country even said that they did not want to leave at all ...

The thing that made King Ape want to vomit blood is that King Ape directly said that not only would the Ape tribe not urge the subsidiary races to leave the southern border and live up to the **** Enze, but also the several tribes of the ape tribe in the southern border. Come back within!

In addition to the Golden Ape King, the Ape family is the strongest among the King Ape King and the Stone Ape King. The King Ape has no ethnic group. The King Ape King is the Royal Ape King family, and is more familiar with ethnic management. If nothing unexpected, a few hundred apes in a few days. After Xiaoshan, it was the Ape King who represented the ape family.

Originally, the blood cricket was still very confident about the bet-after all, the soul beast was forcibly ripened, and the blood should be affected, and the **** human had just signed a contract with the soul beast.

However, the result ended with the great victory of the Baoxiang tribe. Not only did the Fox and Bear clan have no reason to oppose the resolution of the Baoxiang tribe, but the ape tribe who supported him directly opposed the water ...

Thinking of the end of my life, I forcibly promoted the pseudo-transcendent, and then entered the world of Qiankun. Absorbing the power of the world is the last way. It is no problem to live for hundreds of years. If you fail, you can only wait for death ... He didn't move, but actually secretly prepared himself.

Because the **** soul was injured in his early years and had a mental defect, Xueyue had no hope of being promoted to a pseudo-transcendent level. The only way he could think of was to make up for the defect by devouring the soul beast.

However, whether he is capturing the soul beast or preparing other auxiliary elixir, it is not something he can do alone. For example, the original wolf tribe. Although he can beat the opponent alone when he comes home, it is impossible to kill everything and it is easy to be killed. Run away from the soul beast, it will be difficult to find the other party later!

Moreover, once other tribes of the wolf know, they will certainly join forces to compete with them.

Therefore, Xueyi thought of a "good way", that is, to become the leader and hope of the Warcraft clan, and then try to leave the soul beast ...

The plan of the Blood Puppet was fairly smooth. At least three major clans supported him. The Wolf and Baoxiang clans initially recognized his status nominally. It was also easy to capture two adult souls and collect various auxiliary spirits. medicine.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, there was still a slight difference. Fortunately, there was a cub before the two soul-stealing beasts, and he still had a chance!

However, what happened after that gradually went beyond the grasp of Xueyu ...

At this point, the blood puppet had secretly made up his mind, waited for the soul beast to come out, swallowed the opponent directly, and then left immediately. He wanted to come out as soon as he suddenly broke out, even if the human presence in the world and the king of the elephant arrived immediately, it was too late to stop.

After he wanted to leave, it was impossible for the King of Elephants to stop it!

Then go back and swallow the auxiliary elixir, hide and promote, and then see if there is a chance to kill those who mess up with yourself ... Even if you do n’t have the chance, you can at least enter the "Qian Kun Great World" to continue your life!

As for the other things, the blood won't want to think about it any more-when he died, there was nothing left.

At this moment, I saw Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei's results suddenly returned to the 709 level on the "Probation List", which puzzled a lot of Warcraft and blood frowned. He was the last person to wish for other changes. , Just want to come out from the soul beast ...

Later, in the last few hours, Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei's performance evenly improved and even broke through the 900 level.

Although it's unpredictable, it seems that the record of the blood cricket that year was indeed broken ...

The blood maggots deliberately pretended to be desperate, and repeatedly questioned that the 1001 layer was tricky, so that the elder silver fox seemed to find out, but only the bottom of his eyes flashed a different color, and there was no sound!

After the time was up, the entire trial list became a masterpiece of gold, turned into a golden doorway, and the testers in the test of the mountain came out one after another ...

Because Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei had the highest scores, they appeared at the end. Just when Guan Liyuan came out and looked at the blood party, the blood cell took action!


I saw the blood puffer suddenly broke out, and the surrounding Golden Ape King did not have time to respond, and was overturned by the burst of blood gas. Next to Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, there were a few intermediate-level Warcraft participating in the trial, and even immersed in the joy of harvest Or, in the regret of poor performance in the trial, died in the aftermath of the blood puppet culling!

"Dangerous animal dare!" The presence of the sword was the first to react, and the sword rushed forward.

"The king is slow ..." The second response came from the elder silver fox, but he didn't move much, just a flash of white tail behind him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a few ghosts of tails, towards the blood. Sweeped it.

Silver Fox Illusion!

However, although the blood puppet is mentally flawed, it is not that Elder Silver Fox is at his disposal ... No, the illusion used by "Tail" can be trapped. It may take effect for a moment or may not take effect at all. Anyway, the elder Silver Fox just showed his attitude.

However, the human world, although understanding the power of the false world, is stronger than most of the top sacred beasts that "rely on talent", and even the sword has a record of a few days ago, but the blood cricket is not here Among the list, even if singled out, they can beat the sword.

In this way, Ba Dao has seen that he can't catch up. At most, after the blood puppet hits Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei, he can rush behind the blood puppet ...

The third lady, who responded, wanted to teleport, but the surrounding space had been suppressed by blood and blood, and it was too late to see ... Facing the little black with bloodemia, she finally reacted, and roared slightly, her front paws Step on, I don't know why the blood pupa had a shock!

Immediately, I saw a huge shell phantom, wrapping Xiaohei and Guan Liyuan, and besides the shell phantom, there was an unexplainable elephant-like phantom, facing the blood 狰 ...

That's right, it's after Xiangba's avatar knew about the blood sacrifice, and gave Xiaohei a drop of his bloodline just in case!

The blood veins left by the body of the idol are pinned to the highest strength of the sacred beast, and they are all attacking. It is impossible to kill the blood in a second, and the effect of delaying time will not be too good.

Even stronger idols are pinned, although idols can be made, but they will lose their permanent preservation.

And the elaborate elephant made a drop for Xiaohei, which is also the strength of the peak holy beast, but it is the bloodline sustenance for defense ...

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