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Vol 2 Chapter 822: Scuffle

Killed the blood puppets of Xiang Liyuan and Xiao Hei, who thought that their hands had been captured, but at this time, a puppet-shaped clam with a virtual shadow was blocked, but they were blocked!

Although he was rushed by the blood evil spirit, and the blood vein support of Xiangba was slightly shaken, he finally blocked the blood pupa ...

At the same time, the back of the sword has also been killed, even if the blood maggots have been transformed into blood maggots close to the level of the beast, do not dare to ignore the attack of the sword!

Human talents ... Even if it is a professional in this system, it is impossible to upgrade the body in disregard of the realm. Therefore, in the Warcraft and Abyss family, the super-level division, such as "lower holy beast", "median holy beast", " The "super holy beast" is based on pure strength.

However, the super four divisions of the human professional are closely adhered to the "basic environment", "light environment", "field environment" ... based on the realm of division.

Even if there are occasionally extremely powerful humans, they are only "comparable to" a higher order, and it is not the case that the body breaks through without advancement.

Therefore, starting from the super-light environment, humans are generally stronger than the Abyss and Warcraft, and they have reversed their previous weaknesses.

Of course, this is actually a statement of self-consolation-in fact, it is not that human beings are stronger, but because human beings cannot bypass the "state" and directly advance!

Like a blood-pumped body, it is close to a **** beast that has not absorbed the power of the world, but in fact, due to the deficiency of spiritual power, even the "pseudo-world power" has not been generated, and the state of reality is actually not as good as that of human world.

At this time, Miss Mo was also forced to teleport to Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei because of the guardianship of the avatar, forcing some blood to go away ...

The power of the world in the world is also called the power of the pseudoworld. The world is actually the process of transforming the power of the element and profession into the power of the pseudoworld.

If you can reach the peak of the world, in fact, there is almost no difference between "the power of the pseudo world" and "the power of the world"!

Just because this part of the "pseudo-world power" is actually a transformation of its own power, so it has no effect on improving life ...

In theory, professionals in the world are only about 300 years old, which is two or three times longer than ordinary people.

This is also the limit life of humans in this world. If you want to break the limit, you must absorb the power of the world from the outside world and simply transform your own power. It is just "rotten meat in the pot". You want to eat more full Add meat from the outside of the pan.

And the reason why Miss Mo is called "the realm of the realm of the realm" is called the quasi-world realm, because of her super-level skills, she has the ability to transform and store the power of the "false world"!

Although in terms of staying power, it is not comparable to the real world, but explosive power is no different.

I saw Miss Mo also had a knife in his hand at this time-the one that almost cut off Guan Liyuan!

At this time, the blood sacrifice two swords one behind the other, even if the blood sacrifice is not afraid, but it can only give up to break the defense of the soul beast ...


The blood roar snarled, and a thick mist of blood escaped from the blood veins of the whole body, which not only rendered the surrounding sea of ​​blood like a gaseous blood, but also itself became the core of the vortex in the sea of ​​blood.

No matter if Miss Mo combined the knife of space or the sword of war combined with the tactical killing knife, there was nothing to do with blood sacrifice, but after contacting the blood mist, the whole body's blood boiled, as if she was about to get out of control !!

And around the other intermediate-level Warcraft, some responded slowly and did not escape immediately, at this time they exploded in the blood mist and died ...

"Ah! Stop ..."

"Blood ... you ... dead!"

"Dead ... dead? The best offspring of my barbarian family are dead?"


You must know that all those who can participate in the Intermediate Inheritance Trial are the essence of the various Warcraft races ... so even in this case, only a quarter were killed. The other ones were smashed by the blood in the beginning. He was out of his attack range, and then quickly avoided it, without being affected by the blood mist ...

However, the mere involvement of more than 200 Warcraft was enough to provoke the anger of Warcraft present.

He just wanted to swallow the away soul beast as soon as possible, and then left immediately. He has given up his strategy of using other Warcraft at the beginning.

But now, because of the bloodline of the avatar, she has lost one step and lost!

Before being swallowed away from the soul beast, he was stopped by the existence of two forces that control the false world, but also fell into siege ...

Originally, it was the Baoxiang and Wolf wolves of the opposite side, not to mention, among the other big and strong tribes, even the Fox and Bear tribes also shot at them at this time.

After all, from the time he killed more than two hundred testers, he was destined to stand on the opposite side of a group of Warcraft ...

How many ethnic groups are involved in more than 200 Intermediate Warcraft? Should their suzerain be in their prime? Would their subordinates shake their flags?

Although other Warcrafts do not dare to approach at all, they are just far away from the "throwing skills". Even the babies, the gibbons, and the stone monkeys are still reluctant to enter the range of blood fog. The main combat power is Miss Mo and the sword, but ... … Under the accumulation of less and more, the energy clusters like blood cocoons wrapped around the blood pupa also trembled under countless attacks!

Even ... The Elder Silver Fox may feel that the blood puerpera is cold and directly command the fox clan, as well as some other groups that are good at spiritual attack, and join forces to launch a spiritual attack—the blood puerper has a mental defect! This makes it even worse ...

"Wait, wait ... King ... you all ..." King Ape is already stupid, and he doesn't understand how the blood maggots have such a faint move-the information is not equal, and the King Ape cannot guess the truth of the blood maggots. The intention ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is to renew his life!

And just then, a wide and magnificent golden avenue quickly paved from a distance ...

This seemingly familiar way of playing is obviously the arrival of the King of Elephants!

Guan Liyuan estimates that this should be some kind of shuttle space ability of the king of elephants, otherwise it would be unreasonable at this time.

Sure enough, at the end of the golden avenue at the edge of the sky, the King of Elephants, to a certain extent, violated the stance of near, far, and small, and rushed quickly ...

Just the golden avenue has been pierced into the blood mist, making the blood mist around the blood pupa more shocked.

"Abominable!" Xueyan was annoyed in his heart.

But I also knew that there was nothing to do, I had to stare at the blood-red eyes and glance at Xiao Hei, it seemed to be announcing that I would not miss the next time ... and then broke out!

At the beginning, the World of Warcraft still wanted to stop, but it only added to the blood mist. Even if the treasure elephant had arrived, he ran into the blood mist with absolute strength, making the blood crickets a little bit embarrassed, but the blood crickets wanted Go, they still can't stop ...

At this time, it can be clearly seen that the strength of the blood pupa should be slightly better than that of Baoxiang King, and Baoxiang King slightly beats the sword and the explosive Miss Mo, and then is the stone ape king and the tong arm ape king. Even the elder silver fox can only be counted in the next echelon because of the unhealed injuries, and the king of the golden monkeys ... has been stunned, not even shot.

If the blood pupa is "crazy", and all the people present and Warcraft are at no cost, the blood pupa can be killed here, but in fact the blood pupa has not gone completely crazy, after all, the "life span" is not the same. In the past two days, and after many "cannon fodder" were killed or injured, others were persuaded.

I can only see the blood splatter transforming into the blood shadow and breaking away ... [.]

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