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Vol 2 Chapter 823: Turn over and sing

"Well? That human being and the soulless beast want to see me? Is there anything that must be said to me ... Yes, after all, their experience in the trial of the mountain of God is obviously unusual, please come here!" Baoxiang Wang said.

At this time, a lot of Warcraft had just forced the blood to die, and it was just before the King of the Elephants that they soothed all the Warcraft ...

Although the blood sacrifice is alone, it is the strongest Warcraft now. If you really want to retaliate, even the strong tribe will hurt your muscles. If you are shameless, you will have a headache even for the five major tribes. .

The survival mode of Warcraft is destined that the various communities cannot be together forever, otherwise they will starve to death.

Therefore, under the leadership of the Baoxiang family, the World of Warcraft entered the state of preparation for war again, and kept in touch with each other to ensure that after the emergence of blood puppets, they could be immediately reinforced-don't forget that Warcraft also has transmission technology!

In addition, the races with more power will also take on the task of hunting blood crickets ...

Although other Warcrafts do n’t know the purpose of the blood sacrifice, but his desperate desperation has been qualitative. Now that means that the blood sacrifice has the potential to become a real beast, other Warcrafts will not trust him.

As for the three major races that were originally **** ...

The Elder Silver Fox was the most cunning, and at the critical moments he left out some relationships, and immediately said he would retreat from the second line. The Fox family will still be led by the Silver Fox King!

The silver foxes have always been foxes, and many of the fox kings are from the silver foxes, and now the silver foxes are still the strongest foxes ...

As mentioned before, the reason why the Elder Silver Fox is not the "Silver Fox King" is because he is not the Silver Fox Royal Family, but it is more suitable for commanding the Fox family regardless of strength and effort, so he acts in the name of "Elder Elder" The thing about the fox king.

Now, in order not to involve the fox clan, the elder has decisively announced that he is going to be locked up, and at the same time, the Silver Fox King is pushed out.

As for the bear clan ... The King of the Bears didn't come at all this time, and the Baoxiang clan will go to "blame" afterwards-yes, after the blood is desolate and the three major clan alliances are not there, the bog clan can "blame" the other Big family, not consultation.

I believe that the Bear King must also give a reasonable explanation afterwards, but because the Bear King had originally meant to draw a clear line from the blood, this is not a big problem.

And the Ape ... As a whole, this time is not in the ranks of "blame", the new Great Ape King Tong arm ape king has previously fallen to the Elephant family.

Only the golden-haired white-necked ape was cold with the blood pupa ...

Even if the king of elephants wants to keep the golden-haired white-necked ape family, otherwise, Sirius will definitely blast his hair on the spot, and humans will have opinions-after all, the golden ape and Xiao Hei have the vengeance of killing their fathers and their mothers, and Xiao Hei It is a contractual relationship with Guan Liyuan, and Guan Liyuan is an extraordinary seed with human beings ... 呸! Guan Liyuan is the extraordinary seed of mankind!

Therefore, the previous covenant will still be fulfilled. After that, the wolf and ape will enter the "dueling secret realm" of the Baoxiang tribe. This is a real secret when they die!

The only difference is that Baoxiang Wang specially emphasized that the two parties participated "voluntarily" ...

It is foreseeable that regardless of the wolf or ape, the golden-haired white-necked ape will be forced to participate "voluntarily". The wolf people are expected to participate, and the ape ... except the golden-haired white-necked ape, other races will not go at all.

And although the Warcraft tribe has been socially enhanced for nearly a thousand years, their blood is still there. At this point, even without persecution, the golden-haired white-necked ape has no face to evade war ... If they really evade the war, the wolf tribe will be in the secret place. Push their territory directly outside.

The gibbons and stone monkeys only met the Sirius alone, and after giving a lot of compensation, and even losing some of the territories of the golden-haired white-necked ape family, and asking for Sirius under the condition of extremely low attitude Sympathy ... The golden-haired white-necked ape, who has not yet reached adulthood and has nothing to do with the golden ape king, will not enter the mystery.

After all, as a new king of the apes, the simian king does not want the ape to really extinct one, especially the blood of the golden-haired white-necked ape is still the top of the ape.

In terms of the Canglang family, in addition to the Canglang King, there were also a few sporadic ones. Because they were not at the station at the time and fled, the Sirius agreed.

The treasure elephant clarified things on the side of Warcraft, and it took less than an hour, and at this time Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, also asked the elephant baby to communicate the important things to see the treasure elephant.

Guan Liyuan also confirmed to Ms. Mo and Mr. Dadaoda that Xiang Ba's spouse had said that the other party did not lie. Ms. Mo also knew the truth after she was promoted to the advanced level, and they both agreed to pass the message to the Baoxiang clan ... ...

No wonder Guan Liyuan is too cautious, after all, in Warcraft, he has just learned the lesson of blood.

And Guan Liyuan also understands that he is easily deceived by such a clean person!

For such a big event, of course, you should discuss it with Miss Mo and Mr. Da Dadao. Xiang Bapu has also said that you can selectively tell no more than two humans.

With the confirmation and opinions of Miss Mo and the Speaker of Ba Daoda, Guan Liyuan no longer had any worries and went directly to Xiaoxiang to see the King of Elephants.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Guan Liyuan first told the elephant king about the idol clone-he didn't come up and told him "your grandpa's clone became a geoduck."

The King of Elephants had no doubts about Guan Liyuan and Xiao Hei. After all, the reaction of the trial of Shenshan has explained everything ...

In addition, the various natural treasures needed by Xiangba's avatar are to be sent by the Xiang clan at the beginning of the senior inheritance trial, not to Xiaohei and Guan Liyuan, so there is no reason to lie to him.

The King of Elephants expressed his gratitude to Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei, promising that even in the future, Guan Liyuan and Xiaohei will be attacked by the blood sacrifice, and he will arrive immediately-as for how to notify him, that is the big speaker Things, depending on the attitude of the king of elephants, the Speakers definitely have the first way to contact them.

For Guan Liyuan, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief ...

There is a kind of practical action that proves that he is not a hindering way ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to "push the plot development" and "create conflicts" roles, the status of the actor has been strongly defended.

Otherwise, if you go to the opposite result—Guan Liyuan loses in the gamble, Warcraft moves north, and the northern border of Letu encounters the abyss siege. In order to prevent others from talking about Guan Liyuan gossip, she personally defends the Changling city to defend the abyss creatures, and finally under pressure Breaking through the world ... that's another story!

Although the threat of blood sacrifice is still present, the cooperation between Warcraft and human beings is closer. Guan Liyuan has avoided the possibility of entering some strange branch line and can prepare for a short trip to Naruto ...

At this time, Guan Liyuan couldn't think of it anyway. Just three days later, Penguin told him good news!

[Mr. Administrator, there is news that you might be interested in ... good news, but I'm not completely sure. It just looks like this ...]

Guan Liyuan was also interested when he heard that the penguin was so mysterious, so he couldn't help asking.

[Yes, judging from the extraordinary existence information collected so far, the power of the origin world ... is likely to be in other worlds as well. Although the quality of the power of the source world may be different depending on the rules, according to my deduction, after you become a supernatural being, the probability of being able to refine the power of the source world of other worlds is higher than 87%! 】

Guan Liyuan didn't speak for a long time ...

Think of the current situation of the abyss demons who have difficulty buying a house, and most of them can only rent a house; think of humans and Warcraft, because they have the property rights of land and ice fields in their hands, they can be peaceful for thousands of years; Homestead ...

Guan Liyuan, who had suspected that he was not the protagonist before, could not help getting his eyes wet!

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